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Posts posted by Blackbeard.6419

  1. On 9/5/2021 at 5:58 PM, ArmoredVehicle.2849 said:


     If you're using my package and want to try the ramdisk method. In the GW2 folder, you'll find a folder named "shader_cache", open a terminal window in it and copy and paste the following:   sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=128M tmpfs ./


    The command above will create a 128MB ramdisk which is enough for this game. As you're probably aware, all contents will be lost as soon you turn off or reboot the PC.


    Hello, I was wondering what would the difference be if I tried the ramdisk method? I mean I tried it once saw cpu usage spike up which I am guessing is from loading stuff. But how much is it really helping my ssd? and is it worth it?

  2. 3 hours ago, ArmoredVehicle.2849 said:


    Everything seems to be in order, I even double checked the entries with mine and they're the same.


    Which distro are you using? I could try to install it into a virtual machine and see what's holding it.

    I am currently using pop os. It seems to have fixed the issue after I reinstalled wine & DXVK, no idea how though.

    Thank you.

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