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Posts posted by Poseidon.3261

  1. The character with the highest potential for the future of guild wars 2 going forward might not be dead. There is going to be some roster changing now, potentially the entire roster, will be swapped out to be able to start a fresh new page in the guild wars story. Who better to do this with than an ex pirate that wants a second chance and may be in the mists encountering/finding out about a brewing conflict somewhere else? It is possible that Mai Trin didn't actually die and instead either retreated into the mists or scarlet took over and pulled her into the mists. Seeing as Rytlock went into the mists and remained there for a while, we know it is a possibility. On top of that, while she was not participating in the killing of themselves by running through fractals constantly, she did go through many fractals and would have seen many parts of history, potentially fractals that differ from what we have access to. This could start all sorts of possibilities now that she has come to terms with her past a bit and wants to move in a better direction, and on top of that she does have the potential to gain insight/knowledge from Scarlet to push the story from another angle.


    Ex: As she is about to be killed, Scarlet rips her out of the reactor and into the mists to keep her alive and heal her. This took all that Scarlet had left and she dissipates afterwards, but not before an image is placed in the mind of Mai Trin of a fractal she had visited while they were learning how to navigate through fractals. After some time to recover and reflect on this image, she seeks out knowledge within the mists, and that very slight knowledge she is able to glean from the mists is taken to the only person who is willing to trust her and stand beside her: the commander. With adventure (not necessarily doom and gloom) on the horizon, they set out for their goal and pick up a couple of friends along the way.


    I left it very vague on purpose, but I believe this is a very plausible and excellent way to have the story move forward, what do you think?

  2. After using the Skyscale a bit to try and find a use for it (which was harder than you would think, I will get to that in a bit) I noticed something that is either a bug or a VERY large issue with the Skyscale. Whenever you are maneuvering mid-air, hear meaning using a combination of griffon, dismount, gliding, and mounting on the skyscale mid-air (not necessarily all or in that order), the Skyscale tends to run out of endurance instantaneously upon being mounted.

    As far as being underwhelming, it is sometimes better than the bunny for climbing but not always because of the incredibly awkward wall holding. On top of that, the bunny still has more momentum, meaning it can utilize the dismount (8 skill) better. The best use for it seems to be that it give you the ability to afk almost anywhere in any map.

  3. Either remove all time gates from the game, or move them to a once per character. It is extremely frustrating as a person that has OCD and only wants to work on one thing at a time that whenever a time gate comes up, I am not allowed to work on it anymore. Everytime there is a time gate that I encounter, I ultimately just end up doing whatever dailies I feel like doing, which gets diminished from said demoralizing time gate, and then get off GW2 until the next step can be taken on the next day.

  4. I normally do not post in forums, but I believe this to be worth tossing in a few questions in the hopes they might get answered.

    1. Why the change in story style? There was an article put out, if I remember correctly, talking about how to have deaths in the story, something along those line and how to do it right. However as soon as this story came out, it made the end of the previous episode feel unnecessary. On top of that, the story did not feel like it had a natural progression, it felt like it was mostly trying to show off the map and was very cliche.
    2. Where are Kasmeer and Marjory? I have not heard anything about them in this episode, and they are two of my favorite characters within all of GW2. Seeing as this was supposed to be a grand finale to the season, I would have thought all the major players would be there, and yet neither made the cut.
    3. Why is the Kralk fight afk easy? What I mean by this is you just about have to try to die in what could have been one of the best story fights, and on top of that you do not have to use anything other than the special action to throw spears through all phases. You don't need to make all story bosses really hard fights I suppose, but in a season finale, why would you not make the boss at least a little harder than only needing to occasionally look at the screen.
    4. Why was Kralk given a "good guy bad circumstance" gimmick at the end of the season? It is fine to have an enemy that is just evil. Trying to have Kralk, who has been evil for all but the last few minutes of this last episode, show himself to not be evil cheapens everything that happens in the story related to him. Due to the story direction now, it is now canon that Kralk was not a thinking, reasoning being, and was instead a beast controlled by instinct.
    5. Why are timegates necessary? This is in specific as to why are there timegates in the collections for the new mount. The main reason that people wanted the new map was for the new flying mount. This is especially true for those that cannot afford the 250 gold required to buy the griffon. Because of the timegates, assuming you have everything you need, which is a bunch of timegated mats for a timegated collection for the overall timegated skyscale set of collection of collections, it takes a minimum of EIGHT DAYS to get the new mount, and that is minimum because we the players do not even know if there will be MORE TIME GATES. Why is it necessary to make everyone despise obtaining the Skyscale because we are not allowed to get the mount you flaunted about before the episode released.
    6. The map is very nice in that it rewards people for having finished previous masteries, i.e. HoT masteries, but why is the map so cluttered? This is a very large map with a lot of events, but why is it that it was made to feel so cluttered together?
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