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Posts posted by Sage.9458

  1. Personally what I would like is completely customizable armor.🤯  Not armor set armor pieces like viper, berserker, plague doctor, and ect.

    I'd like to have set amount of stat points I could add to make an armor piece.  Or even to just beable swap one stat with equal value.

    I'd like to beable to put all available stat points into one stat (power, toughness, condition damage, etc) or into five stats if I wanted.  Just buy an exotic and start loading up the stats you would like.

    As far as the rest of the game....  definitely need more relics.  Maybe even have changable weapon skills... on some.  Like drop down to make certain weapons more healing, condition, or power.

    Getting the Skyscale (oldskool way) was tough, getting the griffon, the roller beetle, and the warclaw...  yeah it was tough and time consuming, but I feel accomplished with them.  Felt great afterward, like yeah I did that.

    Legendary anything is hard.  Hard to do the long game for.  I know some ppl probably pop one out every few months, (bc mystic clovers).  Not me I've gotten one Legendary Nevermore.  I'm working on armor but barely scatched the start...  I do feel like Legendary anything is a bit too much.  That is just from a casual player perspective, at the same time I see why though.

    People do have a mindset of straight up getting handouts.  Man, I've been in this game for 10 years on and off.  Getting hand out skyscale wasn't right lol. But I expect more, so that GW2 can pander to people.

    The game is the game just play it how you want. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, KawsMeCal.5923 said:


    It's okay you can copy and paste someone else's build later instead. Why did you think you'd just be able to use the same old build you had when the entire system was changing and was announced it would be changing? 

    Someone complained about Reaper being weak in here and I am wiping content ridiculously easily with a Reaper build I put together.

    Just wait a few days and the API will be on and Snowcrows or Metabattle will set you up I guess. 

    Then do that?? You can theory craft a good build... I am sure feedback will adjust things as well. Just in and out get some oxygen it's gonna be okay...

    I can see how the relic system could be good, right now it is in a poor state.  Hopefully they have better ones.

    If you can't talk to ppl without being deamening or having some respect for their opinions just move on.  The braincells and the go get oxygen comments.

    How about this mind your own business.

    If you don’t have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

    Sometimes I look at the state of the game and realize ppl like you cause it's decline.  I've never copy pasted builds, I've always played how I like.

  3. 21 hours ago, otto.5684 said:

    Nope. Beside losing the 25% movement speed, the boons do not occur every 20 sec while on combat, but when using  skill CD higher than 20 secs. It is basically obsolete.

    This is not a one off. There were tons of runes with various interesting and key effects. All gone in favor of… 5% strike damage, or another similar bull kitten stat.

    I agree.

    All of them are pretty useless.

    Cd ruin them

    • Like 1
  4. When people log in.

    Using whatever little free time they have to play.  They open the game to find the rune's 6th skill doesn't work anymore.  Oh yeah! They added relics, so I'll find my relic.  The one that has my rune's 6th skill.  Only to not find it. Spend what time they have to choose a good relic.

    Out of 40 relics 3 might be usable for a great build.  A lot have cd that render it useless.

    Where as before you had summons, 10percent damage reduction, 10 percent hp, on crit, when struct, stealth and many other unique options.

    From what I can tell, they took over 100 rune's skill 6 and replaced them with 40.  Out of these 40 you have on elite skill use (why, elite skills are already powerful), on heal skill (why, I'm just wanting to heal), on roll (why), and a few other things that do stuff, but have a ridiculous cd.

    That is as far as I got on my first hour.  I found out my builds were busted.  I was supposed to be demon hunting or something.

    The dailies seem oddly specific.  Forcing types of gameplay I don't really want to play.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Zok.4956 said:

    Since Anet hardly gave any information about the actual relic types before the release and I didn't feel like trying out all the possibilities first, I played the open world maps and story without any relics. It's suboptimal (like the whole incomplete relics system) but it was good enough for me and it worked.

    I get that.  Some ppl play for the storyline, some play for just astetics, some play for combat, and some play for theory crafting.  That is awesome you enjoyed the game still.

    I like to play for theory crafting and combat. The storyline is okay to me, the new dailies seem broken.  I'm not looking forward to any dailies or storyline, with a messed up build.  Especially when I had things the way I wanted and thought I'd just get a simple boast.

    Alot of builds relied upon the rune's 6th skill.

    When you have over 100 different unique rune's 6th skills get put into 40 relics.  It is frustrating, yeah I gained an boast to raw stats, but the bread and butter of my functionality was based on that.

    Now they've removed most movement speed increases, 10percent damage reduction, proc on crit, proc on struct, summons, and more.  It seems like they want things to just be as stale as they can be.

    At least add ALL the rune's 6th skill as relics.

