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Posts posted by Exzen.2976

  1. Dearest Anet

    So, I'm probably in a minority of players that like the new change to arcane wave. There are threads for the skill itself already and I don't wish to duplicate that.

    My main issue with this is the ridiculous/lazy animation. It is literally a copy pasta of the warrior hammer earthshaker animation. That animation works for warrior - leaping and hitting the ground with a giant hammer... but for elementalist, leaping into the air, two hands on their comparatively small, one-handed scepter, smashing it into the ground and making the same smash is both an insult to warriors (ele currently stronger kekw) and an insult to elementalists who should be using MAGIC, not gonking people on the head with their scepters.

    I fully appreciate it makes sense to re-use animations... but at least attempt to make it magical looking.

    Make Ele Not Gonk Again.

    Make Warrior Mains Feel Adequate Again.


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  2. So... a thread about how ele is unkillable yet pretty much everyone seems to agree the issue is cele ele... I wonder if perhaps the issue is not ele... but celestial stats? Perhaps we should set up a celestial thread in wvw... wait...

    Like most EoD specs, cata is a little overtuned, but outside cele builds is still very much killable.

    Otherwise, the counterplay to roaming ele very much depends on the spec/build. That's not really any different to any other class though.


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  3. Cele is beyond disgusting when it comes to small scale and 1v1s though. So concentration clearly is an issue on it. Not everyone plays big organised fights. I do appreciate its effectiveness decreases as you increase the number of players but making the change would therefore have a big positive inpact on small scale and roaming and little to no impact on zerg gameplay. So seems to be a sensible change to make.

    You don't need to have all bases covered in an organised group because you can build into a specific role, so cele is less desireable - but for small scale it's essentially a no brainer BIS stat combo that does everything for you. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, CafPow.1542 said:

    I think besides concentration, cele is mostly fine. But boonduration could be looked at. Although the amount of boons is generally a questionable issue in the game, you can see this in the boonball argument.

    I don't disagree - but I think the concentration is a big issue and you even say "mostly" xD Without the boon spam and crazy might generation etc, Cele is much much weaker. I do agree boon duration and access across all classes should indeed be looked at - but one is a much easier fix than the other. Remove concentration from cele = one change. 

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  5. The problem is that cele is overtuned in its current form. It doesn't need to be deleted, but it does need some tweaking to bring it more in line. At the moment it makes the majority of stat combos completely obsolete.

    If you want to run a condi build, cele is just outright better than running dire/trailblazer/apothecary/plaguedoctor etc. If you run power and want to add some tankiness, cele is better than mixing in some soldiers/wanderers/commanders/crusaders etc. 

    Cele used to be fine before the unnecessary buff. Reverse it and give players a choice to make again when build crafting. It's really not difficult anet.

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  6. Depends on what you like to do in wvw and how you like to play. Zerg builds are very different to small scale and roaming builds. A preference for something tanky and bruiser like will be different from something glassy and/or hit and run style.

    Ele can kinda do a bit of everything, depending on what you like, especially in wvw where you can customise stats.

  7. Ah, another nerf cele thread. Yes please anet.

    Clearly an issue and has been evident since the unnecessary buff to add concentration and expertise, that literally no one was asking for. It gets brought up again and again on the forums and has multiple videos made on it. 

    Either reduce the total stats it offers to be more in line with 4 stat combos or remove the conc and expertise.

    Rebalancing ALL skills and boons would be another way to do it... but it's so much easier to balance one thing than balance 100+ things. 

    I have given up any hope of Anet competently balancing for wvw now though.

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  8. It looks OK, but suboptimal. If i were running it, I'd go with the following:

    One with air definitely if you're going fresh air weaver. Its so much better than swiftness and the ferocity increase from ferocious winds is negligible. It will help you stick to targets to hit with primordial stance. I know you can go relic of speed, but the dmg from ferocious winds is a lot less than the dmg from a dmg relic, so it feels like a bit of a waste.

    Also you have relatively low fury uptime, which is an issue for fresh air. Honestly I would drop water and pick up arcane. This alone should give you 100% fury uptime. If you're concerned about the healing, you can take evasive arcana, which will give you a much needed cleanse (you could also take Ether Renewal if youre lacking cleanse) and healing. You will also get shorter attunement cooldowns, higher prot uptime etc.

    I would also then swap the grandmaster in Weaver to Elements of Rage, which will give you a significant amount of precision. This will allow you to further invest stats into more damage or defence, depending on what you find suits you. However Invigorating strikes would also be a good option that would synergise with evasive arcana.

    Also, Fireworks relic is strictly better than Weaver relic and you will have plenty of cds at 20s or more. 

    Obvs feel free to ignore, this is just how I would run it.

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  9. Just now, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Maybe we should also make other professions good only in the right hands? Let's stop patronizing when people expect to have results with minimum effort..then have the face to tell others to learn to play as "ele is good in the right hands"

    I'm not patronising anyone, or at least not trying to. I'm stating my opinion, which I don't think anyone is disagreeing with? 

    I did also state that an ele rework would be the only way to have it so you could get results with minimum effort without affecting sPvP, WvW or pve benchmarks etc.

    I fully appreciate it must be frustrating for players who are not getting good results on it. I'm not saying that its right and to "git gud", it's just kinda how it is. 

    Without a full rework to either ele OR to ALL the other classes (both of which i think are incredibly unlikely), ele balance is always going to be a divisive issue. 

    I'm just keen not to have ele buffed again when it will inevitably be nerfed in the following patch - probably targeting the wrong things as per usual. 

