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Posts posted by Ben.2160

  1. Soulbeast here. Not an exploit at all. With a power build, sic em, quickening zephyr and one Wolf pack a (full hit) rapid fire will dismount and kill/eat a lot of hp on most builds. A longbow ranger is a hard counter to warclaw, keep aware of your surroundings, don't blow your dodges until RF is used and try to use terrain to your advantage.

  2. Dodge, LOS, reflect is your friend. I run a Zerker Power Soulbeast. Pure power, 100% crit chance in combat with fury. I use LB and GS. To get this much power I've gave up all my defences, apart from GS 4 I've nothing. But I think it's a fair trade off. Hit me but a few times and I am dead. Now my desired burst is simple, LB 4 followed by LB 2. If LB 4 hits and full LB 2 along with sic 'em and one wolf pack... You're pretty much dead. But it's up to you to dodge this rather obvious attack/burst. And get on me where I will switch to GS which has obvious attacks. GS 2 you've a great big bear leaping over you and GS 4 my block I will hold the sword in front of me. Or I use GS 3 and bird F1 to run and try another LB 4 and LB 2 preceded by LB 3.

    It's a one trick pony build, easy to anticipate and work around. But highly effective if somebody doesn't know this build or is not looking when I burst them. It's also good at clearing camps and ruining those trying to run away on warclaws day.

    I've fought druids and sustain soulbeasts that never drop below 60% to even my full bursts. Though they hit like wet noodles, even against my zerker stats.

  3. Some of the worst players I've encountered were Diamond rank. Diamond Legend top of the top being some of the worst of all?I'm Rank 895/Silver Soldier.

    Rank means nothing. As mentioned it's probably high levels on alt accounts, PvP champs that've popped over to WvW.Though this is awkward as several will argue you shouldn't 'pick on' under Bronze ranks.

  4. Not going to deny, I will run/avoid certain people for several reasons.

    They are in a known Gank/cheese guild for example systematic abuse (SA)- avoid these guys much as possible.Somebody I've lost to already several times.If I will be outnumbered. Was called a p*ssy and scared to be ganked by A WSR player for not engaging in a 1v8...When I was new to WvW I would always try to avoid other players. Noticed a 50/50 chance of being ignored or being set upon as an easy bag.If my build is countered by another I will avoid a fight.If I'm running a different class/build I will practice first on camps/NPC's first before moving up to other players.

    Though if set upon I will stand and fight. I may lose or win. I will also enter 1v1's if roaming or taking a camp.

  5. @aleron.1438 said:It's like most of you are forgetting how inefficient that type of perma steathing is AND was!How many kills per minute did the DE in the desert keep do? Be honest. Not just downing people but actually finishing em off/stomp. 1 per minute? 1 in 3min? That's inefficient as hell. Any true roamer or zerger will know of dozen specs that can kill more efficiently than that.

    ROFL! Are you serious? Perma Stealth dead eyes were very capable of downing and finishing an opponent without ever leaving stealth. In the past on multiple builds and classes I would be victim to these players. Literally Bam! What the look around who? What Where? Finished! By a ghost?! Wait ten seconds Oh no there's the dead eye on the horizon off to find his next victim. Regarding the tower - Yes, in hindsight I should of used a target painter or maybe the two others searching the tower (forgot at the time). It wasn't the kills that were the issue with the DE. More that A-net in their infinite wisdom gave thief portals. So if we left. He'd just portal his pals in nice and easy tower cap. No supply/siege wasted. Any good commander after flipping a keep or killing invaders that breached inner would give a call out to check for mesmers and thieves for this exact reason. And yes, this tactic whilst sneaky has worked in my favour a few times - thief portals should never of been implemented.

    Oh and this DE, I did catch him many times outside of the tower with LB4 and RF on many occasions before hand. In the tower though he'd learnt to counter better. He also had a troll like name but not allowed to reveal on here. Unlike him I wasn't sticking to one part of one borderland either. I had better things to do. Besides his over confidence always back fired on him.

    Oh and I see your a DE yourself. Care to give feedback on why plentiful evades and high mobility aren't enough for your class?

    p.s I have a dead eye myself. Never use her in WvW.

