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[NA] LFG PvE/WvW/etc


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My oldest toon just reached 8 years of age the other day, and I've spent the majority of that time outside of a guild.I took up playing again early this year after a few years unable to run GW2 due to limited data usage.

I'm no pro and I have a LOT to learn. I'm still figuring out how to outfit my toons with the best builds and gear (that I prefer), and it's all slowly coming together, but I'm going to continue to make mistakes.

I'm familiar with most of the dungeons.Strike missions are still new to me - I don't dish out enough dps to feel confident in trying them.My WvW rank is only 77 as I only play casually. Usually around 1-2 hours in a sitting.PvP is no for me. Again, I'm not confident enough to give it a go.I'm still pretty new with fractals. I haven't finished the first 1-25 initiates.

I LOVE helping other people with dungeons, champs/bounties, etc. A lot of the time I'm left wondering what I should do next (or what I'm currently working on is overwhelming and I need a good distraction) and hopping in to help where/when I can is always fun.

I'm on daily, but I do have some personal problems that might keep me away for a month or so at a time. It really depends. So I need a guild that isn't going to give me the boot if I'm gone for a few weeks. If I feel like I won't be back for an extended period of time, I would remove myself to make room.

I don't like discord. Having it available is great, but it CAN'T be a requirement."You don't have to talk, you could just listen" - that's actually the part that I can't stand. I DO NOT like listening to other people talk over my game.If it's a small group of people, maybe.

Representing a guild is no problem. I'd like to stick to just one, anyway.

So, my requirements:

YES:PvE/open world eventsWvW gameplayFractals/RaidsPatience*ACTIVE guild (I'm talking dozens, not just a handful)

NO:Discord enforcedVulgar language (anything that would go against GW2 TOS)*Mandatory event attendance (if I'm not in the mood, I'm not in the mood)

...Seems pretty straightforward, yeah?Think anyone can help me find my new guild? c:

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Hello Panda! You are more than welcome to Join HELL. We have old and new players, mostly WvW but we have pve players too! Just send me a mail message in the game and I can send you an invite! ( I don't go on the forums much ). No Discord requirements and we are pretty chill, I don't kick people for not playing, I give them a " Valhalla" tag, ehehe

El Crum.2387

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Hey, if you're interested in a WvW guild, I'm part of a guild called Might and Smarts [MAS] on Anvil Rock. We're a solid and experienced WvW-focused guild looking for friendly, 18+ competitive players who enjoy working as part of a coordinated fight team in a non-toxic, no drama guild. Our community of player friends has been in existence for 7 years. We offer training, support and opportunities for some serious fun. If you're interested, please check us out at https://mas4eva.enjin.com/ or reach out to Ashara#8159 or PRE#9350 on Discord.

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