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Posts posted by Alex.9106

  1. Point 2: Its how the game works and is unrelated to arcdps. Ash of Justice is a buff and whoever casts it first has ownership of the buff. All following ashes just add stacks to the buff. The person who has ownership deals dmg with his condistats and expertise. If a hfb casts ash first to take ownership he is griefing the group by dealing no dmg with his and everyone elses ashes. There is also an old Mursaat record that abused ashes.

  2. @Dahkeus.8243 said:

    @Alex.9106 said:Infusions increase your dps by rougly ~1k, everything else is a rotation issueTake a page from Shikaru's book and put some actual substance behind your claims.

    This is not a scientific forum, but whatever here you go:

    If you look at the benchmark the damage dealt by conditions from Luna Nightstalker consist of:35.86 average stacks of bleeding20.18 average stacks of burning3.26 average stacks of poison

    Burning adds 17641.3 dpsbleeding adds 10703.6 dpspoison adds 1024.4 dps

    Now infusion give you 11*5= 55 condi dmg and 7*5=35 expertise as stats.35/15 = 2.33 So the 35 expertise increase your condition duration by 2.33 percent.

    So lets see how much dps you lose if the conditions lose 2.33 percent of their duration.

    Burning: (17641.3*100)/102.33 = 17239.62Bleeding: (10703.6*100)/102.33 = 10459.88Poison: (1024.4*100)/102.33 = 1001.07

    So you lose (17641.3+10703.6+1024.4)-(17239.62+10459.88+1001.07)=668.73 dps

    Now lets see how much dps you lose if you miss 55 condi dmg stats.Formula for condi dmg is:Burning: (0.155 * Condition Damage) + 131 per stack per secondBleeding: (0.06 * Condition Damage) + 22 per stack per secondPoison: (0.06 * Condition Damage) + 33.5 per stack per second

    This gives us:0.155*55=8.525 dps loss per stack of burning0.06*55=3.3 dps loss per stack of bleeding/poison

    So now we need to compute the avg number of stacks of conditions after our 2.33 duration increase is missing:Burning: (35.86*100)/102.33=35.04Bleeding: (20.18*100)/102.33=19.72Poison: (3.26*100)/102.33=3.19

    Now lets see:35.04*8.525=298.72 DPS loss for burning19.72*3.3=65.08 DPS loss for bleeding3.19*3.3=10.53 DPS loss for poison

    With this we have 668.73+298.72+65.08+10.53=1043.06 total dps loss if you dont have infusions.

    So the fact that the golem has a fixed number of health will create some problems, because depending on which part of the rotation you end at the golem your dps may experience some differences.But it should not be to far off from our calculated number of 1043.06 dps loss.

    What this also tells you is that should you ever get infusions you probably want to get the expertise infusions first.

  3. You started the fight with torch 5 while standing in the golem which instantly puts you infight, if you see the benchmark video he starts casting torch 5 while standing away from the golem then switching weapons casting lb 5 and running into the golem, if you check the sc log you notice it doesnt even show his torch 5 and lb 5 because he wasnt infight yet. Your lb 5 showing up in your log is a sign that you were slow at the start, it shouldnt be visible, as arc only starts logging once you are in combat. (This is just concerning the opening first 2 seconds)

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