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Little Leota.5849

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Posts posted by Little Leota.5849

  1. On 2/6/2023 at 7:05 PM, Healix.5819 said:

    Alt+Tab doesn't minimize, it brings other windows to the front. It would only minimize GW2 if you were using full screen in DX9. They started disabling DX9 today, so you're likely now using DX11, which is why it's no longer working for you.

    If you want to see the desktop press WindowsKey+D to minimize everything, or open the menu in GW2 (press Esc or click the top left gear icon) to reveal the minimize button and click that.

    Thank you so much for this!  Not being able to tab out to the desktop has been driving me crazy.  The WindowsKey+D works!❣️

  2. I'm trying to complete the achievement "Seitung Province Fisher".  I've caught all the fish but one - Dragonet.  Offshore, any time of day, any bait.  I make sure I have food up (150 fishing power), I've completed three of the Fishing Mastery tracks, so I'm at +60 to base power.  I can catch other exotic fish from the offshore locations repeatedly, but not the last one I need.  I refuse to spend hours just to catch one fish.  I don't need the AP that much.

    I've read other comments people have posted about this very thing, and it's not always this particular fish.

    I hope ArenaNet will take a look at the entire fishing mastery and experience so that players won't get so exasperated that they give up on fishing completely.

    • Like 1
  3. I have yet to do the meta, but I've been reading all of the threads on this topic.  It seems to me there are people who will never be happy with any solution unless it's all their way.  The adage "you can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all the people all the time" comes to mind.

    I appreciate that ArenaNet is addressing the issue, as so many have asked, by adjusting the event without nerfing it so that players who enjoy the challenge will still enjoy it.  It seems to me that Anet is taking player feedback to heart.  They're also adding another way for players, who have no interest in the meta, to acquire the turtle egg.  This is precisely what many on the forums have asked for - a way to make the egg accessible to all players who want it.

    I see it as very good news, and hopefully will help to quell the bitterness and division this has brought to our otherwise wonderful community.

    • Thanks 5
    • Haha 1
    • Confused 2
  4. Also, some players wear the absolutely largest snowflake-blocking armor or outfit they can.

    When a player uses a large character and adds trinkets and a huge outfit or armor, it's extremely difficult to see even the next jump, let alone your own character.

    • Confused 1
  5. 23 hours ago, Adrianna.3092 said:

    that happens because the mech cannot enter water... like at all... even an inch of water and the mech will REFUSE to go anywhere near it... it behaves the same way flesh golem used to... before they made it a shark in the water.

    Thank you!  I didn't know this, and I appreciate the info.

  6. I had a problem with my mech during Shadow Behemoth.  I dismounted from my siege turtle (single occupant), and my mech would not show up.  Not sure if I was doing something incorrectly, but I haven't had this problem until now.

  7. I've only used the siege turtle as a single player so far.  I'll be trying it out with guildies later tonight to get a feel for the two-player goodness.  😄
    So far I would have to say that I really like it.  I used it in Drizzlewood Coast, and it lives up to its name:  Siege Turtle.  It smashes gates, it obliterates barricades, and it's a warhorse when wading through mobs!
    The only downsides I see so far are things others have also mentioned.  The movement/control seems unwieldy - as though you are constantly almost turning in a circle.  I also agree that the underwater movement is not what I expected.  I think they should be able to swim, although not with the speed of a skimmer, and they shouldn't be sooo slooow when they're walking along the bottom.
    Otherwise, an awesome mount!

    • Like 1
  8. Just had this happen to me.  I think it's fun when other people enjoy tea at my table with me, but then this guy sat down and then used the Endless Miniature Tonic.  This forced us both out of the chairs and I could not change back.  At first I didn't know what happened, so went to my guild hall and came back, and he did it again.  I love this chair, but not this bug. 

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  9. 13 hours ago, Katiekaboom.1980 said:

    You can change it to windowed mode via the command line. You access that in the file's properties. Only edit a shortcut you make on your desktop since this will be just a temporary fix until Anet releases a new patch to fix this. They ARE currently working on things. I had submitted a ticket and they told me that. So make a new shortcut on your desktop (you can even just copy paste the one in your start menu as it is a short cut as well to the game) and then with the short cut on your desktop right click on it and select properties. Then in the shortcut tab of that where it says ...\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe"  type a space after the " and then type -windowed and click the OK button. Then that short cut will LAUNCH the game in WINDOWED MODE.

    Also someone else suggested adding -dx11 to the command line. Is this with the -windowed or without?

    I am running Windows 10 64-bit, NVIDIA, and DX12. 

    Also ANet has been working hard on this so check periodically to see if it is fixed without all the little tricks here and there (that is why do not edit the original shortcut).


    This worked for me.  Thank you, Katiekaboom!

  10. I'm having the same issues.  I log in and it acts like the game is going to load, but it never does.  I've tried a couple of times.  Once it didn't lock up my pc, and I looked at the Task Manager and the game wasn't even running at all.  Another time it locked everything except I was still able to use my mouse.  I used ctrl/alt/delete and got to the Task Manager, and that time it said the game was not responding.  I tried restarting my computer, shutting down and starting back up, and signing out of windows and back in.  Same problems.

    I'm going to do as another poster said - wait for Anet to fix it.  I don't feel like I should have to do all kinds of pc contortions to make the game work.  It worked fine this morning; now it doesn't.

  11. @"Hesione.9412" said:

    I would recommend doing the Season 2 story before going into HoT. This part is a good introduction to the mobs that are encountered in VB: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Echoes_of_the_PastSeason 2 is also a good way to become familiar with the characters that were introduced in Season 1. You can do the history lesson in Lion's Arch after completing the core story, but Season 2 really helps to get to know them.

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