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Posts posted by ilMasa.2546

  1. 1 hour ago, Ruufio.1496 said:


    Why not it's a better question.

    And let us place siege on the skiffs. Mobile trebuchets what's not to like? And why not fish in WvW? No good reason you can give me is there. And giving WvW unique fish would make PvErs play. Maybe even give a new mastery track that introuduces cannons onto the skiff and we can do skiff vs skiff GvG. Give me an argument against it. You can't. Skiff vs skiff GvG would bring something new and fun to WvW.


    And do something with the siege turtle too. Let it be in on the skiff vs skiff vs siege turtle GvG. Imagine the turtle out of no where from underwater sinks the skiff. It would be amazing.

     - 90% of siege gameplay consist in dropping 6 catapults on the same pixel,as close as possible to a wall. The remaining 10% is people trebbing from a tower while watching netflix.
     - the various bodies of water do not make a navigable route that connects tower to tower. There are small lakes near 2 keeps at best.
     - staph with the "promote pve activities in a pvp zone so that more pve players will join pvp activities" mentality.
    Does not WORK like that. 
    A guy joining EBG for fishing will just fish and will gtfo as soon as some pvp caresses him... and honestly he will probably opening a post here complaining how the WvW community is a toxic environment for not letting him fishing.

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  2. 33 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Considering the story brought you to those exact points just a step before, it was extremely likely you've got those vistas then.

    I got those vistas while doing the first block of  "do open world events" to unlock the next step of the story.

    Hey all im saying is...shouldn't be hard in 2024 to have a quest "understanding" that you already did that step so you don't have to backtrack and do it again a second time...

    Also let me skip dialogues.

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  3. In this beta I decided NOT to join any guild to see where I would end up.

    The maps are relatively full, I don't think there were any moments in which we were outnumbered while playing. (maybe i was just lucky with playtime)
    The only substantial difference I noticed was the lack of guild raids and the tags that appeared seemed to be mostly pugmanders. I play mostly EBG, don't know if in the other BLs there were tags with their raid of 20-50 guild members fighting each other.

  4. 6 hours ago, HotDelirium.7984 said:

    I said I don't regret financially supporting this game not that I bought the skin specifically TO financially support the game. Yes I did buy the skin because I wanted the skin. You really don't need to waste your energy creating extra narratives lol.

    The name you use is spot on 😂

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  5. 1 hour ago, Lucy.3728 said:

    But when I read the title, first thing that came to my mind,  are actually those solo players, aka roamers, harassing other people who didn't ask for that and don't want to play with or against them. They force themselves on other people for sole selfish reasons.

    Go spvp, tyvm.



    What do you even mean?!

    Now it is considered harassment to engage a player in pvp inside a map mode dedicated to PVP.!? 
    Yea hold on, let me dm them before engage:
    " listen m8 i saw you running around,maybe you are trying to get to your tag,do you mind if i quickly burst you down?!Do you CONSENT to get bursted down?!?!🙂

    You donut.

    You Go play pve with such an abrasive mentality. 



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  6. On 1/10/2024 at 11:03 AM, HotDelirium.7984 said:

    Final Thoughts- While I don't regret financially supporting this game, the inconsistencies with unique effects on many of the skins is disheartening.

    Can we go back to being honest with ourselves?
    If we buy a skin, it is not to support the company but because we want that skin. 🙂 

    I mean it's not that im buying a bank expansion tab after thinking that maybe "Bob" @ arenanet needs to buy the grocery... lol

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  7. On 1/12/2024 at 10:53 PM, ShimmeryLuna.2475 said:

    Hi! I was looking for some advice from the more seasoned WvW players!

    I'm one of those PvE players who pops into WvW to farm out GoB's and clovers, but I do really enjoy WvW! It's a lot of fun. I enjoy roaming. I run a Marauder Reaper.

