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Posts posted by FalconRN.6219

  1. On 4/15/2022 at 4:48 PM, Swedemon.4670 said:

    Is there a relatively updated google doc or sheet of guilds by NA servers?

    idk if it is allowed to post here on forum, but i do have a list , i hope it help u,
    ps: i only did with guilds that are playing atm/ not listed guild on break , only guilds with 15+ players. i didn't put roamers guilds.
    maybe some SEA guilds are not on the correct servers, cuz i could not confirm if they changed servers or not.
    this was the last one i did = April - June NA Relinks (2022) =
    [ Blackgate + Sorrow's Furnace] - RAWR, kewl | AQUA/ISup,CBo, Rx , GAL
    [ Crystal Desert + Darkhaven ] - ODA(SEA),AURA, BRRR, DN/CO, HERE, JINX, OTL, Rv, Sin, VII, wHo | DOC, DUSK, NEW, PoGu, VEX
    [ Dragonbrand + Gate of Madness ] - FTL,PDF, ViP | DETH, PUGS, STAB
    [ Ferguson's Crossing + Anvil Rock ] - CRAB, LION(idk if they disbanded), OP (alts) | BOZ
    [ Fort Aspenwood + Stormbluff Isle] - GK(SEA),Tofu(SEA),HIGH(SEA),BOMB/bro, hate, KnT, ShW, stek| Gurl, PTV, SIN
    [ Isle of Janthir + Sanctum of Rall ] - KS(SEA), BOOM, Grim, MONK, VOID| bana(SEA), FLUX, KDR, LVAJ, MYST, SE, SF, WILD
    [ Jade Quarry + Eredon Terrace ] - DENT (SEA), JADE, POP, TPA (SEA) WAR | SHLD, HalP/INC.
    [ Kaineng + Devona's Rest ] - Apex, aW, DED (SEA/NA), DTF, EINS, HELL,TORK / DR has no guilds atm
    [ Maguuma + Borlis Pass ] - CTH, DIS | JOY, PPT, WVW, XXX
    [ Sea of Sorrows + Henge of Denravi ] - SoX(ocx/sea),ROSE(SEA), BQ ,OP/choo | AIR, RA, WAR, SILK
    [ Tarnished Coast + Northern Shiverpeaks ] - Grub, SKY, WL,EP, VNG | boys, EBG, , PB, TFG , MAGI
    [ Yak's Bend + Ehmry Bay ]
    - AI, BANE, DRNK, EYE, OFF, BS | Hob(SEA),Rush(SEA),Here(SEA),AEG(SEA) CL, GOTL, HoB(NA), IV, Para, Unit, VR, WFA

    • Like 2
  2. 51 minutes ago, Endilbiach.4132 said:

    Last night I was playing, we captured a camp on EBG as you do and I went to claim it, AS YOU DO.
    It asked me if I wanted to release my guild's claim on another point in EBG, Pangloss Rise to be specific, and since I didn't know what the hell it was talking about I said yes and checked it out, because we're blue this week and Pangloss doesn't matter that much to us.
    I repeat I was blue this week.
    It was red.

    I was able to unclaim a wvw point held by an opposing server that another member of my guild had claimed.  Now these were just camps, no catastophe there, but imagine this had been Bay on one of the Borderlands and I'd had it claimed for 55 minutes, we were about to drop T3 tactics on it, and suddenly a sleeper in my guild (big guild) claims a camp, unclaiming Bay out from under us, resetting the claim timer, and 10 minutes later it's under attack with no hope of T3 tactics.
    The only conceivable fix I can imagine is letting a guild claim multiple points on a map BUT keep it to 1 per side.  I'm honestly really surprised this is a problem that is currently unaddressed.

    that is why most of the guilds that do WvW have their members in the same server,  and restric who can claim objects,i mean , you are probably talking about a Pvx guild that have members in mutiples servers. the only way to help  you if the same guild are in mutiple servers is to restric who can put a claim in an estruture for you guild or at least let the members from the guild know who the claims works

    • Like 1
  3. mag is not an overstacked server, the main problem of mag is none enemy decent guild wanna fight them, cuz is not fun to fight against 80 ranger pew pew targeting u from everywhere, and most of time they will not defend their homebl, i know ebg is mag's homebl, i mean, their real homebl :D, so if u are stuck in a matchup against them, well , sad times 😅

    • Like 3
  4. 3 hours ago, Kyrios.8736 said:

    There are already several French and German servers, as well as a Spanish one. There are many players who prefer coordinating in Russian language, including both native Russian and other players from neighboring countries. It'd be great if there was a RU server for WvW as well (and hopefully come with free transfer ticket). I get that there's no Russian language localization for game, but WvW server should be the first step and it could attract more players that speak the language to the game too.

    they will never do that, just like there is no portuguese or spanish server on NA wvw servers

  5. 1 hour ago, mantebose.5623 said:

    Didn't know how the relink is working. In this case, yes, it doesn't make sense for them to start on Arbonstone. Best option is to transfer my account to another server. The question is - which one?)

    relink is every 2 months, last friday of the second month . just a reminder, servers is importante just for WvW, u can do pve and spvp with ur friends in a diferent server.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Leaa.2943 said:

    Well compare that to how EU server population looks like, which is now tumbleweed. A year or so back we looked like NA now the links and tier 5 broke WvW in EU. 

    i think u didn't get it, it's not like the NA's servers got a lot of players to have 16 full servers rights now , we have the same players but almost all server just increased in term of population like crazy., i will show u an exemple, t3 and t4 from NA, a FULL/Very high link don't have players to defend their bl even at their prime timezone,. YB/EB link for ex, don't have any queue besides ebg in the weekends or prime NA,

  7. @CrimsonNeonite.1048 said:

    @phreeak.1023 said:Seemas broken. Especially the Deso+WSR link. From what i heard, they have queues of death on all maps at prime but only high/high :lol:

    Queues haven't been that bad on prime time during the week for the past couple of weeks, it usuallydepends on whether all the guilds raid at the same time and day.