  6. Stealth sure does need a good looking at. We had a perma-stealth rifle deadeye lurking in our tower (SE desert). Literally he'd vanish to reappear for about 0.1 of a second halfway around the tower. He'd hide in out of LOS spots just to re-stealth when any got close. He would wait till someone was alone out of stealth, pew pew for half there health to instantly vanish and reappear a fair distance away for the second shot to down them. Straight back to stealth to stomp. I was on my ranger, I could not reveal him with sic em as he simply used his elite skill to loose it and off he'd go again. and again and again. In the end he got over confident when some of his server mates destroyed the wall and we got him. I've seen him many times. He always stuck to the south Desert, always abusing stealth to attack people. Only he'd tend to slip up with over confidence. Ie go for a stealth stomp with an ally reaper using death shroud to cleave atop their downed ally.

    Sorry, this type of build is without argument the most obnoxious, most annoying, most pathetic build imaginable! Least since the patch the one shot capability of this build has gone but it simply should not exist. Near perma stealth, very high mobility, a strong burst it's just frustrating. Least this build is now not so prevalent as it once was. I remember the time the perma-stealth dead eye was everywhere (shudder). Thing is I've faced many thieves since the patch many of whom running daredevil or core. Who don't abuse stealth. Now these have been more interesting and fair fights. I even managed to get a few high level systematic abuse players on their thieves, which I consider a very good achievement. When fighting I want to be able to see my opponent, not having to look around constantly when they vanish into thin air or click on them when they do reappear. Is deadeye/stealth the only broken build/mechanic? No. But the ability to spam it constantly to almost no counter play is the issue. Especially when thieves already have plenty of evades and escapes options to aid them in a fight. Stealth should be of limited use(non combat, outside of enemy towers/keeps) and sparingly as a panic button in combat.

  7. Well with the Weaver I did ignore him. Just proved myself through actions. Saving him from being finished a few times mainly. But yeah the camp one was a right nasty one. Thing is I'm on a zerker Longbow Ranger. Super squishy and very reliant on my skills to hit. The south camps are bugged as you know with invisible obstructs combined with knowing I'd already lost badly to the enemies in there and with lag thrown in. I knew I wouldn't win alone, especially in there. A Mirage at my side, we could of stood a chance but he literally poked them then ran up at me hurling abuse. And he then ran away from them leaving me to be pounced upon... But yeah not to badly effected, just more perplexed really. As usually you expect salt from the enemy, not your supposed allies.

  8. As the title says. I've not received any salty whispers from the enemy for probably over a year now. Been corpse jumped on occasionally that's it. I play daily, though it can vary from ten minutes to a few hours. But in that time I've received more salty whispers from my own server.

    I had one guy whisper me twice in rapid succession LMAO. You're useless! He was a weaver who every single time I saw him he was downed by his opponent. I even saved him from being finished at one point - I blocked him so not sure if tried to whisper any further. But I had done nothing to earn his spite? Apart from not being able to res him in the keep we was defending because we was outnumbered 20 to 1?

    Today - Spawn SW alpine camp. Three enemies in there, I was on my own atop the hill above the camp (not spawn side) waiting to see if anybody would show up to defend. I already lost to the three enemies moments ago so knew I couldn't be able to defeat them alone. A mirage pops up from spawn side. Attacks them briefly. Runs towards me, I was just about to run in to help when he sends a whisper. COME ON! Then another Are you a bot or something?! Of course I was about to reply which meant I took my eyes off the three enemies players who had capped the camp and were on me I of course died another whisper This community sucks! I just told him to get lost. He replied get good I go to reply to find the mouthy coward had blocked me! WTF?! You mouth off and are to cowardly to let me reply! I've never even seen the player before, so no reason to have earned his spite? Reported him though in the end as he sent one final whisper in capitals before I blocked him back calling me ****ING TRASH - lovely.

