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kiritsugu emeya.3962

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Posts posted by kiritsugu emeya.3962

  1. What the hell is this pathetic discussion. After this disapointing patch Core rangers and soulbeasts are now forced to run marksmanship traitline, berzerler amulet, w/e power runes, sicem with soulbeast, prolly having might aswell with there attacks; with all that combined the least u would expect them to hit u is atleast a "7.1k" whats wrong with these people that ask for nerfs without understanding the builds they are facing, so u want them to hit u with 3-4k? Is that what u want Are u kidding me... every time i come to have a look at the forums its just funny and sad all u guys ask for is nerfs after nerfs after nerfs, when will u guys ever be accepting? Reason why the devs did this is because of u guys who are never satisfied, and i agree this was a very bad patch towards the game, instead of understanding the mechanics behind each class and its roles they chose to just neef everything and start "laying some ground work". they have been saying the same exact words with every big patch drop every single time. stop asking for nerfs that would ruin classes, because even if they are nerfed more ppl will ask for more nerfs untill its completly unplayable. Just stop honestly this whole discussion is pathetic

  2. i feel like this is a gold 3- discussion,if we are talking about 1v1s. between plat 2-3 war, fb, weaver, holo, and Condi mirage can all beat ranger and that's facts.
    however yes as others have recommended the class needs nerfs especially with gazelle.hopefully, in the next balance patch, everything gets fixed and by everything I mean other classes aswell

  3. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @kiritsugu emeya.3962 said:did they mess with any other gs skills that I'm not aware of?

    Yes - they took the evade out of the end of the GS autoattack chain, which messed up a lot of folks who came to depend on it as part of a good melee rotation. Instead of giving an evade frame, the final attack in the chain gives back some endurance. It still takes forever and a day to channel the whole final attack.

    WAIT WHAT!! Who in the hell in the balancing team thought it was a good idea to remove the evade frame???Devs do me a favor and play ur kitten game, you dont play it therefore you dont understand it.

    meh, pretty sure they understood how the evade chain was abused. Is that really the point you're trying to make? That they ""didn't understand"" people gained 3 x the intended evade?

    I am assuming that you don't play ranger based on your reply alone...

    Well then -wrong.after reading my reply make sure you stick to thief and war

    98% of rangers don't even KNOW ABOUT this, so how can they abuse something they dont know about LMAO ?

    Another person with his "high 90%" pseudo-statistic pulled literally out of nowhere, good job pretending you know what you're talking about. And again: how is it important for EVERYONE (or even just majority) to abuse something for it to be called an abuse? What kind of backwards logic is this, lmao?

    But ITS TRUe, for the past 8+ seasons that i have played, most of my games have been in plat 3, only players who kept using the GS AA chain are the same players since 2016 4-6 in na every other ranger that i have came across didnt use it not in a 1v1 1vx or in team fights. hence my high % and i do know what im talking about......

    i can literally count the rangers that know about the gs AA chain evade on both na and eu, you just can't predict the reason for the change based on the first thing that came into ur mind "abuse" when in FACT ITS NOT . not many knew about it and not one single person thought it was strong and hence deserves a removal.

    You literally can't. As a fact you try to claim I'm not even playing ranger, so that alone proves you're wrong with your "literal promises". Stop making up random lies to pretend you have a point, because that's not how that works.

    but I can...

    I still can't believe that they labeled the nerf as a RANDOM DODGE. this alone brings up many questions, is the current balance team working in anet or did they get them from another mmo? it was literally implemented in the game 7 years ago... do you guys know what skills you're creating in each class?

    You use it out of context btw.
    Nobody ever said
    the dodge randomly found its way into the game, tbh I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

    I recommend reading the notes of the class section that you're here for...
    "We hope these changes will make the weapon feel a little smoother while removing some of the
    frustrating random dodges
    that happens when fighting against it"I mean anet are contradicting what they implemented in the game from what they wrote, arent they?

    I did read it and as I said
    you used it out of context
    . Even now, while trying to quote it you try to pull the attention to just one part of the sentence, lmao! Now read it within the full context and let it sink in:

    "while removing some of the
    frustrating random dodges that happen when fighting against it

    As I
    already said
    , nobody ever claimed it "accidentally/randomly found its way into the game". Reread and understand instead of trying to bend the facts to match your opinion. You quote the whole sentence, but care only about half of it and try to tell me I didn't read it? Good job. :astonished:

    so let me get this straight, anet implements 3 auto skills on gs ranger, the 3rd skill supposed to make you evade, there is a "bug" where rangers can abuse it and evade twice every 3rd auto-attack. after 7 years anet notices the bug, notices that "ALOT" of rangers are abusing it, so they remove the evade and label the balance as "frustrating random dodges that happen when fighting against it" (they noticed a lot of players reporting there frustration when dealing with it even tho THAT'S NOT TRUE, not a single person that ik of ingame and in forums have cried about this). So they balance it by removing the evade on 3rd AA instead of fixing the "bug" of the 2 evades. LMFAO BRILLIANT THINKING

  4. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @kiritsugu emeya.3962 said:did they mess with any other gs skills that I'm not aware of?