    • Like 4
  6. 5 hours ago, KawsMeCal.5923 said:

    You have to use a few braincells and put on one of your 3 free relics... They have plenty that match the best 6th rune slot bonus in there just pick that one and off you go... IDK how that's difficult for you.

    Almost all the relics suck.  Nothing is unique about them.  They all have crazy long cd. No summons, 

    You use your braincells, log in to find out your spec is broke.  When you thought you were gonna just get a bonus boast to damage.

    Why have another effect to elite skill, they are already elite?  Why have another effect healing it heals already.

    I don't want to do the story line or the redick dailies, with a build that ain't what we've been working torward for years now. Screw you and anet go play your lonely broke dumb af game.

    • Like 2
  7. Did ANET just ruin every build, and expect us to play through a storyline with wompy busted relics?

    I really hope they plan on putting some back.  I really don't like any of the relics.

    Why get rid of Rune of Torment 6th, or bone minion?

    I don't want to have to rely on heal or elite skills to do something even more special.  Heal and elite do what they need already.  Switching weapons?  I have to switch weapons to activate it?

    The only one useful seems to be the 6 bleed stacks cause fire and something else, but the cd makes it kind of redick.

    They should have done all 6th rune skills and added onto of that.  Now we just have a bunch of broken builds.  I thought this was going to make things funner and more choices.  You do have more choice (by having more stats) but the procs, summons, and other spicy things are gone.  Please improve this.

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  8. On 11/11/2022 at 12:51 PM, Double Tap said:

    Chaos Vortex: Clones using this skill will now grant the same boons in an area of effect around the mesmer instead of around the clones themselves. Reduced alacrity duration from 2.5 seconds to 1 second. Reduced might stacks from 8 to 2.

    I feel like this is countering any thing mesmer.

    Getting 3 clones out is getting harder and harder.  PVE it may be okay, bc staff 3 and 2 creates 3 clones, but the spawn locations are funky, on top of that the mirage utility skills spread your clones so why weaken them even more.

    In WvW and pvp, it is almost impossible but important to get clones out.

    I think instead of them reducing that stuff, maybe they should add a combo field. To maintain chaos armor and boon transfer.  With a little bit of that reduction.

    In pvp and WvW give the second dodge back, but put a cooldown on dodge clone dueling trait.  


    I feel like for mirage if the F1 to F4 acted more like  passive guardian buffs it would make the clones more viable...  right now it just feels like clones (the main thing that made mesmers unique are being oust...  until now.  I also feel like clones should already be able to switch targets... not just by a mirage skill.

  9. ANET Mastery Point Redistribution

        I'm running into a problem with my mastery point distribution.  Specifically the core Tyria mastery.  I put all my points into Fractal, and the commander line.           Now I'm trying to build Nevermore legendary, and I realized I needed points in Legendary 3, to build it.  I'm at a point to where most of the achievements to acquire more points are are truly difficult. 

         I'm a pretty casual player and don't get to play much, when I do... it is objectively whittling down things to get Nevermore.  I know this probably sounds like a dumb mistake to many, but it makes me question.

    Why isn't there a way to redistribute mastery points?

    Also why is getting triple trouble and all jungle worms killed is hard?  If anybody has a group that does this mission let me know.

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  10. 7 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

    Ultimately, would it make any difference? Players would quickly discover the optimal choices and use those. Thus, adding 3 options would be no different than simply having Anet revamp skills every so often.

    If you want to mix things up, then do so. There are many rune sets and sigils you can use to vary your play, even without changing your armor.

    I've messed with a lot of different builds and had fun ultimately.  It is just since launch, I've done most of what I've wanted. And the expansion really isn't that exciting.

    When using this build creator. I see gaps that I feel can be improved in the games. But it seems like their direction is going for longterm boredom, instead of pumping about the lame es's coming out.

    All this new content is going to ran with same Ole thing. I think they should add options here. Or the Stat cap bonuses.


    • Confused 3
  11. 8 minutes ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:


    All this would do is change the goalposts within the various metas while massively overcomplicating the existing weapon options.

    Engineer has the fewest weapon skills at 28, while Elementalist has the most at 150.  Giving those weapon skills 3 choices would bloat the skill to 84 for Engineer and 450 for Elementalist.  When you look at total unique weapon skills in the game there are 356 Core weapon skills and 158 eSpec weapon skills, so with your proposed change, 1068 Core options and 504 eSpec options.  And that doesn't even include things like Kits or Shroud skills which make up another 281 skills, or with your proposal, 843.

    You can provide too many options, and this game already does that.  There are already over 2k build variants for each profession simply via Trait options, even before you select weapons, sigils, runes and armor, oh and utility skills too!  Tripling the weapon skills across the board doesn't seem good for anyone (players, developers, balance team).

