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Posts posted by Murdock.6547

  1. I always took a rather hot take for raiding being for the sweaty vs the casuls.In that I feel both sides are fantastically stupid most of the time.

    Calling a fight like VG or Cairn hard or demanding 100+ KP for a join is idiotic beyond idiotic (3-5 kills is acceptable imo if you want "clean clears" so badly). Asking for raid KP to join in on a pug group for a strike mission is ALSO beyond stupid (I'm just hearing about that, I've yet to see a group like that). But what's more idiotic is being angry that there's something to challenge players to improve. It's not inaccessible because Anet want to enable snot nosed children the ability to look down on the "plebians". It's hard because it's supposed to push you (and ideally your friends and guild) to improve your knowledge, mechanics, and game sense. Raids, on paper, are a healthy thing for this game... but in practice have torn a rift between people who feel alienated for no real reason and those who want to spit on anyone they deem lesser.As a wise man once said "Is only game. Why you have to be mad?"

    But that's old bitterness. I no longer really care. If anything I'd goad the two sides with popcorn and marshmallows, but I'd probably get reported for inciting flame wars lol.

  2. Again, off topic. This post is me trying to learn what's being played frequently and what sort of comps are being run. I didn't ask for balance complaints.And please don't just link Snowcrows or metabattle or whatever other website. I've already done that, but I'll tell you now I've yet to see some of these builds running around since my time back. If you'd like to include casual builds, comfort builds, or even just changes to sigils and runes that have happened over the time I've been gone, I welcome that.

    Please don't continue derailing, though.

  3. First of all, friend. Thank you for giving me these formulae and methodologies to use to theorycraft healers and offhealers(and some dps builds that happen to have healing and barriers in them by happenstance).

    I'm someone who experiments a lot but I often just feel things out and only do basic math, often with little idea of how effective things might be until I field test them with friends in a fractal, raid, or dungeon. This info will save me some time and gold. And would have saved my friends from the dreaded healer thief I bumbled awkwardly at them. But I feel that even THAT catastrophe might have been doable if I had calculated the value of each healing skill instead of just "hm. this make green number go brr. I press."

    Second of all, please don't let the haters tell you otherwise: But this information is highly valuable. Maybe not to the average joe schmoe who's going to 111 his way through another AV farm, and maybe not even to the average raider. But I'm sure speed-runners would love to make use of stuff like this (If they aren't already!)So let me just say again very overly dramatically:

    Thank you for doing what you can to share knowledge with us.

  4. @Shadowmoon.7986 said:

    @"Murdock.6547" said:...


    So first of all, it's very interesting to just blatantly call the devs incompetent. My grounds for saying this is that reaper was at one point the only elite specialization necromancer had. And while I do think it was odd that the best version of reaper was the condi variant, it was completely fine to allow the reaper tree to benefit both power and condi. Much like other trees for professions will heavily enable a certain playstyle, but still have decent traits for other styles. The problem at the time was that necromancer had absolutely no % damage modifiers. And then shortly after the condi playstyle was nerfed, they add some % damage + traits.Your mindset of "It's Anet's fault" is really troublesome because it sounds like you're frustrated. Possibly burned out. Maybe take a short break? It did wonders for me.

    Also, this thread is simply asking how the meta has changed. I'd rather keep it on that topic.

  5. @"Vayne.8563" said:I remember back in the days when rangers and necros weren't allowed by some in dungeon runs, even though a good ranger with spotter and spirts was worth their weight. It's just that many people saw ranger and thought bear/bow.

    Oh god don't remind me. Back when necromancer players were the black sheep with "no damage, utility, or good cc."changes to condi helped that a lot, at least.

  6. When I stopped playing (around the time the path of fire living world started up), power reaper was just barely starting to be accepted into groups (often begrudgingly). I heard from a few sources that now reapers are accepted by most groups. When I stopped, I was just starting to experiment with an alacrity stacking renegade build (with a fair amount of might gen) and now I see that alac-rens requested in groups!What else has changed? Is quick-tank firebrand a thing? Healer FB? What about thief and deadeye? Is condi thief still whacky in its own goofy way? Did they nerf how venoms share?I used to think the gw2 meta would stagnate due to ignorance from certain groups, and a "if it ain't broke" mentality from others. But clearly, I'm wrong. And I'm definitely not mad about that!

  7. Let me save you some headache from what I've experienced in the past:If someone wants Li / KP for a training run they're nuts. Ignore that party. If nobody is hosting a training run, go to youtube or something similar, learn the basic mechanics, and set up your own training party.It's iirc 300g for a commander tag? Which is really expensive for many, but it means you're the boss. You are the boss. You can host anything you want, in any way you want and nobody can stop you. 300g grind, at least in my opinion, is a lot easier than the ascended grind. Or at least your first ascended grind. For me it's been years, and I know they added a lot more ways to do it, so maybe it's not as bad?

    But either way! The main thing to take from my post is: If you think the groups are unfair, stupid, or just outright unreasonable make your own. (a lot of the time, you're factually correct and the group in question is banana brains wanting ez clears and willing to wait hours to get them)

  8. Years. Easily years. Since the PoF release, I believe? Maybe a single living world chapter after that.But it's been years since I last played. What have I missed? Any new gearsets? What's the state of the meta?... Have people stopped fighting about entitlement vs elitism in raid?

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