    Recently I've run into a pretty weird situation! — I was running around near a public tag just doing whatever when the commander in team chat goes "Who is that (guild tag)", figured maybe they didn't like people being out of squad near them, so I joined on tag. Was running with them for a bit, a few team fights etc etc. I ended up using soul spiral (reaper) on a downed player (a bit erroneous, I know!) and the commander called me out, by name, in map chat saying how I was a terrible low dps reaper (+ some other stuff I cannot repeat in the forums)! Fair enough, I suppose. I let them know I was new and I'm sorry if I've made a mistake. (Note this comm had no guild VC listed or anything). Got kicked from squad (fair enough! It's their squad) and thought nothing more of it and blocked the commander.

    The issue started cropping up when I came back to WvW in the following days. Each time I would play (solo roaming only), someone in map chat would call me out by name and say how bad of a reaper/player I was. Okay, weird, no worries, I'll just block and move on! I started noticing it would happen after I ran into a player with the same guild tag as that toxic commander. So everyday for quite awhile now I've been blocking folks, but I must admit it's getting quite draining! Having someone say rude things about me in map and/or team chat everyday for weeks when I'm literally just minding my own business is really hard to navigate, because even if I block I still get the negativity.

    I can only play during one timeslot due to my busy schedule so unfortunately playing at a different time of day just isn't possible, and I enjoy WvW's game loop so it's not like I'm going to quit the gamemode entirely. My current solution is that I've taken to playing on DBL since I see a total of one, maybe two people in there when I solo roam and it's usually enemy players (side note I really enjoy DBL, it's such a fun map! props to the designers). I'm also looking to move servers to the one my guild uses since I don't have any friends that play on my home server. It's just currently full. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, aye?

    I suppose what I'm looking for is a bit of advice on how you personally would navigate this situation if it was happening to you? You awesome WvW veterans have probably seen it all by now and would know better how to navigate a bizarre situation like this one. Thanks! ❤️

    I don't deny the possibility that there are crazy people, especially online, specifically in a pvp mode.
    But objectively it seems extreme to me that for a single mistake people herass you every day. I don't mean that maybe you omitted some details or you didn't said everything, but maybe you did something more and didn't realize it?

    In 10 years of wvw I've done some kitten, but I've never been targeted on a daily basis for making a mistake, HECK not even the known tactivator trolls are herassed on a daily basis.

    If I ended up arguing with someone, it lasted for 1 hour (in the worst case) and then everyone went their own way.
    Imo it's a peculiar and strange situation

    • Sad 1
  8. - when a Golem Rush was an Epic event


    - when bursting someone down in seconds wasnt a thing 


    - when defensive sieges were a thing


    - when Quaggans were not yet extinct


    - when rangers could throw traps


    - when you had to build counter Trebs cos people werent just spamming catapults


    Ahh Nostalgia!!! I find intresting re-watch how the game was vs how it is now,unno about you 🙂

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  9. 43 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

    In my few hours playing I've seen the castle in EBG flip colors so many times it made me wonder why nobody seems to give a kitten? It seems a commander captures the castle, there's a few material nodes to gather, then everyone moves on. That's it? No prolonged dramatic sieges? No building up defences? Just the next commander from the other color will come by in 20 minutes when everyone is gone and flip the castle again? Lame..

    So I tried out some hours of roaming. But it seems all there is to do is back-cap camps and kill doylaks, and occasionally gank another player.

    I think it's a cool mode with a lot of potential. But I actually think sPvP is the overall better mode at the moment. Sure, it's got the same capping system (conquest) but at least it's got a matchmaking system that matches you up with other players where you get to fight on a smaller map for maximum 15 minutes, then you're done. Instead of WvW where you are just running around for long periods of time looking for something to do, and where capturing feels ultimately meaningless.

    In the vanilla days people cared alot about defending and indeed there were guilds that specialized in the defense of objectives. Then the mentality completely changed, also expansions added and/or changed various mechanics...and so on

    So today it takes litterally  seconds for a blob of 50 people to clear all your defensive sieges on walls, and when they built 6 catapults chances are that your walls (abysmal splash damage) are already gone before u even get there. There are some commanders that actually come and defend when you make a call, but there are also tags that want to do just pvp.

