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Squee Squashington.5189

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Posts posted by Squee Squashington.5189

  1. 20 minutes ago, soleil thia.4375 said:

    Got the same in Skywatch Archipelago, no issues on other characters whatsoever. 

    Same here. Was just flying around the center of the map near the big spire and it crashed. Can't even get past the loading screen to TP the character out. Brought 2 other characters there to test and do some skyscale stuff, but no issues with that.

  2. 6 hours ago, peperoncino.2516 said:

    as ele, you have less overall weapons than other classes, third of those weapons for some reason are only good for condi damage (scepter, focus), while other third is outdated to all hell (staff, dagger). yep. if you want to run somewhat of an efficent power build, then you better absolutely adore playing sword/horn. can do oh dagger too ig.

    This was kind of a relief to read. The weapons from elite specs do feel more in line with how other classes' weapons perform. Where as the core weapons seems to underperform when building for power.

    Thanks all in all for the feedback.

  3. For context, I've had everything at 80 (besides necro) and have been trying to figure out how ele (my most recent end game class) gets value out of a power build (zerker, marauder, dragon, soldier, etc.) I was able to build for support and condi without too much trouble because like other classes you put on the condi gear, spec into the condi traits, and most of it just falls into place.

    So I get that thematically, ele is a mage. You have one of (if not the lowest) stat values for both vitality and toughness in the game. As a mesmer main I get it. But as ele, you don't have access to stealth, you don't have distortion or much in the way of evades, even teleport is a shorter range than blink which between that and the available weapon designs, most of your builds options have you stuck in melee. So while this may seem like a rant, i'm moreso trying to figure out what the trade off is.

    1.) What does ele bring to the table defensively? How does one stay alive? Lol. There's 2 utilities I've been using (one gives ~5k barrier, the other is tempest that gives a decent amount of protection) but aside from that it doesn't feel like much. There's weapon skills in earth attunement that give invul or reflect, but often enough by the time you've swapped stance and activated the skill, most of the burst has gone off. And on top of that, now you're stuck in earth stance for a few seconds where your power-focused gear is essentially meaningless. I've tried looking for options in water, while there's some decent option for condi cleansing, frost aura is a weaker/often shorter version of protection, and with the exception of hammer 4, most of the healing abilities seem to scale poorly in power-centric gear.

    2.) "The best defense is a good offense." as the old saying goes, and is what you'd expect from a build that sacrifices innate survivability. Thief runs into similar issues and has similar criticisms of "being hard to stay alive" by new players. But stealth attacks help you burst a target down before survivability becomes and issue. Even in builds that aren't focused on stealth, you can typically dump initiative to burst a target down. Even on mesmer, you have phantasms tied to every weapon set dishing out 3k+ damage before ferocity and a mind wrack (or variant) doing about the same every 10-12 seconds.

    2b.) So where does ele get its damage from? Fire stance has some strong spells, but many times it feels like the value you get from power, precision and ferocity is capped as to not overperform since there is a baseline burning that is applied. It reminds me of Guardian where a lot of your attacks will apply burning and your dps will benefit if you're attacking a burning target, but the burning itself was very little damage and your "white damage" would gain the full benefit of your power stats. With ele it almost feels like they're trying to pigeon-hole you into playing cele/vipers.

    The next logical option would be swapping into air, but with maybe 1-2 exceptions most of the air attunement skills can't even compete with phantasms or stealth attacks or any other class's "big damage skills." While I can appreciate that 1 stack of blind or a few seconds of shocking aura are not worthless, the damage feels so low that it almost seems better to just go into earth and let the baseline bleeding do all the damage.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    go play WoW

    Funnily enough, I almost wrote WoW and FFXIV are 2 of the most (if not the most) successful MMORPG's on the market. And their target audience IS the casual player. Development teams have *tried* catering to the sweaty grind-loving "hardcore" players, and games like that, Wildstar, Rift, etc. end up shooting themselves in the foot.

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  5. Found this kinda misleading since the core game to me is "vanilla" or everything pre-HoT.

    They have to keep up with bug fixes/server stability regardless so pretty much anything else you listed would get new content from a new expansion/LS. I wouldn't say there's much in the "core game" that would benefit remarkably by being overhauled at this point.

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  6. Got a Guardian and Mesmer to 80 in the last month or so and progressed them both through the HoT storyline. BOTH had repeated issues with crashing in Bitter Harvest and Hearts and minds near cinematics or the helix portion of the intances. Turned graphics all the way down to best performance since that's what I had to do to get my engineer through it.. >.> No issues with any cinematics prior to this point and I can jump around the helix in open world all day without crashing.

  7. Easy for ranged, cancer for melee. I figured that out early but was stuck as Scrapper without being able to swap weapons let alone spec. So not only was it gimmicky mechanics that aren't melee friendly but he was also getting dozens of might stacks in the process. Basically forces checkpoint zerging if you're not terribly skilled at timing CC's. Interesting concept overall but poor design.

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