    No, it doesn't mean we need more guilds here though, same with other servers with enough active WvW Guilds, who start raiding at the same time.

    What's going on in the EU is strange though, Deso and other servers although Gandara is the only full server left, has lost so many guilds and the Fairweathers stayed away from wvw or transferred, yet it has stayed full or very high for several months.

    I doubt there is enough population or incentive for pugs to spread out, despite more servers being viable.

    so that is really strange how a high/high link has queues during the week and NA links like YB/EB full/medium. DB/DR veryigh/high , HoD/SBI full/veryhigh have almost the same activit of the T5 EU, the only thing that came on my mind was the algorithmic of NA população is broken

  8. @"Threather.9354" said:NA: Only 3 T5 and 1 T1 link servers are medium/high pop. 12 servers are full and 8 very high.

    Europe for comparison. Does this mean NA WvW is doing very well right now? Is it time to reduce EU to 4 tiers?gtH3Tn4.png

    just like Strider said i think the same, looks like they reduced the capacity of all NA servers , idk if it to hold BG full or to populate the medium/high servers., i will talk as a YB player, we have the same guilds when we were HIGH, no pugmander, no coverage for ocx,sea or eu timezone and we are full. not even at that mass corona lockldown we had that amount of NA server with full, veryhigh status

  9. @"Heibi.4251" said:The current server populations just don't add up. We just finished a week where the server that moved up has consistently had the designation of only "High" population while they are #2 in both NA(EST)/NA(PST), #1 EU, #3 in OCX, and #7 in SEA. Who knows what their link's actual population is who are also listed at "High" population. I'm wondering if any server statuses have been updated in recent weeks because the numbers just don't add up? Those two servers have consistently outnumbered us in the last two meetings and we were listed as Very High. The link below are the numbers before this week's reset. It only shows the lead servers.unknown.png

    remember ur server lost like 3-5 guild last month, at least that i know, so it would have less 50 players ,but hod have a lot of pugs, and mostly pugs without a pugmander or guild don't do nothing, most of pugs just sit in a tower and count their pips/reward track

  10. @Jilora.9524 said:Oh great you just made 150 WSR transfer again so another double full w/e link they chose inc again. An YB and DB is the biggest assemblage of bags in history. Hopefully they never get mag or 3.1 K/d ratio history will be made

    as a YB player and comander. i feel sad about that, because this link will put us t3/t2 or even t1 because of the numbers (PPT), but we will need to put other metric for our K/D mayve we will hit 0,000001 hahha.

  11. y this insane, i comand a brazilian guild at NA serve for WvW, and 70% of my squad has a lag spike(normal ping 130-160, while we join wvw, the ping goes to 600+) every time we join ebg for example, and it seen to be afecking only my guild (all of us are brazilians)

  12. @MindTricked.4283 said:

    @Jilora.9524 said:Well all of kain just trans to DR I bet. YB had a nice t1 moment now back to the basement. I think they chose deso and gand as no links just because they would least likely entirely desert and transfer off like all the babies from wsr and Dzag making t5 an embarrassment.

    Yeah, YB does MUCH better as a link than a host. We seem to be too fair-weather - we start in the basement, and our pop is relatively-low, to the point that we end up as a link, we rise in the ranks, and all the fair-weather types show up to push our metrics back up to Host-level. Re-link, we crash to the bottom as a host, people vanish, and we suffer again. The same cycle has repeated itself all year.

    Many of us are glad that we're not hosting ET again (and vice versa). Aside from a handful of guilds, we seem to have a LOT of problems working towards a common goal. Now, if Kaineng decides to bolt, well...

    at least ET has some players and guild, and what about kng ? they have 50 players at most and 2 or 3 small guilds, i really don't know how the hell kng is veryhigh, but lets continue, this link between YB and kng is a joke, just look our activit this week, it is the worst of all servers we are even worse in activit then SoS that run a ghost timezone like ocx/sea.

  13. I wonder how they calculate the status of a server, just take a look at Sorrow's Furnace, Darkhaven we will have another Kaineg again , ok i will explain, one month and a half ago,we had a massive amounth of players tranfered to SF, 2 weeks later they transferred again. now they are at Sea of ​​Sorrow, and SoS has just a very high status(how the hell they just have a very high status with a large amount of wvw guilds there), just take a look how BG is getting banged for them.

  14. @"Tidus Rotwood.1507" said:i play during late NA/ocx times and my current server is dead during those times i play. i would like to know if there's any servers out there with active late na/ocx players on those servers.

    the best NA / OCX servers atm are BG/link, SoS/link, FA/link and AR / JQ, remember that depending on your server's tier, those servers may have a better result or worse.i recomend u to use this site https://wvwstats.com/timezone to check the better serve for your timezone .Sry for the bad english i am not a native english speaker.

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