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Posts posted by Rubyeke.3045

  1. I've been playing casually since beta and Scourge is really the only spec that I've felt at home in. It wasn't top level meta in anything (besides maybe zerg wvw which I don't really play) but I genuinely enjoyed playing it. There are other classes that I half way understand but I don't enjoy playing. Guess that means I'm going to have to take a break from the game. Disappointed is an understatement, spending a lot of time, money, and energy into a class for them to try to scrap the whole thing and force it into a role it clearly wasn't meant for, with shifts around a broken boons structure. True this game doesn't have as much as a 'holy trinity' but it's getting to be 'boons or bust' so it may as well be. Not every class should be able to fill every role and that is okay. That is healthy.

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