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Everything posted by Darkbeefy.5729

  1. Definitely boon x3 lol. Checked it out today over a few slots. Way too many calculations per unit. Incidentally: skill lagg is server side.
  2. Thought after years of garbage server and skill lagg, you may have finally addressed the problem, Anet. Sign in today and WvW would not load. When it finally appeared, and I could get in.... instant skill lagg the moment I hit a map. Yes, squads are back to full, normal boon ball rubbish being the root cause. 4k ms is a joke given I can leave wvw and instantly the ping returns to normal.
  3. Aussie. Since the start of beta I am having constant skill lagg to the extreme. Leave WvW and it goes away. Further, ping is fluctuating between 210-4k RTT. Problem areas of the path are always last hop into server or within 3 hops out. Unplayable to say the least. Am I the only one? Nope. Upload latency is fine, comp is well beyond min spec's req'ed, line is a 1T/100 and modem is mesh. Not my connection, not the path, not the pute. AWS server- yes.
  4. Hmmm... can deal with the hackers being a pain (just log till they leave), can deal with the guilds stacking of low tiers to farm (just log till they leave). But for crying out loud.. how about a screen flash saying "no glider, see down there, that's where you go splat if you try". I'm West Aussie, when they were handing out brains, we were the last in line because we were busy knocking back a few tinnies that we forgot to collect our share of the IQ. 12 (actually 14 really) splats. I'm more than just roadkill now, I'm part of the road infrastructure. We need medic's in wvw atm Anet... either that or some dev to clean up all the splats. Its the least you can do for us poor West Aussies.
  5. And before you start with the "its your ISP" rubbish. it isn't. It's the rubbish AWS servers. And yes, had it checked by OZ NBN techs. AWS junk! Got so many calculations its downright obscene and the servers cannot cope. The RTT is simply shocking. Only in wvw. About time Anet stopped blaming everyone else. Work on reducing the calculations in the skills rather than make more.
  6. Hmmm.. I didn't think Anet dev's could do worse in respect the skill laggg from all the boon uptime, but I was wrong. The new weps have placed it into a whole new ball park. Rather than reduce the calculations server side so tcp doesn't bottleneck, the dev's increased the calculations within 600units and made the whole thing a circus. Only peeps with less than120rtt will soon be able to play. This is looking very much like what happened with EOTM which is now a defunct map.
  7. GRRRRRRRRRRRR. Server side garbage. ADDRESS YOUR PROBLEM ANET! This rubbish is Anet mainly... way too many calculations flooding and bottlenecking. Boons all over the place, skills with way too many addon boons or condi. Btw folks... this is not routing and not your computer or line speed that determines this rubbish, it is what Custodio has informed you. SERVER SIDE and poor dev work.
  8. Are you insane Anet. 4500ping! flashing skills! If you are wondering why peeps are leaving.... RUBBISH LIKE THIS! Not one word from you Anet is respect Skill Lagg and it being addressed.... NONE! Find the cause and then inform the player base on what that cause is and how you are going to address it!
  9. How about Anet address the skill lagg and 3000+ ping. And before you spout the normal rubbish Anet... your end. 1-2 hops into server, server-side delay in the extreme (servers unable to calculate timely pkts as too many calculations) and outbound from your server (mostly 1-4 hops out), not to mention the excessive delays in tcp going through your outbound suppliers on return trip. Hacks/exploits/skill lagg/blackholes in all directions.. ONLY IN WvW. Log out of wvw... ping drops to normal instantly. Not my pute, not my ISP, not the route! This is Anet and AWS garbage.
  10. Not wrong on the hacking. In ONE day- gliding in opposition territory, ruins being hacked sub terra, mounts from opposition being capable of outrunning 3-fold (in opposing territory) a chasing party (quickness on Viagra), Keeps having stealth port zergs straight to Lord- whilst the owners have had the Keep for 23h AND the list just keeps going. Am I serious? Very serious! Seen a few hacks over the years but this is getting pathetic. You want peeps to keep playing wvw Anet, and after all these years of doing squat about it, I strongly suggest you start addressing it rather than hiding from it like NORMAL. It's not like it's a secret. Chat on my server was flooded with complaints over a period of several hours. Personally, not interested in WvW until Anet start an HONEST attempt at clearing out the hacks.
  11. 17 dc's in 3 hrs. You have got to be insane to believe you fixed the problem Anet. Not just me either-common for last 2 weeks with heaps of peeps. If you want folks to bail on the game then you are doing a good job.
