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Posts posted by Mae.1729

  1. It does not matter if the 0 cooldown was a bug to begin with because it resulted to improve the game extremly without breaking it. And that makes it FULLY in line with all of the QoL stuff Anet is spoiling us with.  I did play enough other games I highly appreciate ANet's usual approach to QoL. They are aware of their customers and perfectly fill a niche for players who don't want or cannot afford the time to grind endlessly. On the other side ANet's still leaving it up to the players how they want to approach the game.

    Some people seem to miss the point. Noone here is crying about the change because they depend on those 10 second boons burst. All we want to voice is that this accidential thing turned out to be a great improvement for the game and we want it back. It's a powerful boost while being limited enough in it's nature to not break the game.

    People say it let's you bypass mechanics easier. Yes, true. But so are dodges, mounts etc. And that is the reason why the protocols as they were have been perfectly in line with all the other stuff ANet goes for.

    Another thing. I read a lot of people defending breaking the protocols saying that it's a bug and that they are not needed. This is not the point. Could you guys instead argue why they are a problem? How are they breaking the game? As I said, GW2 is a very diffrent game to pretty much everything else on the market. There's a reason that it can hold it's place among all the competition.

    • Like 11
  2. OK,  a few more thoughts...

    I read a couple of times that people were asking for "compromise" to put it on 20-30s internal cooldown instead. And here I absolutly disagree. The design (how it was before) is great. Besides the permanent boons (which are similar to food) all the protocols give is a short burst of boons when entering combat. Once in intense combat you do not get another burst unless you actively move out. That again costs time and therefore damage. It's not worth it.
    So literally all the protocols do is to help you in open world on short fights when you are alone and in group contents where all you have to do is to kill some random adds. Those rather boring events get speed up, so us players can get to the juicy encounters. 😉
    Yes, I absolutly have Dragon's End Meta in mind. Once done with all the pre-events you get to fight the huge cinematic encounter. It's a great example how the protocols help you with the mostly boring prevents and barely matter during the huge final fight when you are in perm combat. Absolutly great even after more than 2 years.

    Soooo,... I try to come up with logical reasons for breaking the protocols and I can't find any.
    1) Were there unfair benefits toward players who didn't bother to grab them? No, they chose not to grab them. They chose not to interact with a great expansion mechanic. It's a bit like not unlocking certain mounts and then complaining they can't catch up with the rest.
    2) Were the overcharges unfair towards players who don't own EoD? No, this should an incentive to get EoD and should be a good thing.
    3) Even tagging is not an issue. First, providing boons is very much encouraged by ANet, and second.... Every class has ranged Weapons.  I own a PoF only account that I never got to play as much as I wanted to... But I do event stuff and never had issues to get my participation.
    4) Do the protocols trivialise open word trash mobs and events? Absolutly. But this is what this game always handled diffrent than other games. GW2 feels like it's respecting people's time, letting them get to juicy content instead of forcing them to endless sluggish killing XX enemies.

    Also... as it was stated by other poeople it feels like most of the balance nowadays is a around the boons. Some weapons feel like they are even designed around being affected by quickness. Yes, there are ways around it and there are enough quickness classes. Let's all okay qherald. 😉 

    Some people told me that the protocols are still worth it. Yes, true. It's a little food-like boost... but you have to decide if you want to bother with it outside cantha.
    Basically it costs you stuff like...
    - mental awareness. You can't just travel to any instances content, guild hall, mistlock etc...
    - time. You need to move to actually grab the buffs.
    - gold. Waypoint costs - since you sometimes cannot use shortcuts like GH or Mistlock to save travel fees.
    I guess these were the limitations were the reason that many people just didn't bother grabbing them.

    Don't get me wrong, this is not the end of the world for any of us. Lazy as I am I mostly used protocols on map completion on expansion maps and one or the other open world meta. What bothers me is that this decision goes so much against all the QoL stuff ANet usually does. Usually you feel that some of the devs also play the game themselves and truly undertand its issues. This one feels like it was made by someone who either didn't engage with this mechanic at all or just saw it on the paper.
    So yes, I do strongly advocate to revert the nerf.

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  3. This is an absolutly terrible change.

    First I thought sure, its a nerf, but the protocols are still good. But now after playing with it for a couple of hours I realized how bad this feels. As a veteran who doesn't enjoy repetetive open world mob killing the protocols as they were before were an absolute gamechanger. The game suddenly felt quick and enganging. Even with the trash mobs. Now it's like someone slowed everything down. Like I'm playing at 0,5% speed. It drags. It truly feels horrible.