    Yes - they took the evade out of the end of the GS autoattack chain, which messed up a lot of folks who came to depend on it as part of a good melee rotation. Instead of giving an evade frame, the final attack in the chain gives back some endurance. It still takes forever and a day to channel the whole final attack.

    WAIT WHAT!! Who in the hell in the balancing team thought it was a good idea to remove the evade frame???Devs do me a favor and play ur kitten game, you dont play it therefore you dont understand it.

    meh, pretty sure they understood how the evade chain was abused. Is that really the point you're trying to make? That they ""didn't understand"" people gained 3 x the intended evade?

    I am assuming that you don't play ranger based on your reply alone... 98% of rangers don't even KNOW ABOUT this, so how can they abuse something they dont know about LMAO ? i can literally count the rangers that know about the gs AA chain evade on both na and eu, you just can't predict the reason for the change based on the first thing that came into ur mind "abuse" when in FACT ITS NOT . not many knew about it and not one single person thought it was strong and hence deserves a removal.

    I still can't believe that they labeled the nerf as a RANDOM DODGE. this alone brings up many questions, is the current balance team working in anet or did they get them from another mmo? it was literally implemented in the game 7 years ago... do you guys know what skills you're creating in each class?

    You use it out of context btw.
    Nobody ever said
    the dodge randomly found its way into the game, tbh I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

    I recommend reading the notes of the class section that you're here for... https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/88470/upcoming-balance-notes-10-1-2019/p1"We hope these changes will make the weapon feel a little smoother while removing some of the frustrating random dodges that happens when fighting against it"I mean anet are contradicting what they implemented in the game from what they wrote, arent they?

  5. @"Eurantien.4632" said:HEY MAN!

    Ranger is FIRE right now! Seriously. The GS auto evade nerf SUCKS and there are times where I eat prime light beams or full power mes shatters or something because I am mid "ENDURING STAB" and thinking it's still gonna let me evade. The nerf of GS throw SUCKS and it's pretty brutal not being able to chase someone down without it. Or being able to swap, throw it in, and then come in with swoop or smokescale assault....

    What this has meant for me, is I have to be more opportunistic with when I go into the fight, and since it's no longer as optimal to just swap to GS if they have CDs up and can just run away from me now that crippling throw is gone - and this is actually kind of a good thing, it makes ME play smarter imo.

    What we gained: GS 4. A three second block feels like an eternity, yeah we could auto GS evade for about 3s, and we had the block that we could use to kite and whatnot, but this FEELS way longer and gives a nice reprieve from the mental speed gymnastics you'd have to do on ranger before when your counterattack got triggered. On top of that, the Counterattack kick now hitting 3 targets is actually major. I too was worried about mesmers and clones and whatnot, but being able to just straight up block everything for 3s and then cleave all the clones out in front of you with an evade knockback is actually pretty sweet - and one of the main reasons why this skill turned out OK, even if I lament the losses of the other skills.

    I solo queued up to Top 10 this season and had some of the most fun I have had in awhile. Of course, I play a little more DPS and roaming oriented than you do, but I actually was forced to make sure home was ok for most games which meant fighting wars, eles, mesmers, thieves, etc and I came out on top or held long enough for the situation to change where I could get a + or I could leave - a big part of this was GS 4.

    Give it a shot,I think ranger is in a solid place. The new sword changes are sweet, the new GS change is actually good, I've seen viable boonbeasts, core rangers, and lb/gs soulbeasts as well. Game is in a pretty decent spot right now imo.

    yes i can see how gs4 change is a benefit for us with a full 3s block, but if you compare it to the gs AA evade, an evade every AA is what helped us in sustaining fights, it was mostly our staying power "counter pressure" other than the gs4+jump, we literally can't stay in team fights any longer in PVP which is our only winning condition in high tier matches, holding points as well, I'm pretty sure you have done it as well where game score was so close where you had to hold the node for a good amount of time in order to get some benefit out of the timer. also, why would anyone go through a full gs auto chain currently to get endurance? but at what cost? especially when going against warriors, holos,revs they would gain alot from attack spaming us during our hope to get some endurance out of it.I still can't believe that they labeled the nerf as a RANDOM DODGE. this alone brings up many questions, is the current balance team working in anet or did they get them from another mmo? it was literally implemented in the game 7 years ago... do you guys know what skills you're creating in each class?

    anyways Eura i havent played so i cant judge, but its just soo fraustrating and depressing. I just can't see ranger having 1v1s on "node" at least holding it, and staying in team fights happening.

