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Posts posted by Junuve.2761

  1. I love GW2 but that video was... painful. No REAL gameplay. And those quotes... yikes. I know it's blunt, but it's the truth. Nobody cares about some comment a player makes. I don't, and I play the game. They're very distracting, honestly, and detract from the footage running in the background. If I were new, I'd be miffed that some random was taking up screen real estate to share an opinion as I'm trying to formulate my own.

    What got me into GW2 was that when I went on an MMO hunt I found some game play videos. GAME PLAY. I saw a person, rather ambivalent to GW2 an quiet, create a female charr and start, well, playing the game. Needless to say, I was hooked by what I saw.Now, that takes WAY too long for a 1 minute trailer. But it is the essence of what will hook someone in. What are they ACTUALLY going to be playing? What kind of game is it? What's different? What's special about it? Why is it worth their precious leisure time? Is it just another grindfest? Do real people, not comments, play this game?Show these new folks that they're going to be playing an excellent game that values their time and efforts with epic rewards. There's a reason it's considered an outstanding MMO (by people outside of GW2, believe it or not). It has free* and consistent content drops in addition to a free base game and reasonable expansions. It has a heartwarming community that's been encouraged by the cooperative nature of the game itself. Oh, and don't forget the "play how you want, when you want" ideal.Actual footage of the game in motion, of real people streaming through large-scale events, raids, and fractals, even WvW and PvP, is going to make new people want to jump into the fray!

    TL;DR Show, don't tell!

    (I know most of what I'm saying has been said before and probably articulated in a better fashion, but I just had to put it in my own words. Hope you and everyone else at ArenaNet have happy holidays! And thanks for communicating with us players!)

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