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Posts posted by SardonyxDragoon.8213

  1. Solution: Separate Rewards from Ranked Que: split the Que into: 1) play for rewards(play for loot), 2) play for rank(play for glory). This is not ranked vs unranked, and before you think it is, you should play games where you have people state, in ranked, that they are just their for rewards/dailies, get what they want, then leave.

    Provide meaningful feedback at the end of matches, this one is like...ancient; at the current state of the game, the opponents dancing on your corpse showing the 'statistics' of the match, is not very conducive to continuing. At least provide meaningful information so that people who do want to learn why they lost the match or what they could have done better at least have a chance too. Could be as simple as: hey, if you went to that empty point over there and stood there for 10 seconds your team might have gotten more points and the other team gotten less, but instead you committed suicide at mid 14 times the whole match vs a stacked team that was afking there.

    Nothing comes for free, so we as the players wanting better matches must take the sacrifice and give up getting normal rewards for the sake of getting better matches with like minded people who actually want to play competitive spvp, and not just unranked with consequences for 4/5 others because I want my ascended gear/gold/dailies.

    I would gladly wait longer for a quality match than a gamble for quality (and by quality i'm not asking for much here boyo, but completely new players outside of where they should be? hmm.) teammates, if I wanted to play a slot machine rng I would go somewhere else. I'm willing to give up rewards, and wait indefinitely in que, and have a split que of rewards and rank, that guarantees the right people are queuing where they are supposed to be, than the current baseline.

    pvp is all I really play this game for, I'll uninstall again (came back after the big balance changes) if nothing really happens, which I don't expect it too. But congratulations on where you guys are going with living world. I just hate to see such a fun game mode and game play setup go to waste.

  2. I love guild wars 2 spvp, I want to be able to que and not feel punished for doing so. I've been playing for several years, mostly just pvp. Many games i'm in have 100% obvious new players in them who do not understand the game mode AT ALL. Or, players are they're for 1) fast dailys, 2) fast rewards from tracks 3) whatever gear piece they are grinding for. They are not there to look at the rank, they are not there to learn the game, they are not their to learn from others on how to improve, they are not there to change from the same DH trapper build they've been using since HoT came out, they are not there to read map chat, they are not there to make plays on the map to win games, they are not there to contribute anything meaningful to the team, the game, or the community, they are there to get one of the 3 things I mentioned above. Either that, or they are just genuinely new and have no idea the difference between what is pointless suicide on the map and what is an effective decision, let alone that if they did would they have the knowledge to effectively execute that decision taking into consideration their own class, build, or the team composition overall against the enemy, or even more so that the rest of the team isn't making that correct decision entirely pointless as they squander the other parts of the game.

    The differences and gaps here are large, not small, certainly not representative by the rank that is arbitrarily gained by the dice roll game of chance that is the 10 qualifier matches. This isn't a new problem, threads like this aren't new either. I had uninstalled the game last year because the return on playing gw2 just didn't justify the pain of playing because of these issues, seeing the new rollouts to balance renewed my hopes and i'm playing again this season. There's problems, its okay, discussing them is the best thing we can do as a community imo, I don't want to just uninstall and write it off as hopeless.

    I think that if we separated the rewards from rank we might be better on some of the matchmaking: que looks like this: Que for Rewards/Loot (contains no ranking system(but can still use the same matchmaking system, just no assigned visual for rank) = progress reward tracks, make progress through dailies, obtain parts for gear etc) and a separate: one: Que for Glory! (obtain a starting rank, and have the ranking tiers etc, does not count for dailies, differentiated rewards/remove rewards you get from que for loot, the reward is being able to que in quality games and climb rank in a viable way with other people who desire to do the same).

    In order to qualify for Que for Glory new boundaries and systems must be put into place about teaching the game mode to new players. There needs to be instanced tutorials with npc targets on nodes, there needs to be hud arrows telling you to run here and fight in the point, like the silly dodge circle pve players get in starting zones, this level of tutorial needs to be a thing for pvp, and new players need to have their hand held and be told that hey, if you run alone to far and try to fight there 3v1, your probably going to die and your team is going to suffer, and if you keep doing that over and over again the whole game then your team is probably going to lose, so that's when the training hud arrow points and says "Help your team!" and shows them how to run back to home or mid, and gives them a little training course like that.A written guide can be put in place for players to read explaining that different classes are more likely to do certain things than others, that class and build choices matter and so do skills and equipment.

    I wouldn't be saying this if I wasn't in mid gold all season because I keep having matches with players that are not making good decisions, and are stating that they are new. This is non issue if gamed with relatively similar players, and the issue of low population keeps being pointed out. I would also agree that I would rather hit the que button, be told that it could be upwards of an hour long wait if any games get matched at all, then go about actually playing guild wars 2's other options while waiting for que to pop, then just sitting through another mentally wrecking que spam 6 loss streak to one freak of nature team match up to another, with the only win of the night being a complete steam roll 74-500.

    The alternative is to get good and carry, on a build that allows that, with all the other people doing that, that are all just as salty as I am, only to get another team with some team member or another that makes it more than difficult to carry, against a team that may or may not have a full team that knows how to play.

    If rank could be determined by decision making that would be amazing, like, if there were a way to see a players patterns of pointless suicide and count that as they need to be placed in a lower match than making quality decisions/plays, but this is just fantasizing, this is all just fantasizing. Prove me wrong anet. Sorry for anyone who read this, I only go on this much because I actually like the game, and I guess I just needed to vent.

  3. Its like this see. Login and ask this question "ah yes, let's see how the pvp que is this evening", play one game, if you win the answer is "ah, I see the que is good tonight, let us play another game" and continue until you lose. As soon as you lose one stop there, beware, you will never win after a loss! Any other instance of losing means the que is garbage and you will never succeed. Always stop after one loss. Some say two losses, but they've yet to cross over, join the one loss side, where all is well with the world.May the que be in your favor friend.

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