    Seriously I'm not massively affected by it but its a game and why people have the need to mouth off without a truly good reason, especially when they are on your own team! It does act as an distraction though, as I think over and over to myself why did they get like that?! I'm on FOW, so stuck with Gankdara (don't really like them at all quite toxic on there - we always get lumbered with them on FOW) at present. Before with Riverside it was a lot nicer. A bit hard to understand at times. But I would received several whispers from German players - all friendly, even in chat they were happy to welcome us when we first linked.

  9. Well I like Warclaw and want it to stay. Whilst the lower movement speed has it's drawbacks it also improves balance on both sides.

    Taking a camp/tower, killed a player? No longer can said enemies run back from spawn/WP to the camp/tower your trying to cap before you capture.
    No longer can mounted enemies catch you up if they are out of lance range. Less chance of being ganked on enemy territory.Non mounted/new players can now keep up with mounted players. No longer will they feel left out or quit. Less players old AND new = bad for mode.

    Yes it's slower, running to the tower your team are about to cap just to miss out? Well if you didn't participate in capturing then you don't really deserve the EXP points anyway. If you were involved but died and try to run back you'll still get points so no issue there.

    Overall better for all without resorting to the extreme some wish of complete removal (which won't happen).

  10. Not to sure really.

    Positive - Less one shot power builds. Mounts slower/same speed. Easier to get away if out of lance range/longer for enemy to arrive. Mountless players can keep up now.

    Negative - Condi bunkers with less power fights are longer. Seems to of caused an Thief explosion. They are everywhere at present and of every build imaginable! Can get some, others just perma evade or stealth. Mount nerfed one less dodge = lanced easier and set upon by the many thieves prowling about. Caused formations of great Blobs that are unstoppable with out equal numbers to face them. Lag still a major issue.

    Maybe wait a week or so for the novelty to wear off and see how it goes. It's better for sure, but still things need to be looked at. Thieves and stealth are one thing that are really making the game unenjoyable for me. Stealth and mobility (in stealth) needs to be looked at especially.

  11. The thing about thief is if it's set up and played well it is a horrifically obnoxious class to fight. near constant stealth (constantly having to click on them or look around thinking where the kitten are they?!) , high mobility, dps and evades (daredevil staff).

    Whilst other builds can be a mixed bag. Ranger for example, out of most I meet I can kill them or they end up running away. Only the odd one is a real threat. Same with warriors, you meet the odd one with the invulnerable shoes of the Nike. And so on for other professions. But thief... I just turn away if I see one now, I'm not going to be a loot bag for an invisible one shot wonder or perma evade ninja.

    What is worse than fighting a thief you ask? Fighting two thiefs!

  12. Thief due to the dodges, stealth and evades. Deadeye - 90% of the time you can't(or don't) even see them. Staff daredevil - Evade! Evade! Evade! Stop trying to hit me and hit me fool! Evade! Evade.... You can't run, you might be able to hide if your lucky, if you can defend yourself they will run away instead. Only if they get overconfident or slip up can you get them.

  13. I think many people do like fights. The issue is they don't want or care if it's a fair or challenging fight.

    I've lost interest in the mode for many reasons. And only come in do to wood chests or dailies.

    Most fights are either outnumbered us v them or vice versa. Result - bigger group wins unless the bigger group is reallyunorganised. Equal numbers is a mixed bag.


    OP/broken/cheese gank builds either on own, twos or three's. Perma stealth Deadeye, evade staff daredevil, lol which one is the real me? Mesmer,invul...block...0... invuln warriors, pew pew from afar soulbeasts, constant barrier weaver and so on.

    Now I do like to run behind enemy lines and take camps. But lately on my travels All I encounter 99% these days are these Op builds that are just apain to fight and almost impossible to beat. It's just unfun. But so is mindlessly running around in a zerg. The mode is just not fun or rewarding enoughfor me any more.

  14. Hard to say really. I've owned the game since 2015 but only really got into WvW since the Warclaw came out. I'm mainly a PVE player but would say I'm more of a 'casual' Vet. I know how to play the maps, take objectives, siege placement spots etc. I know my weaknesses. Namely I'm terrible at 1V1's. I tend to panic or in the heat of the action hit the wrong button. However with a group or on my owning capping camps/sentries I shine. Unless a defender shows up and then I get the 1v1 issue crop up. I don't always lose but probably lose 8 in 10 fights.

