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Posts posted by sisyphos.4801

  1. Yeah, she spawned in Lornar's Pass about an hour later from the original post, but I still find that spawn time to be extremely random or if it's intentional, it's really stupid.

    My guild mate found out from German GW2 Wiki, that the Meteorlogicus collection piece apparently is also obtainable from two different dynamic events where Orma is present in Fireheart Rise and Lornar's pass (near FR - Sati WP and LP - Guutra's Homestead WP respectively).


    There's I think a 2/4 chance that you fight her after the trash mob round at the event, so try that out also if you don't have any luck with the merchant cart spawning. Those events should appear on each map every 30 minutes or so.

    So just so you know this in case someone else in the future will lose their minds with this collection, like I did.

  2. I cannot find this information anywhere, not from the Wiki, Youtube or anywhere else. I need to kill this NPC for Tier 3 precursor Storm for crafting Meteorlogicus.I've been now going back and forth for a week between her spawn points in Fireheart Rise and Lornar's Pass. Not a single souls on the maps has even seen her when I ask about it. Is this NPC still even in the game Anet? Am I just wasting my time waiting for her to spawn? If she spawns once in a month, at least give me a freaking timer somewhere to look up because waiting around accomplishing nothing for days is not what I expect from a video game.


  3. I'm not sure if this is the correct thread, but it just annoys the crap out of me, how long hairs on my characters clip through all shields and backpieces. Could this be fixed please? Considering in a game, where fashion is such a meme, this should not happen. It seems to work as intended when you're on a mount, but on foot this happens on a lot of backpieces. :(


    PS. is the picture working? i can't seem to get the link to work properly...

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