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Posts posted by Emapudapus.1307

  1. New Life Siphon feels clunky, maybe they should keep old and give you 50% reduce incoming dmg or blocking while chanelling and would be better, since its melee weapon and you need to survive close range.

  2. I havent played this game for a long time, but gave it a try again during last weekend. As old necro main (core and reaper) i noticed 2-3 main problems, at least for this meta:

    1. Removal of many condi corruption effects from traits/spells or transforming condi corruption to only boon removal or reducing the amount of boon removal/corruption/transfering. The necro defensive nature (beside shroud) came from offensive utility conditions and debuffing enemies rather than having an easy access to protection/teleports/blocks/invulnerability. 

    2. I am not sure but it seems shroud takes more damage, either damage is high or they removed some internal functionality of shroud damage mitigation. While before it might not be needed, but for this meta shroud needs internal damage reduction, because everyone can clear full shroud in 1 sec (at least if u fight enemies with meta builds or meme damage). Also i didnt notice much problems regarding life force generation.

    (*3. Many bad reworks of core skills/spells like dagger 2, warhorn 5, shouts still whithout amunition, many traits... at least this is my personal bias opinion, devs dont seem to understand how necro works, many beneficial trait/spells synergies that exist/existed destroyed and necro depth/theme turning more into generic "me smash".)

    Also bring VAMPIRIC RITUALS back !!!! :).

  3. On 5/19/2021 at 3:27 PM, Lexan.5930 said:

    bring back vampiric wells


    That trait actualy opened much different playstyle, for sidepoint pvp, or nice dagger/blighter boons play synergy. Now wells (or this "new" trait) get used even less than before, prety much deleted, same as warhorn, heh, such good (re)design work.

  4. @LucianDK.8615 said:Sure warhorn got its damage amputated, but it still offers a speedbuff and breakbar damage. Which keeps it relevant.

    W5 shorter durration while keeping long casting time for lausy effect makes no sense when you need it instantly and because of shorter duration you get no value of precast, no cripple, lifesteal doesnt work in shroud, and removed synergy with blood traitline that even has buffing trait for warhorn in it. Also cant crit and proc bleed for curse necros.(at least pvp)

    Ye its has situational use but compared to old design this is pure garbage.

  5. The well trait opened so many posibilities on how to alternatively play necromancer/reaper or even support scourage, also opening of option of being sidenoder, while not for toptier tourney, it was still viable in ranked and used by quite some necromancers (condi or power). Changing/removing this interesting trait is well over me on why they would do that instead maybe just lowering duration of protection (but kind of understandable, if you never used it/asked ppl that never used it and dont have much knowledge of necromancers outside of topend "meta"). Also with their wanabe lowering cd of wells its not making more ppl use them, healing well is totaly useless now. As for this new blood bank, i think everyone should be aware by now, even devs, that this new trait isnt very good.

    Lets not forget about warhorn 5 rework (rework for the sake of reworking and nothing else, while not even needing it), also goes into very bad reworks and not even fixing it/giving explanation for it afterwards for years. So dont expect anything.

    ! http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwEY6MsMDWDDhlwKxxdqppB-z5gfGlqCyXKoyB when i was playing regularly during HoT i got frequently into legendary using this build and old well trait (and sometimes changing blighters boon to old reaper onslaught - yes it was viable (and more game healthy mechanic) in nonquickness version), while it was condi reaper "meta". If any devs needs explanation why this was so good and fun and sooo many synergies, i would be happy to provide it.

  6. In my opinion, every single redesign, every single buff they made to "underpowered/unused" skills/traits after pof launch and before CMC damage nerf patch, shows now how horribly bad they were and pure waste of time on dev part (as it shows now with somewhat lower dmg). Either by dumbing game down or making them now overpowered and overloaded.Like reaper redesign quicknes trait should never be introduced/old trait was perfectly balanced at HoT time if dmg and sustain of other would not increase, and now with dmg of other lowered and probably also sustain in future, you are left with design fail trait that was there just to keep up with powercreep at that time and old trait would be much better for overall balance, theme and health of the game (similar also with most other skills). The quickest, easyest way to go with balance would be better to revert everything to pre PoF and start balancing from there and reintroducing elite spec to pvp yet again (or even pre HoT with more relevant combos in mind).Even if they nerf all currently overachieving builds/proffesions, it is just a matter of time new ones that might be even more cheesy and unhealthy will emerge (that were kept in check by current OP builds), because of previous poor balance and redesign choices.There were always "OP" builds, but in my opinion, these OP builds (except start of HoT) were rarely so unhealthy, opresive, unthematic and unfun as they are now, even non meta builds.*also in my opinion ammunition system is horrybad for pvp

  7. -When are we getting vampiric rituals for nec back?-Is reaper/necro getting its debuffer role option back (instead of only facreoll dmg) with buffing back corrupt skills/traits to corrupt 2 boons again (1 boon corrupt is very unimpactfull and you use it for spam mostly, you cant reliable target any boon): spitefull spirit, weakening shroud, dark pact, unholy feast, feast of corruption?-Dmg/cc/sustain/mobility .... still seems too high to me for specific/many builds. Any plans to reduce power lvl again/further?

  8. @Caine.8204 said:

    @Emapudapus.1307 said:Thats why wells were good utility for dagger, for close range combat, now they indirectly nerfed it too (eventho it was already rarely used) which shows they didnt put much thought into this patch. Also in bold text is not true.

    bold text IS true. spectral walk/wurm are both mandatory skills in spvp. if you dont have them, you are worse than any necro that does have them. easier to lock down, so you will die more, deal less damage, and get less kills overall. theres a reason im a plat 2 necro purely solo queueing, and you are not. its because i know what skills i need to run to be effective. i dont run meta, but even i realize that those two skills are like 99% of your build. the swiftness alone is amazing, lasting 30 seconds, and the teleport juke is AMAZING for making range and getting kills. the wurm can be used to teleport behind a wall, so you can leave any fight that you're losing.

    trust me. i know what im talking about. if you went full wells, even with dagger, you are a bad necro.

