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Posts posted by Valgar.9576

  1. @"Super Hayes.6890" said:Or, as part of the saga, add these new maps to PvP as story themed maps where players choose a side before entering. This way every living story release would add something to PvP as well. In WvW they could add an episode themed map every release that takes the place of Heart of the Mists with it's own seperate WvW reward track. This is just an "out there" thought to get those two game modes... something.

    This isn't a bad idea.It would be nice to add in something that engages you more with other players you know...cause this is an mmo.

  2. No i definitely think people will try and form large groups and kill everyone but I'm suggesting there are ways around it. Just off the top of my head I can think of maybe putting in a time limit until your character snaps out of it therefore preventing huge zergs from even forming. The idea behind it isn't necessarily to introduce pvp, but give some sort of dynamic and "unpredictable" nature to the story. The idea that anyone of your "comrades" could turn on you at any moment.

  3. Like the title suggests, wouldn’t it be cool if you were able to “give in” to Jormag’s voice.

    For example, if you type /sleep in Bjora your character becomes a servant of Jormag and is an enemy to all other players. You could then fight other players on the map like some kind of open world pvp. Once you are defeated, you could get a debuff that prevents you from turning again for 24 hours so that people can’t continuously spam and troll events or players.I think this could really spice things up with the new content because you might get people banding together to fight off a group of “turned” players. I know it will have its down falls, but I think it would make the world so much more immersive.

    I had a similar idea for when HoT came out. I would have loved it if only Sylvari player characters who were playing the HoT campaign had the choice to “give in” to Mordremoth in a similar way. There’s probably better ways to implement it but I just can’t help wishing that this could happen.

  4. Wouldn't it be cool if you could go into your home instance and all skins were unlocked for you to try on. You could then see how it looks when you run around. I know you can preview them but I think it would be more helpful if you can see exactly what it will look like while you play (animations included). Then when you leave your home instance, the skins you don't have become locked again. Thoughts?

  5. @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:This is a toughie... There are so many fantastic tracks...

    1. THREE WAY TIE: Desmina's Reclamation ||| HoT Log In Theme ||| 'Zhaitan'
    2. The Hall of Judgement (Dhuum's Theme) TIED w/ Blish's Sacrifice
    3. MacLaine Deimer's 2018 version of 'Fear Not This Night'
    4. Dragon's Stand TIED w/ The Mouth of Mordremoth
    5. The Nightmare Court
    6. Aurene Ascended TIED w/ Aurene Dragon of Light (choir version) & The War Eternal Trailer Track
    7. The Golden Cave
    8. SCAR
    9. Sabetha's Theme
    10. Vale Guardian Theme

    1. Desmina's theme is the embodiment of pure, frantic, terror . There is no escape, you will be caught; fight or die. The HoT theme is the most hype-train log in theme I've heard for an MMO and is emblematic of the feeling toward the first expansion as we were all waiting to get at it. 'Zhaitan'... is a track that is emblematic of the feeling of awe and futility in the face of something greater than you. It's a "drop your weapons and stare" sort of feeling.
    2. This song is power and domination wrapped up in a fantastically scored piece. It really screams "God of Death" and the only reason it wasn't #1 was because I wish it was longer and had more going on. Blish's Sacrifice is absolutely gut-wrenching… The dialogue that accompanies this song just makes it even better and frankly, is one of the crowning achievements in GW2's story telling to date. That whole section of story was heavy.
    3. The twist to the lyrics and tone made the anthem of GW2 feel like a sinister threat during the 2nd half of the trailer for Episode 2. Just a magnificent pivot and the vocals were a great fit.
    4. This track is FANTASTIC trailer music, it does so much and builds to a crescendo and really imparts the weight of the final map meta.
    5. An underrated and infrequently listened to track, the somber beginning gives way to swelling, burgeoning strings kind of like the nightmare court struggling to be free, though more romanticized and perhaps, just perhaps, skewed in their image.
    6. Each of these songs are emblematic of the struggle to get where we are at this point. The victory of Aurene Ascended, the hopeful choir of Aurene Dragon Full of Light, and the uncertain tone of The War Eternal are each extremely poignant and purposeful.
    7. This melody... Would have been higher on the list if I had made it sooner. At the launch of Heart of Thorns it would have been in my top 3. It's just... extremely melodic and takes you far away.
    8. This might be the single best "martial" feeling song in the game. The way it steadily builds tension and excitement coupled with the percussion's slow rise to the front is magnificent.
    9. As the first final raid boss I ever took down, this song is remembered very fondly... After I went back to look it up because I had to pay attention to the raid!
    10. One of my initial and lasting impressions surrounding raids was the music, and this boss's song was so very catchy it made me look it up when I was away from the game many times! The only reason this and 9. aren't higher is purely because they're so short!

    I know nobody asked for this detailed of a list, but I'm happy to share it!

    Well i'm happy you shared. I like to see what other people enjoy in this game and why

  6. Well the best way to get ascended gear for me is doing the pvp league. By the time you finish all the chests, you have basically made almost 150 gold, you get plenty dyes, and you get 3 marks you can use to purchase a light, medium or heavy ascended armour. The added bonus is that the ascended armour acts as a precursor to legendary armour which is not too difficult or expensive to get in relation to the other legendaries. As you do league you can go for the league achievements which will ultimately allow you to get a legendary backpack, and if you dont want to spend your cash, you'll at least get an ascended backpack. AND you will also get rewards from whatever reward tracks you use (potential ascended rings drop from them, i've gotten like 5).

    The only downfall is...if you hate PvP. The ranking system is pretty broken when trying to matchmake so a lot of the time it is a lottery with your team. But anyway, that will keep you busy for a long time and make you rich quick.

  7. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @Valgar.9576 said:For me personally, it would make me aware of how active people in my guild are and a nice way to share your achievements.

    Doesn't seeing your friends' AP suffice to indicate their activity in the game?

    Well sometimes they might complete a specific achievement that I haven't really heard of or seen. Total AP doesn't tell what achievements they actually got.> @"Cronospere.8143" said:

    Cronospere reached lvl 2Cronospere reached lvl 3Crono.......Cronospere reached lvl 66Cronospere reached lvl 67....

    Guildie: "Crono what are you doing?"

    Me: Leveling my character with tomes!

    To be honest i like the idea but only for a select achievements.

    Yeah, i definitely don't want every achievement popping up otherwise my chat would look like spam. > @daydreamer.3092 said:

    in contrast i would like it to join guilds with characters only (like classic WoW), so in case i dont want to be spied on i can just switch characters. atm i avoid guilds because many force you to join / talk to them all the time

    I actually forgot you could do that in WoW. I wonder how many people would actually want this?

  8. As in the title, I'd love to see what major achievements players in my guild are getting/doing. I'm obviously not suggesting every achievement should pop up in the guild chat but I like seeing a fellow guildie reach level 80, obtain a new mount/title, complete a raid wing etc.

    I think it would be simple to implement and you can toggle it off if it was something that would bother you.

    For me personally, it would make me aware of how active people in my guild are and a nice way to share your achievements.

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