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Arton Leirra.9760

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Posts posted by Arton Leirra.9760

  1. I used staff for open world up until level 80 when I unlocked reaper. Then I dropped it like a hot potato to make way from the GS.

    Simply enough rotation.. Use Staff 2+3 - Then switch to Axe/WH to bury them down.

    I'd start using staff again if they made the 1 skill bounce between targets and the aura's moved with the caster instead of stationary on the floor.

  2. Voted 1. I only started playing GW in March, -

    Started with Necromancer and have really, really been enjoying it. I do want to try other classes eventually but at the moment I am just enjoying the game and progressing through the different zones/map completion, there is no real benefit for me to change classes and I can't see myself doing it in the near future either.

    Maybe after I'm 100% Map progression and completed a few collections/ascended gear. I might add an alt. Currently however, that is a long way off.

    To give you an idea, I'm 80 - working through heart of thorns as I'm trying to collect a couple of key pieces for my first weapon collection (Dark Harvest) - Judging by the amount of hours I'm plowed into this game already I can't even imagine how much play-ability this game has, even without getting into alts.

    In the 'good old days' I had enough time to spend an extortionate amount of time on 1 char and then still have time left over for alts. However that was prior to the whole wife, kid and 50 hour week came along =)

  3. I quite like the idea of Account Bound items. I think it incentivize people to play content and challenge themselves. You get a sense of achievement when finally getting and also can be fun for collectors with certain item sets too.. although that's not my cup of tea - I can appreciate it's a goal for some people.

    I also think account bound items within games, stops them from certain games becoming completely pay 2 win. Which I think GW2 does very well.. Although there's an argument there's no really way to 'win' GW :grin:

    As for time-gates; throw them into the development furnace - If I want to farm an item for 24 hours. I should be allowed to :skull:

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