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Posts posted by GeneralWut.7426

  1. 11 hours ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

    ofc they cant, all of that is predicated on a new engine.

    New maps and worlds are able to be done in GW2's engine.

    New professions and skills are still doable here, though whether it's in GW2 or a hypothetical GW3, it's a potential balance nightmare.

    Housing is able to be done in GW2.  While it would be nice if Anet would update home instances to allow for the guild hall decoration system, it would be far easier to create player housing by using the guild hall system for dedicated housing instances.

    New PvP battlegrounds and different modes are also completely able to be done in GW2's engine.

    Now, a new graphics engine could be a benefit to GW3, though GW2 looks fine at the moment with its painting-like art style.  If GW3 were going for a super realistic appearance, it would absolutely require a new graphics engine, though we'd also run into issues of whether or not the current population of GW2 players would be able to join in GW3 without investing in a beefier system.  A common trait among successful MMOs is that they are designed to be able to run on a wide variety of hardware specs, as only targeting a demographic who has high-end machines is an excellent way to produce an MMO that fails to thrive.

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  2. As a long-term veteran of GW1 and GW2 with a significant amount of progress unlocking skins and crafting legendaries, I'd probably skip out on GW3, unless that stuff was able to be carried over to GW3.  I'm also not a fan of the likelihood of a GW3 MMO fracturing the playerbase, similar to what happened with GW2's launch.  However, if GW3 happens to be a singleplayer or 4-player co-op game that doesn't compete with GW2 as an MMO, then I'd be fine with it.

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    • Confused 1
  3. I agree on reverting Daring Dragon and moving the alacrity to Immortal Dragon or even changing Lush Forest to apply alacrity on first ammo count used. The old Daring Dragon, as niche as it was, felt incredibly fun to use, while now it feels clunky, and I'm finding that I'm effortlessly staying at almost full flow.

    If they insist on keeping alacrity on Daring Dragon, I wouldn't mind if they dropped the damage down a little bit as long as DD automatically puts you back into dragon trigger.

    • Like 12
  4. 27 minutes ago, Lilas.3648 said:

    Following today's hotfix the bonus damage to boonless foes is STILL missing on f1


    Its damage coefficient is also lower than it was. Nevermind, its damage coefficient looks to be the same, I just had Forceful Greatsword equipped on a core warrior and power berserker template. It still hits like a wet noodle without the boonless damage bonus. Flurry on Spellbreaker sword also has the old casting time and damage, but it's no longer rooted, so I guess that's an improvement.

    • Like 1
  5. Right, so I'm wondering if there's a third version of the skill, and what spellbreakers currently have is supposed to be the core warrior version, and the previous Breaching Strike functionality might still be there, just not accessible.

  6. It looks like the effects of Breaching Strike and the primal burst, Slicing Maelstrom, have their skill effects swapped. You'll notice that Breaching Strike has level 1, 2 and 3 adrenaline use effects, when Spellbreaker can never use more than 1 bar of adrenaline. Slicing Maelstrom, however, does not have effects based on amount of adrenaline used.

  7. On 6/6/2023 at 6:53 PM, Geos.4759 said:

    Hello, there is a bug since the Dragonbash update.

    It happens on a dagger number 5 skill on a Spellbreaker. This worked with no issues before the festival's update was released.

    The character is: Human, Male, Heavy Class (obviously).

    I couldn't create an account on imgur because of my country (I see everybody is using that), so I used a good old WeTransfer.

    Please, check the picture and fix the problem, as it looks ridiculous once used (it points the wave of daggers downwards).

    Link: https://we.tl/t-O4slgICaPg


    I can also confirm this issue, and it occurs on Charr too. The particles come out at an angle that makes it look like the spellbreaker is attacking the ground instead of the targeted enemy.

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  8. On 7/26/2022 at 3:23 PM, Geoff Fey.1035 said:

    Daring - Intent: Faster Slashes more frequently. Pointless. Damage at 5 charges is too low and builds already exist to generate flow. Loss of Protection/Healing/Damage is not sufficiently covered by a single stack of Stability.

    Agreed, but I have found a use for daring dragon: helping friends in earlier story instances in core and LWS2. Full power Dragon Slashes seems to be able to occasionally cause some instances to bug if a boss was supposed to have an invulnerability phase for dialogue.

    • Haha 1
  9. While equipped, Aurene's Rending has a lighting issue issue where shadows on the player character briefly brighten every few seconds when the shadows graphics setting is set to medium or higher. I've been able to replicate this issue across multiple characters of different races.

    Normal lighting behavior

    Abnormal lighting behavior

  10. It's entirely possible that we may get an NPC that has unique dialogue, considering how Dunkoro's spirit has different dialogue if your account is linked to the Hall of Monuments.

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