    IMO, even daily and weekly missions lead to a gameplay like this: people don't play for the sake of pvp but for the rewards. Once upon a time there was eotm to do karma train, now it is absolutely common to see it every day in "normal BLs"

    Then obviously, specifically, this is an event that provides a lot of extra exp, so it's normal that people tend to give priority to flipping objectives back and forth rather than defending them.

    Furthermore, I don't think it's even a useful event for new players. If you've never played wvw and you enter during a similar event, that's the idea you get about the mode, as your topic shows:
    - spvp player
    - you join wvw for the first time
    - you're like "what the kitten is this?"

  10. 4 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    I could make a lot of assumptions here and various statements, so instead since you didn't leave a why for/or against I will go with a direct question. So who do you play for? To be fair and place perspective, I play for server, guild and self.


    I play for the sake of pvp. Doesn't matter where im playing it: if i have to transfer to an other server i will do it.If i have to move to Eu or Us i will do it.
    Mind you, I've been playing since release, I've been in some guilds, I've met people outside of guilds and I've changed servers several times, so I've had to get to know new people.
    If I can be honest, one thing I've never liked about Gw2 is the fact that you can be part of multiple guilds, which although it may be practical, it undermines the concept of a guild.

    For me you join ONE guild or u join serveral guilds (one at time) until you find THE ONE for you.

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  11. 19 hours ago, Aveneo.2068 said:

    However, my friend plays WvW all the time and really loved playing with certain guilds and knew a ton by name, when they would be on; etc. With this whole crap about 500 randoms 4 teams bla bla she is going to lose all her WvW friends and is just thinking of playing PvE; because to her WvW is just going to die and she will not have any friends to play with.

    So let me get this straight: the girl gave you a very long,very sad  and passionate speech (i guess) about how WvW will be dead for her because she will no longer be able to play with some friends, and you came to protest on the forum on her behalf.

    You are not getting out of the friendzone doing this.
    The only proven way is to obtain the title: God of WvW 🤪

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  12. On 12/22/2023 at 6:54 PM, Lucy.3728 said:

    Didn't they say, that there won't be a GW3?

    Well, what the devs say isn't pure gold.
    According to the devs WvW is the cornerstone of this game...
    Imo does't look like it.

    Nowadays in the gaming industry I see the majority of devs (obviously there are some exceptions) as politicians: they tell you exactly what you want to hear to keep "customers".
    As for optimization in video games, it's something I've never been able to understand. I don't know if the devs are careless so they aren't able to optimize or if they're stingy so they use mediocre technologies to save money. I don't know, but it seems to me that 10-15 years ago games ran much better with the technology they had available then compared to the more advanced technology today?

    It's a bit like when a videogame comes out and on day one there are server, login and 8.9 hour queue problems... It's true that these are problems that have always existed, but is it possible that there isn't any technology today that solves these problems?
    Nowdays there are AIs that can sample your voice, create images from a written input, invent, build, learn on their own....

    • Confused 1
  13. 2 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:

    But that’s exactly the spirit of todays times..

    I don't know what you mean.
    In a discussion like this you can either generalize and extend any word to litterally everything, or you can get into the specifics of the situation being described.
    And the situation that is described is that of a person ( in an online game) that defines bullying and harassment as not being able to do what he wants in a group where certain things are requested in order to be part of it.

    From my point of view the situation is the classic one: "I want to be in your group/guild and enjoy all the benefits but I don't want to do anything that I'm asked to do"

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  14. 2 hours ago, LordMadman.5812 said:

     This game mode in particular creates situations where an individual can get harassed by large groups of people for not doing what others want (really the commander). In the future, I recommend a game mode that doesn't elevate a single individual over a group so that everyone can share in the experience. Elevated permissions over individuals is too much power / control which is frequently abused.

    I cant

    If I answered you in complete honesty I would be permanently banned from here.

    As far as I'm concerned, it's your head that transforms a very normal situation where you are asked to behave in a certain way/do something specific in order to join a group, into a personal offense/herassment towards you.

    Do you want the benefits of riding with that big group?
    Do as the person in charge of the group says


    ps: Not everything that happens to you in life is necessarily harassment.

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