    This feels like a mistake indeed.
    Why? Where do the protocols matter? ONLY in open world and only on very short encounters = trash mobs. Whenever there is a longer encounter like a champ or a world boss the protocols do not matter anymore because they are not renewed. But since Anet made boons so accessable you have people around you proving you with boons. In my oppinion this used to be a very smart approach to harmonize the game flow.

    This change feels absolutly out of line for Anet since pretty much all the actual  QoL changes show how well the developers understand the game.

    Yes, protocols are very stong but not gamebreaking because of their actually limited nature. Please consider changing this back.

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  4. Hey,

    earlier today I was downed/killed by "Sorrow" in Convergences(public) and turned into a wisp. When turned to wisp I still kept floating/rising, unable to go down. Sorrow has a gravity mechanic, maybe it carried into wisp form. Anyway, as soon as I reached the ceiling I was instantly ported back to Wizard's Tower.
    When I loaded into the tower I got the general meta reward. No daily hero's chest, no weekly progress.

    There was no squad in the instance so I dont know if I would have made it back. Considering how far the boss was at the time I was thrown out I might have not been able to get back anyway. After that I joined a private squad, completed it and got the mentioned rewards normally.

    It would be good if a player crossing the border would be teleported back into the instance zone, not fully thrown out.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Nazgum.4913 said:

    After transition to DX11, can DX9 still remain an option?  Even if more hidden like just through the command line options


    Playing on an old laptop where the game crashes on DX11, maybe the graphics card doesnt support it, but game runs well enough to still enjoy it on DX9.

    Similar issue here. That part of Grouch's statement also worried me. I'm playing on a super energy efficient system, where dx9 runs very well. First when dx11 came up it was extremely bugged, then it got fixed, ran prettier but not as super smooth as dx9 does, and then since a couple of months dx11 became simply unplayable because some parts of then UI is are simply missing, the texts are transparent and it's super shaky.

    Since there is no way I gonna swap to a pc which uses more energy during this time of exploding energy costs I really hope they will keep the dx9 option in.

    • Like 6
  6. Please.... Please please please revert it back asap or split the settings. At this point the game is barely playable for me because I can't take this actual physical pain it's causing.
    Over the last 4 hours I kept thinking I might get used to it, but it just keeps getting worse and worse. Not just that I can have trouble with all the effects, but all the huge contast between the dark game and glowy stuff makes my eyes extremely tired/burning and makes me kinda feel dizzy.
    Currently I can't get even a few quicky dailies done because I just cannot look at the game for more than a few seconds before I need to look away because my eyes feel like suddenly burning.
    I'm aware that not everyone experiences it like this so all I ask is to give us back the setting to remove it.

    Yes, in fact I do find the color grading actually very pretty... But I just can't enjoy it because it's causing so much pain for whatever reason.

    Edit: Grouch's update just came in. Thank you so much. Looking forward to it!

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 9
  7. Honestly I don't mind equipment templates being locked behind a paywall. As long as it's not too high. What does hurt is that the skill templates are also very limited. For each equiment there are several skill templates needed. And that exactly was the biggest reason why people missed this gw1 feature so much. I think there should be far more free skill template slots available compared to the equipment slots. Like 2 free equiment + ~10 free skill templates. Or you could make the skill template slots so cheap, that it doesn't hurt to buy them. Like 50 gems per skill slot? That would be ~0,60 € per slot.

    Sure, I understand that gw2 needs to make profit and that perfectly fine, but there is a fine balance to find the right amount to ask, so more people are willing to charge and that also could mean more profit.

  8. @Nezekan.2671 said:It seems Shadow Behemoth and Jungle Wurm share nodes, meaning if you get the node from either of them, the node does not spawn for the other.

    Can't confirm this 100%, but after talking about it with my guild mates, no one got the node from both. One always bugged out for them.

    Yeah, that seems to be exactly the case. I noticed this earlier this afternoon and so started asking around both in guilds and during World Boss events. Literally everyone confirmed my theory, so I made another thread earlier. I hope it's not too hard to fix. :)

  9. Hey,in case this thread is obsolete, just merge it with the other. I just didn't want this to be missed too easy.

    So I noticed that Shadow Behemoth and Great Jungle Wurm seem to be the only Bosses, where the Destabilize Magic Event Ley-Energy Nodes seem to be bugged for people. Whenever I loot one of them, the other does not give a node. This made me suspect, that somehow those 2 Bosses count as one. I asked several times in Guilds and during World Boss events and everyone confirmed this issue.

    If this is really the issue it might be a quick fix and I wanted to let you guys asap. :)

    Thank you

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