    Weirdly the worst veterans have got to be the Diamond ranks. Top of the top in ranking yet I've noticed they tend to go down quickly. I once had a 1v1 with a diamond legend. Top of the top. I was expecting to get kicked to the moon but I won quite easily in fact. Like me, they got to their rank through capping objectives/k-training.

  15. @"Threather.9354" said:Let me summarize the weaknesses of Piken:

    • They play points with bad time distribution, meaning their night and morningcrew is inefficient and lacks numbers.
    • Widespread attitude on server is that builds don't matter for how much fun you have for WvW because they dislike elitism. But good builds are still necessary for having fun winning and being efficient in both capping and fighting. This attitude goes to extent where every build discussion leads into "Builds don't matter, just play whatever class you have fun with".
    • Their veteran and popular commanders basically abandoned the server and then quit the game because they disliked playing on other servers
    • Their scouts play on different timezones (OCE) as their commanders (EU)
    • They have bad guild manipulating primetime, 4-5 hours a day everyday. Basically the reason this guild is bad is because they lead open on external voice comms and closed squads where only their guild members are allowed. Basically they raid with the style most NA guilds raid with where you exclude players, even those willing to follow you and join voice comms, difference is that other EU guilds don't allow pugs to follow them and go EB when they're running closed squad+discord. Their commander has lost all faith in humanity which makes him unfit to be a leader.
    • They are not strong enough to take, reset or hold their home border/Stonemist castle, which are both essential to winning/not losing matchups.

    If the server is full, they simply have lot of players. This doesn't mean the players are good, on same map or accomplish anything.

    As an FOW player who has been linked with Piken before this sounds about right. Quite a casual server, not that much toxicity in the chat. But the few guilds that do raid/zerg are very tight knitted and arrogant to be honest. One guild raid bumped into an enemy guild raid of same numbers., they gloated in chat that they would wipe the other enemy guild. I watched from afar as other guild group rolled over them in about twenty seconds... Also I followed a guild raid with plenty of PUG's tagging along as well. One of the guild players was actually quite friendly towards me in whispers. Invited me into their unfull squad just to kicked by the commander ten seconds later. They do seem to struggle against equal numbers. They couldn't get through a keep being defending by the same numbers. Overall just a casual server that feels disorganised and ineffective at winning against equal numbers. Shame, as the casual attitude is not all that bad, better than toxicity that's for sure.

  16. I currently have 18 Charrs, 1 of each gender and 2 in each profession. I try to use roman/latin/greek names.

    Tiberius Darkmane : Male Warrior Spellbreaker. First character. Like the Roman name Tiberius. Darkmane named after his black mane.Zira SImbaslayer : Female Warrior Spellbreaker. Lion king 2 reference.Requiem Mistfire : Male Revenant Herald. Requiem as in the remembrance service.Malice Mistfire: Female Revenant Renegade. Big and angry looking. Both Mistfire after the mists/mistfire Wolf.Curatrix Standfast: Male Guardian Firebrand. Stands his ground.Karina Softheart: Female Guardian Dragonhunter. Big softy, big eyes, pink armour.Brutus Gunfire: Male Engineer Scrapper. Brutus is Latin for heavy so his name is 'heavy gunfire'. Very suitable for a iron legion charr.Jacinta Supernova: Female engineer Holosmith. Likes explosives.Seneca Wiseshot: Male Ranger Soulbeast. Old and 'wise' appearance.Elixia Fireheart: Female ranger Soulbeast. Small and scrawny looking but tries her best.Tenebris Sneakthief: Male Thief Daredevil.Tenebra Shadowcreep: Female Thief. Deadeye. Creeps about a lot.Mortem Deathclaw: Male Necromancer.Nox Souldark: Female Necromancer.Ignatius Pyrecaster: Male Elementalist. Specialises in fire, but hates the flame legion and being associated with them.Electra Fangdazzle: Female Elementalist. Air element, often uses daggers 'fangs'.Mystico Foolstrike: Male Mesmer.Mystica Foolstrike: Female Mesmer. Both foolstrike to refer to the clones and striking the wrong person.

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