    This game is child's play compared to how many options are available, on other games. When they capped the level they dumbed things down and made it easy, for themselves.

    I think it is awesome to have many different options. I'm not playing all classes all at once. To have build a certain to stay relevant is weak.

    • Confused 3
  12. 2 minutes ago, Bakeneko.5826 said:

    Masteries, God titles for various content chunks, achievements, world records on adventures

    Are you just here to debate me or what? Adding in more customizable would be great. My idea is good despite all of the confused faces and stuff.


    Those are different progressions than what I'm talking about. 

    Nobody wants to do all that stuff if nothing is fresh about your hero. Or more options aren't brought into the mix.  Playing something just for achievements, masteries, and that sort of thing but muscling thru the same thing on hero from day one?? Oh wait 5 levels were added.. 👎 no thanks.

    • Confused 3
  13. No, I understand those. And some of those are more useful than others.

    I'm talking about when you go to you weapon skills menu. Instead of hovoring over it and reading a tool tip.  You get three minot options to choose from.

    It'll be cool to do that over certain Stat numbers too, but that is different.

    5 minutes ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

    This sounds a lot like Traits, which do offer ways to augment some weapon skills.  Would you be interested in more Traits affecting more weapons?  This would be mechanically a lot easier to accomplish, since it already exists in game, and easier to balance around.


    • Confused 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, Bakeneko.5826 said:

    Game doesnt need any more visual clutter. Infusions and legendaries are enough.

    You want to change the game, like it wont be GW2 anymore. It will have visuals and enemies of GW2, but it wont be GW2

    No, I'm talking about maybe have a cast time reduction option on some skills, or option to add a condition to a skill, or increasing att speed, per skill.

    Not changing the entire game bc of weapon skills. Adding a little bit of flare instead of staying with the same Ole stuff.

    Yeah a lot of programming, but it is to improve combat.

    • Confused 2
  15. 7 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    And an enormous balancing headache?

    It was my understanding at the beginning of GW2 that ArenaNet had found GW1's system of individual mix and match skills to be ulitimately unsupportable. As you grow, there become too many possible combinations to try and keep track of from a balance point of view.

    Which is why half our skill bar comes in groups by weapon type.

    Balancing isn't my job.

    Talking about minor customizations to make things newer.  2 or three options per skill or something.

    Instead of focusing on skiffs. Fishing, lame es's, or the big dumb turtle.

    Focus on combat and minor customizations.

    Like completely being able to put what stats you want on armor.

    • Confused 2
  16. 4 minutes ago, Bakeneko.5826 said:

    Because it is core combat mechanic? You see char, you see it's class and you see it's weapon and you know skillset character will have. You are asking why core game mechanic, around which whole game is built around and makes GW2 - GW2 is not changed.

    So you are fine using the same skills forever. No augmenting them a little or adding your own flare to your weapon skills?

    I'm not talking about changing the entire identity of your profession.  I'm talking about just some minor customizations options.

    • Confused 2
  17. Since launch the game has had the same weapons. And mostly all have stayed the same usable weapons by professions. Except es.

    But the skills are still the same.  Why haven't they made them customizable or swappable to different skills?

    Being vertically capped at legendary items (a job) for soo many years.  Thru 2 expansions. 

    It would be nice to see some what of a progression like this.

    I'm talking about when you go to you weapon skills menu. Instead of hovoring over it and reading a tool tip.  You get three minot options to choose from.

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  18. 5 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    You don't think they've put enough thought into the ones we've seen so far and your solution is to tell them to rush out 9 more with only 3 months to go? How would that make it any better, unless your goal is purely quantity over quality and you think 18 specs you don't like is somehow better than 9 you don't like.

    I get your point, but if it was just taking the core lines a bit further.  Like beastmastery to soulbeast, or illusions to mirage,l.

    I think it could write itself. 

    Taking the original ideas and expanding. Like dualist, dual weilding pistols, or elemental having elementals.

    I know it is probably more than I know... but it'll be better than some of the other stuff they are focused on.

    • Confused 1
  19. ANET,

          I feel like the new Elite Specs are weak and just want to voice my opinion, because this could be the last expansion for a while.  It obviously appeals to some people and/or some of the die hard fans that get butt hurt from conversations like this.  I suggest seeking out other opinions, not from here only.

           We can keep what y'all have done with the new ES, but they are not as well rounded as any core or path of fire, and weapon skills aren't thought out as much.

            Make more. Yeah, more balancing but at this point I think it is worth throwing as much as you can out.  Choices to keep end game fresh. 

           Other options include being able to modify skills a little.  Or having two specs.  That'll be awesome.


    Thank you

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