  12. On behalf of all scribes, I think I have the perfect weekly event. Reward: a gold encrusted sledge hammer. I believe that it would be the consensus of all fair minded scribes that Anet opens up the opportunity to place in front of a wall, every guild processing line equipment. Provide the scribes and their respective friends and pets a blunt force instrument, with no cool down, so that they may take revenge for the “pain of processing siege”, in the most horrid and sadistic way possible. Leave it for a week with the prize for making the processing lines resemble week old 42C Aussie Roadkill being awarded to the scribe with the biggest smile of satisfaction.
  13. Client Crashes. Very much the same as soooo many others. I haven't said anything about connection issues here. TCP packets TO login server are within the expected MS range. TCP on RETURN path are on average 4.8 times the ms of incoming TCP traffic to the login servers. Return path tcp are also being hampered by continuing black holes on return path with most being in the first 3 -4 hops of AWS return or prior to leaving the US mainland AWS suppliers
  14. Before you start with, blame the players ISP, routing to Login server, Windows, blah blah. RUBBISH! TCP pkts to server are well within the acceptable MS. The time in server is insanely high, and the RTT is being driven into the ground by black holes in the first 4 hps of return path and fluctuating BH's to the respective regional destination of player. THATS ANET AND AWS!. Address the issue and let folks know what on earth is happening, in alternative to players finding a new game because this one is now very much unplayable by a significant part of the playing populace.
  15. Dc's and crashes, due to login server which incidentally is region based. 75% of AU being effected OFTEN!, more black holes in return path than I have ever seen before and according to AU National Broadband (unheralded and stem from Amazon suppliers and the game mechanics), skill laggg back to pre mounts and is caused by too many calculations. Seriously Anet, if you want to destroy your game, keep this rubbish up. Dont be cleaver. Go back to basic's and solve the problems then move forward.
  16. You will find a significant amount of the player base throughout SEA, Ocx and EU are having the same problem. Ie ping from my regional location (OZ) to the Login server is 117-125ms (TCP Packets), the return path is up to 2k++ (60% of time) since 23 Aug. This seems to be the same with a great majority of playing population here. So much so that connection error popups were constant, with intermittent crashes. Anet did address this regional policy but its coming back again. For myself... definitely not worth even really logging in. I do remember that this issue happened the last time STEAM was integrated.
  17. Yep, another Aussie. WA to login server (TCP not ICMP) 123ms. Anet and return path 3210 return. RTT is therefore 3300+. Nothing to do with our ping to server... simply Anet- wvw has way too many calculations for the server to cope with/or/and Amazon servers are garbage. Take your pick of either. Do everyone a favour Anet and swap out the mainland servers in NA and use something like Hawaii. That way we can send the TCP packets via seagull which would be far quicker than using your return path suppliers. Just before you pull the old-ya have a potato comp... line is 1Tb down and 400 up. Ram is 32mb.
  18. Although I found the story line and obstacles interesting getting to the map, thereafter, it went to h*ll in a hand-basket very quickly. Like in previous expansions (Skyscale: throwing a ball back comes to mind rather quickly) Anet game design is under the impression a players ping is at optimum levels. I have news for you; the RTT in various maps or under some circumstances, is simply shocking. Thunderhead Peaks comes to mind. I didn't have a problem with map ping until well after I had used it for a few months. Should I go there now, it is downright impossible to play due to the ping. I can be in Tyria with a ping of 215-240rtt (Aussie btw), hit Thunderheads and that will go to 540rtt min/av940ms . Some maps are like this but many of the older maps are not. At present, attempting to fish for Aurene in the story line is impossible, and that's simply due to the ping/rtt. Go from Tyria 245rtt and get into new map it starts at av940, drops to 570rtt and that's as good as it gets. Any events; av 970rtt. In short, the expansion becomes worthless which is disappointing. The result of this is simply giving up and go play a different game. Should WvW Alliances not fix the coverage and zerg lagg issues, then it really does force one into another like game where these ping issues are seldom an issue. Great game, imaginative ideas, and great community but sadly this is let down by no realising that no everyone is living in the US and has a ping of sub 100rtt. I think it high time the dev's started to factor ping into the games design (or shift the servers to OZ lol so we can hear the US peeps start to scream and understand the issue as it affects a great % of the present player base)
  19. Arghhhh.. this rubbish again. 8 DC's (cannot stay connected to Login Server) in 18min. Btw.. not just a few peeps either. And NO, not my upstream route, not my connection, not my ISP.