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  10. This thread appears to be hijacked into a 2 person argument 😅

    Realistically though, I think it comes down to this.

    Is ele still really good in the right hands? Yes, absolutely. 

    Does ele require more effort to be effective than most other classes? Yes, although this heavily depends on the build. Due to the amount of options ele has, it tends to have a high skill floor and ceiling.

    Should ele be buffed to ensure that everyone that picks up ele no matter what their skill level/experience can be good on it, ignoring how op it would be in the hands of a skilled player? No

    If we do that, then we get into a situation where you get 5 man ele teams in monthly ATs in sPvP and where ele becomes the BIS choice for ALL the DPS roles in high end PVE content. Both of these things have happened in the past (although it has been a while since staff ele kicked butt in PVE). This inevitably leads to large amounts of ele nerfs and inevitably leads to several nerfs to the wrong things. 

    If people ask for buffs again to ele, I guarantee we'll get harsher nerfs in the next balance patch. Ele really doesn't need buffs overall right now. There are absolutely some underperforming traits/weapons etc that could use some love (although this is true for every class) - but to say ele is kitten now is just not true.

    At this point I expect the only way to ensure that everyone can be good on ele, and feel happy about it, would be a complete ele redesign. 

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  11. Condi scepter was kinda crazy tbh.

    17 hours ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

    for e.g Dragon tooth for condy:

    - 2k damage over 6 seconds if it even lands and avoids all condy removal of 6 seconds.   Yep you read that right,  that's down to 0 - 325 damage a second for one of its primary dmg skills!

    - It has one of the biggest tells known to man, a big giant tooth over your head saying i am going to hit you in a bit!  

    And post nerfs it's still easy to add a load of burning on ele. Also, dragonstooth takes literally 0 skill or brain to use since it was "buffed" (bring back old DT pls). It has a low cd and is spammable. The nerf seems very reasonable to me.

    10 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

    not to mention that written in stne and scepter ended worse than pre rework in pvp

    Both were utterly busted in sPvP and needed the nerfs. I don't understand why anet buffed written in stone like that though, it was clearly going to be horrifically op from the patch notes. 


    1 hour ago, bluberblasen.9684 said:

    So all we need is nerfing

    Willbender, harbinger, and remove  all kind of thief in wvw  🤣🤣

    I mean, yeah, otherwise you get crazy powercreep. Of something was overturned, like ele was, then it should be nerfed. Scepter has kinda been op since the rework, which is why it's received many nerfs since and is still widely used. Cata was completely ridiculously op amd has been in need of nerfs. 


    Don't get me wrong, I love ele, I'm an ele main and I want it to be good still - just balanced. Do harb and willbender need some nerfs in wvw? Ofc, I completely agree. Doesn't mean ele didn't too - I'm sure harb and wb will have their moment. 

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  12. 8 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    Soothing Disruption causes all Cantrips to grant Vigor and Regeneration on use.  This was an integral part of cantrip ele, which was a PvP/WvW force for many years.  The nerfs made to Lightning Flash back in 2020 were done under the assumption that Eles were taking Soothing Disruption.  Prior to then, Lightning Flash was sort-of an "everything" button.  Sure, it wasn't a stun break, but that's about all it was lacking.  It was good for avoiding damage, it did O.K. damage itself, it was great for securing big hits, it could be used while stunned to avoid big hits, and it also gave the much needed PvP boon Vigor.  It wasn't until recently that the cooldown reduction was removed from Soothing Disruption.  

    The dev's perspective of Lightning Flash is wholly tied to the assumption of Soothing Disruption.  You'd have to reconcile that issue before we'll see any improvements to the skill.  

    Soothing disruption in its current form should be no barrier to reviewing LF. Id be surprised if many players even take that trait nowadays. Also Vigor isn't hard to come by - its free on the arcane traitline, on phoenix, fireworks runes etc. The reasons it was held back have all gone. Release the chains anet. #MakeLightningFlashGreatAgain

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  13. 1 hour ago, BobbyT.7192 said:

    I'm old enough to remember a nasty little combo elementalist used to do with fresh air and the dagger earth skills. And this was a enabler for that.

    I was around when they took the stun break of this skill, been a while but I think was because this was seen as a offensive skill, or at least they wanted it to be like that. That and cantrips were heavy on the stunbreak and they wanted to move it to another skill type.

    Well, Churning Earth has been reworked now and does a fraction of the damageand is no longer a stationary channel skill.

    There's little reason to take LF offensively, so really should be looked at for a bit of a rework. 

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  14. 33 minutes ago, RazieL.5684 said:

    this unwarranted ele hate is getting boring/annoying...

    Haha yes. Mainly by players that have 0 idea how ele works. I was bm'd in wvw recently after being killed by 3 players for "playing ele". After I pointed out that Cata was the op spec and that I was playing power scepter dagger Weaver - he proceded to explain to me that Weaver has perma stab and perma reflect. #facepalm. 

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  15. 13 minutes ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    Or in a zerg where all they have to do is mist to the back lines to be revived. We have seen this so many times. 


    Totally bogus that a profession played by a developer has an op "get out of death free" ability. 

    This has nothing to do with the quoted developer. And ele spent years being total crap too, everyone is acting like ele has been favoured/op since launch. I think people are forgetting how completely ridiculous/dominant Firebrand and scourge were for YEARS in wvw.

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  16. Ele downstate is broken when near a gate but pathetically useless if in open field or not close enough to a gate.

    I'd personally be well up for a rework of ele downstate, but they'd have to change the rest of it, since the others skills are beyond useless - I'd take ranger downstate in a heartbeat!

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