  6. @voltaicbore.8012 said:

    @kiritsugu emeya.3962 said:did they mess with any other gs skills that I'm not aware of?

    Yes - they took the evade out of the end of the GS autoattack chain, which messed up a lot of folks who came to depend on it as part of a good melee rotation. Instead of giving an evade frame, the final attack in the chain gives back some endurance. It still takes forever and a day to channel the whole final attack.

    WAIT WHAT!! Who in the hell in the balancing team thought it was a good idea to remove the evade frame???Devs do me a favor and play ur kitten game, you dont play it therefore you dont understand it. Thats why you dont know how to balance it.The evade frame on 3rd auto skill has been in game SINCE LAUNCH. So you just now remembered to remove it? Did MANY ppl complain about it? I guarantee it may have been 1% who did, others didnt even care about it. Rip our matchup with condi mes now, Ranger basically may not be able to get head to head in 1v1s at a high skill match with most of melee classes, nor it can in team fights. The 3rd auto evade was so unique for ranger it gave us room to get toe to toe with mesmers, weavers, staff thiefs, wars, power fbs, timing enemy burst skills with it. Its why i loved the weapon.

    Nerfed sicem and lb it was fair, nerfing soulbeasts dmg its still fair, nerfed boonbeast fair aswell, nerfed druid... idk why but ok... not many play it anyways because of you. And now you nerf/remove this? Whats next? Rip

  7. @Dragonzhunter.8506 said:

    Nope. From my POV is not bad. In both PVP and WvW he is still doing very good. Even they nerfed GS and Longbow AA, even they nerfed Sic'Em! , Ranger is still a very good class for roaming and in sPVP. In PVP I was only in Platinum I, I don't how it can perform in Platinum II or III or Legendary. But in Platinum I, I can say I beated most of the time the enemy in 1 vs 1, and I defended a point vs 2 enemies for many seconds till the reinforcement came. Ofc my playing time 4am-7am London time and 200 ping didn't help me much, but still.

    from what I heard so far they only swapped gs4 to a full 4s block i think, this shouldn't be considered as a nerf, did they mess with any other gs skills that I'm not aware of?

  8. @Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

    @"kiritsugu emeya.3962" said:facts:1) quotes by Twilight Tempest.7584 the guy who made the post "Just make condi-mirage viable (not OP) and rev is fine. No nerf needed"mirage is viable and it actually counters slb

    When your spec (SLB) is supposedly underrepresented it's weak and needs buffs. But when another is definitely underrepresented (condi-mirage), it's just fine. Okay.

    but its not "supposdely underpresented" dude. you cant just start a fire because of 4-6 rangers. and do u see me ever saying it needs buffs??????? . condi mirage isnt underrpresented its just doing fine, if its not, then the problem is from you.

    2) another quote "I hear a SLB just won in the last mAT. So I guess there goes that argument."
    no sicem soulbeast has ever come close to winning an mat.
    guess why? because sicem soulbeast doesnt fit in meta comps, it was only flandre on eu and he wasnt running sicem, but boonbeast before the nerf.

    So two Sic 'Ems in recent NA finals aren't even "close to winning an mat"? Okay. By the way, how many mirages have been in MATs lately?

    Never mind that the tired argument that "my spec isn't even in the top ___ or useful in meta comps" does not mean "my spec is perfectly fine, not OP in any way, and doesn't need nerfs, but in fact buffs."

    If that were the standard for whether something is broken or needs reworks, then mirage never would have been touched, based on its LB and MAT representation (lack thereof). I'm not saying Mirage didn't need nerfs, but that isn't because it was dominating the top of the LB/MATs (it wasn't).

    have you even seen the finals of na mat the finals was 500-30 wasnt even close, only reason they got second place was because of how bad the brackets are. (you are clueless)mirage has won every single mat in na for the past year, before the nerf it was condi mirage over and over, and after the nerf it was power mirage not because condi mirage isnt good but power mirage fit the comp better. there are over 50+ mesmers in top 200 (again you are clueless)

    3) another quote "At this rate mirage will be deleted before I even come close to gitting gud with it. :'( I've always avoided meta builds in order to not be too annoying with my mes"maybe stop "always" avoiding meta builds

