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Posts posted by cek.5478

  1. Stop saying "the population is low". Yes it is because matchmaking is terrible! Nobody wanna play pvp anymore..


    If you are a good player and winning a couple games, anets mm punishing you with terrible players. And they are thinking this is a balance.. No it is not! It is so frustrating when you winning all your fights, kiting 2 players, doing everything right but keep losing games! And those annoying "who cares, just a game calm bro, cry me more, afk" noob players!


    If you are a newbie or average/below average player, anet using you as a punishment on good players. Many of them getting angry and yelling/shouting at you. You keep losing games and getting frustrating about toxic chats.


    So how pvp can survive. Definetly mm needs rework! Do you remember old "goods are good, bads are bad" season? That was a nice one. Reroll to it and do some adjustments.


    You need to create teams from Winner and Loser players.  Dont mix them! Let the winners fight eachother, same as losers too. Disallow duo and rerolling. Remove daily from ranked arena. When complete all, everything is gonna be alright. Otherwise nothings gonna change, you can keep removing some sigils or amulets, reworking class skills etc. all are useless.

  2. You guys are kidding right? Chrono meta is nothing if you gonna compare with this one.


    Chrono meta : Yes it was unkillable kind but it was only chrono and almost every single team has a chrono in their teams.

    Scourge meta : Was broken because of scrouge barriers.

    Current meta : Every single OP and kittenous classes has that barrier thing now. Vindicator, Bladesworn, Specter, Mecha, Weaver, Catalyst etc + most broken and easy gameplay mode core support guard.


    Current meta is the worst one, i never ever seen such a kittenous gameplay like this. Barrier shouldnt be exist in PvP!!

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 3
  3. Okay but first, create a balance, code a proper matchmaking, bring back team ques then we can talk about toxic or "i'm done, afk" players. If anet can fix all things and playets are still being toxic or idle ban them all instantly, forever.


    Nobody has to waste time for a already lost game. Or nobody has to accept useless classes in ranked pvp just for your amusement.

    • Like 1
  4. Do you really playing this game? Or even close to gold rank? I dont think so.. What u gonna do against cancerous rev, fb and core necro tank-condi spams? Or you think everybody should play with those classes and builds? Spam all and disengage wait them die somewhere...Downstate is not even the latest thing on list about "fixing pvp". There are too many broken mechanics, classes, builds, skills.

  5. Pvp is not a source for $ u know. Anet never focused to pvp or wvw. Aspecially pvp has very few players and most of them playing it only for dailies or achis. GW2 community is kind of ultra casual untalented players. They likes playing easy things, stories and fashion. And Anet did a huge mistake about marging pvp wvw and pve things. like armor, traits, weapons, sigils. So, this is it. Could be bad but never gonna be better.

  6. Everybody talking about condi thief but the real problem is revenant to me.. OP on every single game mode and actually i never seen such an op class like this ever. This is for pvp lets see what they have.

    Evades, Blocks, Blinds, Insane condi spamming, endless CCs (immoblize, slow, knockdown, knockback etc..), they gaining fury and might without doing anything and sharing it like a joke. Every single revenant playing with 25 mights, fury, resistance and protection with heavy armor. Worst april fool joke!

    A true solution remove Herald! But anet never gonna do that for new care baby, golden child whatever. So what can be done. I suggest remove might from dragon stance and add a thing like necro carapice. If its gonna be unlimited stack, make it 1 power each. if limited with 25 make it 3 power each and remove sharing.

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