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Posts posted by Chelu.2095

  1. After playing Catalyst for a while it felt like the Hammer melee-like Playstyle was hard to execute with a low healthpool paired with little to none mobility.

    Things that could fit Catalyst to make it more enjoyable without changeing the whole kit or mechanics:

    • 5% DMG to Barrier Passive (Scrapper has it, it feels like a nobrainer for Catalyst) | Barrier could be aplied when closer then 600Range to balance things
    • Hurricane of Pain with Superspeed while channeling
    • Shock Blast with 600Range Teleport and instant Stun


    What do you think? Any other suggestions to give Catalyst the Quality of Life it deserves without a complete overhaul?

  2. With Legendary-Armory in the work there is a simple question:

    How do Legendary-Runes and -Sigils work in the Armory?

    Currently we need 6 Runes + 1 for the Aqua-Breather (that isnt available in Legendary) and 4 Sigils + 4 for underwater-weapons.

    So do we need 7 Legendary-Runes and 8 -Sigils in total or are Runes and Sigils handled completly diffrent?

    Are there any official informations already?

  3. @Vinceman.4572 said:Wow, it sounds like that is such a major issue although it's not. =)

    Lack of communication? Yes, but nothing new if you have played the game since release.

    Are you defending something like that? It is not a minior thing if YOU dont care about it. This is something that effect the enjoyment of people who love this game and it should get adressed with every communication possible.

  4. Spamming "Join in " for Meta-Events is just frustrating. To gamble for a spot is not fun. Queues that give us atleast a idea if there is a chance to join would make joining Meta-Events alot more enjoyable. Ofc you can always join 20min earlier to get a spot, but thats not the point of this post. Make joining full Maps more enjoyable. Queues like the WvW one would improve the open world/world boss/meta event experience alot. If you have a few friends on a full map and you try over and over and over again to join without any idea if you can join in the end or not, it feels awful!

    Did anyone of you experienced the same?

    Edit: This post is not about easy joining. A full Map is full. But if you still want to join that map, there should be a queue and not a gamble to do it. It feels awful to spam a button without any idea if you have a chance. Imagine the feel of someone else telling you he could join the map after you tried to get in for 10min and he klicked the button once. Its not fun and not a fair system at all.

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