  20. rofl: seriously, in alternative to whine like pre school kids, test your theories prior to complaining. Shroud.. those trebs in spawn for which you linked- the can be removed with a balli faster than the trebs can fire, also the balli is safe from the trebs as the min range is effected by their alleviation. Mag clouding ebg. Very very simple counter.. the two whom are opposing simply take half Mags BL each and tier them and to rub salt into the wound siege out one backline tower and the keep (EWP in each) and simply hold for tier3. As many have mentioned.. 3 exits in every spawn. No point in whinning that your getting farmed when you dont seek out the counters. In RL and as with games, there is normally a counter so all you need do is use a little IQ
  21. Same connection, same path JQ/GOM 6,780 bytes sent (122ms to server), return traffic received 58,530 bytes (1050ms). No person within 20k units. Now here is SoS 6,590k bytes sent (125ms to server), return 90,974k bytes (435ms). No person within 20k units. Same rotation, same build, same npc's etc and in same order. Graphics options are all minimum. Connection speed is 245/20mbps. EBG: mounts have decreased the time taken to reach a given unit area of population conflict and increased the amount of calculations required before return. What is alarming is the differing rtt between the servers with all things remaining equal. That should not be taking place. Further, I am assuming the server priorities have also been set to regional timeslots as I'm Aussie and my rtt during SEA is a good 50% less than if I play in a NA timeslot with the former having far more population in combat during the oversight period. Incidentally, VPN does not change the outcome as the time taken to calculate seems to be the root cause, although I must admit the Amazon return is also disgraceful and am in full agreement with our Nation Broadband Network (NBN) techs in saying that the Amazon server priorities need a review. Is Aussie broadband any good. Heck no.. garbage stuff in most states and that is being downright forgiving. However.. the latency problems do not stem from tcp path up, but rather, in the array and return path. Why not consider the Blizzard solution which was to place a regional server in Australia or SE Asia. Amazon has the infrastructure and servers in ie Australia, Hawaii, Singapore etc and the exchange rate would be of benefit in the cost of the service fees.
  22. It may not be your connection. You will find the same complaint by a vast majority of players now. Some pve maps are so laggy they are unplayable. It started off with only a few, and now the few has grown. My ping in DSM's shows 246-260rtt, if I immediately go to a lagg pve map (wait 15min) the ping averages 970+. If I go directly to WvW from a DSM my ping goes from av 246rtt to at a minimum 1.4-1.7k rtt and will top before a dc at around 4k av then 0. Also getting login error popups while playing. 3 days ago ago, those login errors popped (no lie) EVERY 60s like clockwork (only in wvw however)
  23. Rev: Renegade- shortbow x2 Could just be me but my line of sight (or any distance skill) is obstructed very often for absurd reasons. The occasions include such things as ambient creatures or an ever so slight bump in ground etc. Had no problem with the line of sight in DM until a few days ago. Incidentally, my ping when first doing a x5 DM was 215rtt (WC OZ). Swap straight over to HOT maps.. a 5-6min wait on load and then a 970rtt. Back to DM-225rtt. Immediately go wvw (loads ok), then.. yah! 1340Rtt. Over past 3 days, the DM has got worse av 340 now. Having said the above, over past couple of months my av rtt has decreased by 41.87%. HOT maps are however, for me, a waste of time. Av rtt 1100 Just an FYI
  24. WvW: Skill Lagg, random and seriously high ping spikes (3-4k), Map chat stalls, movement freezes but game continues without lagg around toon, dc's are back- 6 dc's and relog needed with playtime averaging about 4-5min before DC and on an empty map. Character screen load time after last DC was 9min (logged in fine- character selection sucked). Au player and no- not backbone as TCP TT to Amazon 151ms. 24hrs ago- radom lagg spikes but nowhere near as bad as previously and atm Hope it helps
  25. 7 mths of seriously escalating lagg had me at 780-5000 ping. Got to point lagg was in dang near every map. Get on today and my ping is AU -290rtt in all maps I tested this morning and same low ping in wvw with 2 tags up and a Q on the server (full). Was 3 days away from giving gw2 away due to being unplayable. (btw now got lots of graphics tearing in Tyria and Desert). Dont you dare go backward. 7mths of garbage and now its like heaven and playable. Dont touch anything!
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