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Posts posted by Nono.7963

  1. Quote
    On 6/29/2023 at 1:40 AM, Doggie.3184 said:

    I don't like the idea of having something I own taken away so I can refarm it. So if that's what's gonna happen I'll be sad.


    yeah, ANET does not understand that a lot of people are playing GW2 and not WoW or FF14 for this reason. 
    That's pretty sad, everytime they do something great, they also ruin it with a bad and unnecessary move no one asked for.

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  2. Honestly, we can't let that go this way, or they'll feel like they can do anything and we're still be their cash cows.

    Personally, if they don't come with a legendary relic that is tradeable for legendary runes owners, no more gems for them.
    No need to invest in a game that take everything back without fearing the consequences.
    Tons of people who invested a lot of money and time in this game will probably do the same, a lot might also just quit.

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  3. They probably just realized people were going to complain about it, they have no vision, maybe it would help if devs actually played the game more than 3 times a year during some live streams.
    Rubi said they're going to think about a way to compensate for it. "they're going" lol.
    Imagine announcing an expansion that will be released in two month and be that unprepared, that's so sad.

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  4. That's terrible.
    If they do that, it will be the ultimate proof they really don't care about long term players and have no respect for the ones who invested a lot of time and money in this game.
    Not going to buy gems anymore if they don't cancel this idea or give us the option to trade a legendary relic for a legendary rune.
    This cash will be invested somewhere else i guess 😅

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  5. Honestly, if they don't give us legendary relics to compensate, or access to all relics when using legendary runes, that would punish all the players who spent tons of time and efforts working on them.
    Probably one of their worst move ever.
    The sad part is that it would not be surprising,  and personally i'll wait to know more about it before i buy gems again, and i'm not going to be the only one.

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  6. Great idea, it would help a lot, it would be a pain to communicate as an alliance without it.
    They had that in GW1 i'm sure that they can do that here too.

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  7. I could complete this personally before it became buggued, but apparently, tons of people can't do it now, a friend of mine just made some new accounts to test and it also does not work.

    Anet does not even answer those posts, they more or less gave up and they don't have the decency to give any feedback about it.
    That's pretty bad, considering that this achievement (adventurer guide) appears at the very top of the achievement list, right under the daily so it's definitely something most people will see and will try to complete.
    I wonder if they even plan to fix it...but not even answering to the community after redirecting them here when you contact the support is already something terrible, it might be a sign that they actually don't care about the community or are not qualified to run such a big game anymore.

    Just share that as much as you can, maybe if it's big enough, they'll start to pay attention to it.
    I love this game and i'm not personally impacted by this issue but it's still very alarming.

    How many bugs, posts, players are ignored? 
    At some point they'll have to do something.

  8. Nice, making a challenging fight, put an exclusive reward for it, and making the reward basically free now. 

    Then, this challenging event does not have any interesting specific reward for its completion anymore.

    Just disappointing.

    At least if they decided to still give us something for the completion of this meta, it could be good, like a currency to buy a new infusion, so we need to beat it a lot to get it, or something. 


    But probably won't happen.

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