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Posts posted by hayabusafmw.9370

  1. Yup everything is out of hands. Pre patch was perfect!!!! best gw2 experience now it's not good. Condis are back to what they were. Bunker stats do nothing. hits are hitting anywhere anytime. Stun breaks are terrible. Timing is off. Slow and mediocre. Why did i re-installed this over the weekend :( back to square one like i did in the condi bomb era playing something else :P

  2. Who said the 224 thing is incorrect. On paper it says that. But i was dropping like a fly with maximum bunker stats. Toughness thru the roof ect. So not accurate. This patch is a lot of improvisation not ''fixes'' . Meaning what you see is not really what you get. I've seen skills saying 1 or 2 dmg and i killed a guy with it. It's as broken as matt hardy. Example also stun breaks.... those are removed from the game. I don't care what anyone says. Currently something is not right in wvw with them. On paper they remove a stun or immobilize or what ever they do. In reality they do not work or rarely work depending on the skills someone used.

  3. Personally after patch i came in just to spawn camp wvw.... because of poorly made patch and matcheups... so yeah nothing else to gain. Next step is uninstall move forward. I don't care about gw2 really i go in to troll and not spend the amount of time i used to. Which is very good. I saw tons of people just leave all together.

  4. @eXruina.4956 said:

    @"hayabusafmw.9370" said:Well... i'd need to re-install lol

    Hahaha.. xD You made my morning friend, we need laughs in these dire times.. T___T)"

    Glad i did. But sadly it's what has been going on over and over again.... Here we are 8 years later the core players being ripped off and force fed once more. Feeling not listened to and cheated and like a thief backstabbed. They always tend to do the opposite of everything we actually need. I do not even lie when i say. The game pre-patch was 1 million times better and felt almost perfect. It's what made me came back from my 1 year break. Condis was out of control and no fun. They brought a power meta and it was just once again fun!!. Now everything has slowed down and it's just a complete mess they won't be able to recover from sadly. Who ever took this decision clearly needs to look elsewhere for his future endavor.

  5. I say maybe 80% of the traits , weapons , utulities , food , runes , will be obsolete. So it's not only headbutt... i've seen skills getting 300 sec cooldown with a huge DPS of 3 DMG. At this point why not remove all those ''skills?'' and remove classes and elite specs and condense them in once big melting pots............

  6. I will only say this.... At this stage of the game.... there's a certain amount of times you can ''piss'' your core players off. They are really taking i believe what is their last move until population drop. It's make or break. They must open their ears asap after the release of the patch. Because so far in the wvw side of things. Lots of core members are thiking jumping ship or taking breaks. It's one thing to make changes.... but drasctic re-inventing the wheel type of changes are things that can make or end a fan base. Best of luck ..

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