    Not saying they arent good for specific playstyle. I went 4 wells, dagger, reaper to mid plat 3/top 25 at that time, before nerf, so your point is invalid.

  9. @Caine.8204 said:

    @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:The Core Necro build I was using had Vampiric Wells with:
    1. Well of Blood
    2. Well of Suffering, or Well of Corruption, or sometimes Corrosive Poison Cloud vs. certain comps
    3. Well of Power
    4. Plague Signet
    5. Lich

    Vampiric Rituals
    granted that utility list A LOT of extra sustain. & substantial damage output. When you're talking about 250 life steal heal & damage per tick per target, that turns something like Well of Power into a substantial heal when it's dropped on 3 to 5 targets with 5s duration 1s ticks, as well a lot of extra damage that isn't effected by toughness or protection.

    The build and the way Vampiric Rituals worked, just felt good to play man. There was more versatility before Vampiric Rituals was removed, more distinct build structures. Now after it's been removed, the utility list is just sort of narrow as hell, now with everyone always using Spectral Walk and Flesh Wurm all of the time. Pretty much what's going on now is that all wells suck outside of Well of Darkness
    , which can be turned into a single monstrous skill when synergized with
    but that's all wells are good for now with removal of Vampiric Rituals.

    And yeah, Scourge + Tempest is coming on a bit strong lately. Should see what it's like when they're stacked in a FB + Ren on top of that. Four classes with good dps and all tossing each other support cleanse & heal. You can't dent that in a team fight. Right now there isn't enough dps in spvp to match the sustain of that combo. Give it another couple weeks, everyone will be complaining about it.

    well-heavy builds run into the pvp issue of not being able to escape any fight. the heal is nice, but when you have a thief on you, its gonna take more than a couple Wells to get him off. you have to make space or he will eat you. this goes with most of the people necro has to fight - if you're in melee range, you're dead. if you can't escape, you're dead.
    spectral walk, and wurm, have always been mandatory for necros in plat

    Thats why wells were good utility for dagger, for close range combat, now they indirectly nerfed it too (eventho it was already rarely used) which shows they didnt put much thought into this patch. Also in bold text is not true.

  10. While in general the cd reduction of wells is good for people who only take 1 well, the people who take 2 or more and focus their builds on wells this is straigh up deletion of those builds (longer cooldowns, no protection, no siphons). Why destroying build diversity, while you exchange it to something very bland, supporting standard gameplay of needing support for full effect?
    There are builds that can be played plat3+ in ranked that take this trait, many ppl play with it , so statement

    "The necromancer traits for signets and wells have long occupied a difficult place in most builds since they exist on the grandmaster tier and typically have not provided enough power to warrant taking over other grandmaster traits"

    is pure wrong. Multiple well builds support different playstile, more bruiser, 1v1, close combat (high risk/high reward kindof), so loosing protection and siphons sustain and extra dmg is huge (and no other blood grandmaster traits fill that role). Its hard to keep enemies inside of wells (so you could bait enemies to attack you and cast offensive well on you) and you also put yourself at mobility disadvantage to stay inside support wells for full effect, meaning protection and siphons are crucial to those builds. So why delete option if those options werent overpowered or unhealthy for game? Why removing it and replacing it with boring sameish trait that dont introduce anything new?The extra sustain also synergies more with blighters boon builds.

    Vampiric Rituals was always strong option if you want to run 2+ wells. The problem ppl didnt use it wasnt because of trait, but wells themselves, being useless without trait. So change of reducing cd in general is good, but please also support ppl who run multiple wells and give them back protection and siphons. Dont destroy build diversity when its not needed (aka warhorn rework where noone uses it anymore, while before beeing one of the best designed weapons, never OP, never UP, full of synergy and lorefriendly).

    If you want to use Blood Bank replace Banshee Vail and just buff warhorn in general. Or life from death, there are too many ressing skills anyway.

    There are many varieties of well builds, but this is only one example of one very competitive build that can be done with vamp rituals and would be deleted and playstyle destroyed if this change goes trough (to point out this trait is strong option):http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAg2ZlZwOYIsEWJm8WqtbA-zZIPBVOAAnd just for exaple for HoT times i managed to come to legendary rank multiple times with this build (although not viable anymore because of powercreep and mutliple other trait/spell nerfs overtime and not because vampiric rituals is bad):http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwEcEmpMDWDDhlwKxxdqrpB-z5gfCqcA

    *** Also just to point out, well of darkness buff is awesome, just ..... what about chilling darknes trait? We only have 2 blind spells and one of them was changed to do exactly what trait says and even stronger. Just feels little like an oversight.

  11. For me PvP team at the moment is doing incredible job, maybe could do more frequent patches for certain things but ok.But for only balancing pvp trough number changes you can only do so much. What for me is the thing that is breaking the game is proffesion design team. WIth their addition trough expansions and dumbing down the playstiles, with previous balances and redesigns and one skill does it all and spam incouraging, they are destrtoying the soul this game once had, the complexity and tactical/strategical aspect it once had.Ofc there were always balance issues, but if core proffesion design is intriguing its much easyer to ignore it and play further. While even if its perfectly balanced, if core aspect of proffesions is bad its still bad experience and you will stop playing.Conquest as itself is complex enaugh to not get stale, maybe adition of 2v2 isnt bad, but if conquest remains only gamemode i am ok with it.Tldr: Profesion design/redesign (team) is the real reason why pvp is dying, pvp balance team is doing atm good job.

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