    Congrats. You dug all the way back to an early post of mine when I was just starting to play some PvP at a time condi-Mirage was at the height of forum QQ and hate, in the middle of a prolonged nerf-wave (which may still be ongoing).

    your post was in January not that far behind babeonly reason condi mirage was nerfed because of its high winrate across multiple tiers with many players using it, this here is a quote by anet ben on pvp discord "Mirage: Scepter/Pistol, Axe/Torch - 60%, Mirage: Sword/Sword, Greatsword - 58%, We have more detail than we had before"another quote by anetben "60% win rate is pretty high for us"not gonna say much

    Who says I haven't resorted to meta builds by now? Assume much? Not that there is a single "meta" mesmer build at the moment. Unlike rangers which have at least three meta SLB builds.

    what are you talking about there are kitten ton builds that are viablemirage is an extremely versatile classincase of ranger its core which is useless, boonbeast which after the nerf is now useless, and sicem slb which is underrated.(clueless)

    4) there are literally only 4-5 soulbeasts who run "sicem" in top 200 in nafor eu there is like 1 druid and 1 soulbeast in top 50 not sure about 200

    See #2 above, and #5 below for what I think of LB/MAT representation as being all there is to balance.answered

    5)another pathetic quote "I don't care if Soulbeast is not the most viable in the top 10% when it's over performing in the remaining 90%"DID U JUST SAY over performing in the remaining 90% and used idc in the same sentence

    I did. Not sure what you're saying. Be more clear when you're trying to denigrate me next time.

    you cant say I DONT CARE when ur having a conversation/argument, like cant u get it urself???

    6)war/weaver/mirage all counter sicem soulbeast

    That's nice. Thief, Scrapper, and Protection Holo all hard counter condi-mirage. Several others stall it out. What's your point?

    omg are u serious scrapper is useless it doesnt even counter you, and prot holo should take node off of condi miragebut some condi mirage builds can defeat even prot holo builds that are specifically anti condimy point is that sicem soulbeast is already countered, u want to counter it even more?

    7) anet looks at how high the win ratio is for a spec inorder to nerf it or not, and incase of ranger its low

    If this were 100% all there is to it, then I repeat: Mesmer and its specs would never have been touched. But feel free to think that what applies to others doesn't apply to your spec in the same situation.

    i already answered this above, fyi my spec isnt even close to 50%

    8)hight tier players dont give a kitten about sicem, because its a meme

    Cool story bro.

    9) apparently low tier players care

    Not just low tier.who else?

    "me new to game, me hate this skill, class, me go to forums QQ" :(done

    Yes, dismiss anything you don't like as pleb nonsense/silver struggles. Come back later when you get nerfed. ;) Good day.

    EDIT: I don't usually bother looking up someone's post history, but I took a quick look and it all makes sense now. You don't want your SLB roaming vids to die. :joy:

    i got 9k hours on ranger if u see my vids youd notice that i rarely use sicem, i use it when im forced to fight unbeatable specs, because without sicem i cant touch them, for example holo/weaver/condi mirageand i can do the same as you and just ask for nerfs on mes class (not condi mirage as i think its perfectly fine currently) but i wont, i would instead learn how to fight each class/spec.not gonna even reply anymore gl in ur clueless revolution LMFAO

  9. facts:1) quotes by Twilight Tempest.7584 the guy who made the post "Just make condi-mirage viable (not OP) and rev is fine. No nerf needed"mirage is viable and it actually counters slb2) another quote "I hear a SLB just won in the last mAT. So I guess there goes that argument."no sicem soulbeast has ever come close to winning an mat. guess why? because sicem soulbeast doesnt fit in meta comps, it was only flandre on eu and he wasnt running sicem, but boonbeast before the nerf.3) another quote "At this rate mirage will be deleted before I even come close to gitting gud with it. :'( I've always avoided meta builds in order to not be too annoying with my mes"maybe stop "always" avoiding meta builds4) there are literally only 4-5 soulbeasts who run "sicem" in top 200 in nafor eu there is like 1 druid and 1 soulbeast in top 50 not sure about 2005)another pathetic quote "I don't care if Soulbeast is not the most viable in the top 10% when it's over performing in the remaining 90%"DID U JUST SAY over performing in the remaining 90% and used idc in the same sentence6)war/weaver/mirage all counter sicem soulbeast7) anet looks at how high the win ratio is for a spec inorder to nerf it or not, and incase of ranger its low8)hight tier players dont give a kitten about sicem, because its a meme9) apparently low tier players care"me new to game, me hate this skill, class, me go to forums QQ" :(done

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