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Posts posted by magnusthorek.8027

  1. The point trolls and sympathizers don't understand is that NO ONE should workaround the UI interactors to get something they played for because a handful of people thinks it's a funny thing.

    Of course, in Auric Basin's Grand Chests it's a useless prank but people don't stop in there. Still, in Auric Basin people drop such items in Traitor's reward chest, an enemy that's known to knock own several players at once and by having an item activated by "pressing F" while trying to resurrecting downed people also by "pressing F" delays the resurrector's time to loot everything. What if this player suddenly gets a disconnection and sent to another map instance? Will he/she really be prejudiced because of prank?

    Or in Tangled Depth with people that fly high up the wall that explodes after a successfully completed meta and drop a portal up there and the exit near a Crystallised Cache? Someone lagging may not react in time to glide and will certainly fall to their deaths. Is this fun? is this fair? Will this topic be silently deleted once again?

    Please ArenaNet, before someone sues you for this little thing.

  2. How to translate big content (any kind) without spending a penny? Simple! Create an affiliation with a solid translation system that rewards associated translators with good in-game reputation (a.k.a. not botters, trollers and etc.) for their time and resources spent with virtual things (gems, skins... shiny things in general).

  3. ESO made it work before I stopped playing. I don't know the current state but, back then, there were no "utility slots" in there (only two sets of 6 skills on weapon switch). Before launching console version (and after it too) they were gradually adjusting UI to allow consoles to have the same thing PC master race had (context menus from right-mouse-button click, DPS meters - which only PC users had and even though only through addons- and etc.)

    But I agree with the very first answer: "Until they fix the PC version they better not even consider working on something like this..."

  4. I'll add to that: Add Character Name next to "Portal Entre" (even though it gets ugly) skill, "yellow portal" from Gizmo as well as Aviator's Box, Box of "Fun" and the trash you sell in Gem Store trolls use to annoy other players. This way we could block that specific person and get rid of all of their childish.

  5. It's not as fun as it is in TES' series to me because of the "meta" sigils/runes and the design model that differentiates them between weapons and armours but I'll try to make a port of the ones I had (in Skyrim). Let's see:

    - Robert No Drowny Jr.Aquabreather (I can't read this one without laugh XD)

    - Amulet of "Back Off Mary Poppins" (fighting amulet)Rune of Revenant, Durability and/or Resistance* Named after a scene from Two and a Half Men

    - Necklace of Run, Barry! Run! (world amulet)Rune of Evasion, Centaur and/or The Pack* Named after a scene from The Flash

    - Ring of "The Reapers are coming" (fighting ring 1)Any of the Power Runes and/or any of the Vitality Runes and/or any of the Toughness Runes* Named after several scenes from my favourite game: Mass Effect

    - Stop bleeding in my hand, bitch! (fighting ring II)Any of the Power Runes and/or Rune of Durability and/or Rune of Dwayna

    - The Ex-Wife (Sword)Any skill that causes Immobilization plus Sigil of Debility and/or Rune of Rata Sum and something to Absorb Health (I don't know if there's one)

    - 'll Go Wherever You'll Go (Boots)Rune of Evasion, Centaur and/or The Pack (my original had something to increase Carrying Capacity 'cause I was a hoarder XD)* Named after The Calling's song

    - Gauntlets of Back Pain Killer (Gauntlets)Same as above

    - 'll Fart on your graveRune of Balthazar and/or Flame Legion plus Sigil of Chilling and Rune of Svanir/Ice plus Sigil of Debility and/or Rune of Rata Sum (closest counterpart of Shock Damage I've found)


  6. Just don't forget the problem is with SERVER LATENCY, not Server Latency IN WVW/PVP. PvE is VERY unplayable as well, even while soloing story instances. As I write this I'm trying my last resort reinstalling the entire game because I simply can't do anything in good sync, from skills firing 5s later after used to being unable to mount in the air...

    I can't say my real ping because game's info is a liar. It shows me 180-200ms but I could swear it's way more than that.

  7. In my opinion, a Legendary Gathering Tool, to become viable should have another Glyph as proposed and, for the lack of a better name, a skin slot so you can change the animation at will BUT both the extra Glyph and Skin slots MUST have to be bonded to the account through Gem Store.

    This way:

    • "Rich players" (or people living in countries with a decent money exchange rate) wouldn't become super-rich in-game by buying stuff with real money from Gem Store and selling on TP
    • By "forcing" players to buy other tools exclusively from Gem Store, no damage in ANet's incoming should occur
    • Players owning the Legendary Tool would have a faster way to farm their stuff reducing the number of loading screens (which, in turn, would save ANet a small — or not — amount of bandwidth reducing their costs)

    Of course, this is a simple scenario I thought while writing, without thinking much thorough or considering all possible quirks

  8. @Roche.7491 said:

    @linkym.2069 said:Achievements. Or if you dont have all the mounts get them. You could also try farming the skins u like.

    Mount are inclusive of completed masteries

    Bought all the outfit & weapon skin i like from gemstore.

    Achievements are impracticalAchievements are impractical?! WT... an MMORPG in its essence is an RPG. Story and achievements are almost of the foundations of an RPG.

    You may not like it, but if you already did everything else, that's the biggest step to climb

  9. On day one I didn't know how to "zap" from an area to another and most of the times I missed the fights or reached the area when Keepers were almost dying. Asking in map chat everyone said pretty much the same as in here or worse saying new Mastery T3 was needed. However, a very few times I clicked the balloon icon and it did work, but most of the times, no matter how many times I clicked, nothing happened. I went after all MPs needed to get all masteries only to "prove" no Mastery was needed at all. Without success once again (and very frustrated, after all, the last MP came from RNG-based "Party Guardian" achievement), I tried to click the icon while on the ground, hiding from a sniper and THEN it worked.

    TL;DR: You CANNOT be flying to use the feature <_<

  10. @"yorick.1305" said:Did a map complete recently in about a week thx to my 46k heroics which meant I could skip all the hero pts (...)This is a clear comparison that shows why WvW'ers don't need (another) way to cheesing-up something. An entire map completion in about a week... let's extend this to a month in order to take into account players with a little less time to invest in the game. TWO Gifts of Exploration per month while an inept player in WvW would have about a year to get 80 Potions only from "Big Spender" or at least 2-3 months if doing all "easy" dailies

    The same unfairness PvE'ers have with Gift of Battle, they also have with Mystic Coins. Exclusively on the PvE side, you can get one per day (Anomaly), but PvP'ers have their daily tournaments that give a minimum of a guaranteed 5 (from what I saw on Celofrag's recent video about gold making) and as I heard they don't even need to hunt for equipment or levels. Downloaded the game, registered, joined PvP and they're already good to go (extrapolate this to multi-account players).

    The whole looting distribution and recipes components is messed up in this game... >.<

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