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Posts posted by Smiggles.6823

  1. So I think I found a bug, and I suspect I know why.

    I cannot progress Saving Skyscales. I have completed every part, the sub-collection for Skyscale of Water is marked complete when I click it, but inside the "Saving Skyscales" collection it is marked incomplete. I completed this without doing the Rune-Locked Doors collection. I was getting confused and asked someone in game who had completed it to please enter the room so I could TP to Friend to them. This let me complete the collection for Skyscale of Water, and get it marked complete, without completing Rune-Locked Doors.

    I suspect there's a requirement in Skyscale of Water that checks you have completed Rune-Locked Doors to progress. I cannot progress even though I have completed every part. 

    Please help! I'd like to get a skyscale.

  2. I'd like a talking mini called "Dum Dum" preferably a tourist themed quaggan that regularly drops inane comments based on the area and takes photos of it.

    Eg "Is that a volcano? Wow!" Click. Flash.

    "What kind of tree is that?" Click. Flash.

    Bonus points if the AI is terrible.

    Also wanted a "conscience" themed mini that berates you when you kill something in the overworld.

    Ie "you killed that innocent bear/hog/harpy/Dragon. You monster!"

    "That poor Skritt had 97 children. What are you doing?!!"


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