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Posts posted by Dredlore.1672

  1. Todays announcement was useless hype... a total waste of time.We already knew that the next Living World season was coming.Yet absolutely nothing has been done to fix any major problems in the game, and yet they continue on the exact same course that's nearly killed GW2 up to this point.Grind.Unfriendly to guilds (they killed my guild after 5 years and around 1500 members, and didnt even blink). They dont even realize that guilds create communities and keep the player base logging in. But.. I can no longer recruit for my guild because I cant use PMs to recruit anymore. Thanks for that Anet. Thanks a lot.Grind.Broken PVP ...Oh, and maybe the Swiss style tournaments would be fantastic IF WE ACTUALLY KNEW WHAT TIME THEY START. How are we supposed to assemble a 5 man team if we dont know the start time?Oh... and we should definitely continue to base PVP player ratings on TEAM performance rather than individual metrics. Yea, no sport in the world does that so lets be unique and crash outside the box. Right?Grind.Broken WVW When will we actually get the ability to play WVW WITH GUILDIES????????????Grind.Did I mention grind? Everything from Hero Points to salvaging is grind and there's more where that came from. Oh boy!I once opened over 2000 PVP (and other) chests and got ONE ascended item. ONE. I think I got maybe 4 gold from selling what I could at the TP.Grind.Maybe this is what a select group of social justice warriors consider fun, but what about the rest of us?Sure, ..GW2 is Super duper fun if you happen to be a gender diverse cosplayer...who enjoys sewing up weenie puppets and crushing them with hammers....but hey sorry. Thats just not me. ..and I'm thinking that the declining player base agrees.GW2!!!! ->Low on fun but high in diversity!Its true, so lets just call it as it is.Im sick of it.After around 6 years Im beginning to wonder if Anet has the desire or the capacity to realize the games potential of greatness. I keep waiting for them to DO something. SHOW ME SOMETHING... But they just keep spewing BS all over the place. Its just so disheartening.The ONLY thing they have done right recently is Living World...and sorry, even if I play it, it doesnt really excite me nearly as much as they probably think. Its meh. Its "OK". ...but its not enough. Its FAR from enough.The whole event was a sickening disappointing joke.Just my opinion.

  2. Well no. Not True.If they held a tourney every 4 or 5 hours in a 24 hour period, they would literally have 24 hour coverage, and everyone would have an opportunity to participate.Hmmm, they could even ADD a tourney. OMG What a brainstorm.Uhhh no. Its not rocket science.Then they just rotate the tourneys keeping the times the same.

    Mon - Tourney ATourney BTourney CTourney DTuesday - Tourney BTourney CTourney DTourney ASo on... and so on.Hand Holding and coddling is not what this game needs. If someone cant make it to a tourney with 24 hour coverage, then they need to get over it. Its a tough world. Life isnt fair.Why even bother having a "schedule" if it shifts? Thats NOT a schedule. Thats like a loose estimate...and I'm sorry. I dont know what to tell someone who asks me what time they need to show up on Sat to play a tourney. Should I just tell them "Well, "Loosely" 10 am PT, but it could be 4 hours before the tourney actually starts." Huh????They need to do whats best for the game, and if guilds cannot create teams and schedule tourney events because the schedule shifts? Then please tell me why bother? ...because at that point guilds are STILL essentially kicked out of PVP.Round and round we go, spinning further and further into the depths of absolute nonsense until we finally hand hold and coddle ourselves to death....and if its its STILL unclear how important guilds are to this game? ...then Im wasting my time and may as well go play some other game because GW2 will just continue to die a slow death.I dont come here often, and there's a reason for that.There's always some know it all who has a better explanation... Meanwhile , the game continues on a downward course.The ONLY reason Im here right now is to deliver a message that needs to be heard...and as unpleasant as I find these forums, I dont intend to give up until its heard.

  3. Ummm,I dont understand this at all.Having run a successful guild for 5 years I understand how difficult it is to coordinate event scheduling for different players from all over the world. Yes, that alone can be a nightmare.When my guild was essentially (and effectively) kicked out of PVP after 2 years or so of being a PVP focused guild, We had literally nothing to look toward in the way of PVP activities.Then after some time Tourneys were introduced to SPVP, and we tried to field a Tourney focused guild team thinking that we would be able to sustain based on that activity.However, we soon found that it was impossible for us to "schedule" tourney times for the team because we never knew when they were running. I understand that there are teams who are able to make the events, but I have no idea how they are doing it.I should add that our guild (1200 members-5 years) has done absolutely everything within our power to provide our members with a better game experience than they would otherwise have. Yet, we were "kicked out" of WvW by Megaserver and after running PVE for a bit we turned to PVP...where we were also kicked out.Then as a final insult, I am no longer able to recruit for the guild because of the changes to Private Messaging. I DO NOT SPAM MAP CHAT.As a result, the guild has been dead since the changes to PM were implemented. Killed by the devs. Thanks for that.5 years and countless hours of hard work all down the tubes, because gold spammers were more annoying/important than the best interests of guilds.Its obvious to me that when the changes to PM were discussed that guilds were not even considered. Yet, look at the devastating effect that change had on a successful guild of 5 years....and I bet that a lot of you (at Anet) are wondering why the player base continues to drop. Thats actually kinda funny when you consider how the staunchest supporters of the game have been shunned and turned away by you at every turn rather than assisted and accommodated...even tolerated. Its as if all of our efforts to make the game better for YOUR CUSTOMERS have been perceived as somehow threatening or damaging which could not be further from the truth.At this point my hands are tied. I cannot recruit. I cannot schedule events. I have nowhere I can turn to offer members a better game experience. There is nothing I can do. Yet, whenever I'm in game I have friends and old guildies begging me to re-start the guild.How?I'd like to point out something which may not be as obvious as I imagined.GUILDS ARE THE FOUNDATION OF THE GAME. WE ESTABLISH COMMUNITIES. WE ESTABLISH PERSONAL AND MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS. WE GIVE PLAYERS AN EXTRA INCENTIVE TO LOGIN. WE MAKE THE GAME HUMAN...because no matter how virtual the environment and the game play may be, every single interaction that you have with another human being is very real.Help US.... Help YOU.Thanks

  4. I'm playing living world, and come to "Escape the mists on your Raptor".Ive been playing for over 5 years, and have avoided jumping puzzles at every opportunity because I dont dislike them. I HATE them.Many people hate them.Yet, at the end of this chapter a jumping puzzle is forced on meSeems like all you guys do lately rather than create actual content is:

    1. Get the player lost.
    2. Get the player boxed in with terrain.
    3. Waste our time with stuff like hero points ( we pay money for an expansion but we dont actually get our new elite unless we run around doing busywork for 15+ hours PER CHARACTER).
    4. Throw jumping puzzles at us.
    5. You eliminate PM's and killed my guild (5 years-1200 members- GONE because I just wont recruit by spamming map chat)
    6. PVP has become a joke. Hello? Anyone ever tell you that you cannot rate an individual player on team performance? O_0 If you have any questions on that just check with the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL or any other major sports league.
    7. You find every conceivable way to suck all the fun out of the game and add grind and its getting worse every day.
    8. STOP PLEASE!!I cant even finish that Living Wold episode now because I cant and dont do jumping puzzles.I'm putting together a Youtube video on this topic, and the above list is just a drop in the bucket.I really love this game or I wouldnt have over 7500 hours in game, but right now Im so dam mad I cant see straightMy video is gonna be good, but its not gonna be pretty.Thats a promise.Thanks
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