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Posts posted by Mara.6782

  1. When they are going to change spellbreaker utility skills?  No one use them. Elite skill is the only useful. New weapon is only useful with berserker and bladesworn with healing build. I want to know what is spellbreakers role in this game. Berserker is condi,power,support and bladesworn is power,support. Spellbreaker is only power and sometimes a tank, but thats only in raids and all others can do more damage and support at the same time.

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  2. Every class has too much something that i don't like, so i don't have main.

    Elementalist: Low Hp, Sometimes hard to stay alive.

    Mesmer: Purple color.

    Necromancer: Slow. Harbinger fix this but lose survivability, blight effect lowers HP. 

    Thief:  Low HP, Daredevil is forgotten, Slow specter shroud auto attack.

    Engineer: Color of that golem.

    Ranger:  Some pets i like are not good.

    Warrior: Somewhat boring.  

    Guardian: Low HP, Radiance trait line. It's too good so you always take it, seems to be always condi class because burning.

    Revenant: Utilities are legend locked

  3. Mesmer: Not much to hate but color

    Elementalist: Need to be musician to play good. Low HP and hard to stay alive.

    Necromancer: Slow and little to no stability. Harbinger helped a lot.

    Thief: Low HP, Nerfed all the time.

    Engineer: I like Fantasy stuff, magic etc. 

    Ranger: Pet, It is somewhat boring class.

    Warrior: Same as Ranger but even more boring. 

    Guardian: Low HP, Radiance Trait line, That trait line is almost always much to have. Burning in every build even if you don't use condi build.

    Revenant: I wanted a Ritualist. 

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  4. Legendary Alliance Stance elite skills.

    Spear of Archemorus

    This is not that bad but i don't understand why this do torment. Whole Alliance legend is power based. Change torment to knockdown and lower damage if needed.

    Urn of Saint Viktor

    This will not heal enough of what it takes away. You might keep others alive a little longer but then you need healing and you can't get heal while using this.

    This should be placeable urn and have its own hp bar. 


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  5. EOD have more elite specs that i like than others, but story and maps are worse. Void creatures could use unique models and not those same dragon minions with black infusion on. EOD is like mix of every expansion and living story put together and nothing new. Fishing is only new thing we have, boats are just skimmers. I was waiting deep sea dragon for the beginning of the game and was really disappointed of how the story goes. Where was the big dragon minion that the inquest was talking about. All that forgotten. That is the problem. Writers change and new ones don't know anything what others were doing, so there will be many plot holes. 

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