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Posts posted by Pallas.9318

  1. New Static Monday 20:00. + Tuesday 20:00 (CEST) (Atm: 8/10)

    What we are looking for : Knowledge of all bosses, will of improve as person and in a squad, no toxicity, no braindead dps races: mechs and squad above all.

    In Orders of Classes we are looking for : Alacrene who can offchrono W5+6, Quickbrandheal (who can other offheal as well)Requirements: 50Dhuum, 40Qadim1, 30Qadim2, Kp

    If you have any questions feel free to Mail me : Rockytheripper.2395 or Nuvola.9460 ingame or send me a msg on Discord: devilsdisguise#1337

  2. I don't t know if im blind but no thief changes right? What a surprise.

    I think Chrono don't need any other nerf, you already ruined the class pretty damn well. Thanks to some nice ppl coming up, with nice mirage builds so mesmer is actually still a thing.

    As said before Meta will prob the same.

  3. Lag was always a problem. But since last week the lag is just insane. Making the gamemode almost unplayable, i can deal with lil lag, but at the moment the lag is just destroying all fights. Instead of new skins and things like that, anet should put more effort into servers that dont lag to the point where ppl losing all the fun and just getting frustrated. Maybe its just me, but it is kinda frustrating. But i think its just like the airport in Berlin. It will never be done and never be fixed.

  4. say bye bye to wvw zerg/group chrono. They killed it once again. Its just so damn disappointing. Its already scrapper stealth over vail, dmg in zergs is also not that great and you gotta take care of every step you take because you are prob oneshot. There is grav but with that stab nowadays. they make this class useless in blob fights. Im waiting for a patch that will show some love for Mesmer and not only nerfs that make ppl swap to other classes instead.

  5. @"Tomas.6092" said:Oh, just great, like chrono wasn't enough dog kitten already, even more nerfs.Mister Anet, when you guys come up with balance patches, do you take in consideration WvW too? I understand that WvW team you guys have, literally all they do is open tower and PPT with random builds they have, not understanding what's meta and what's not, or how WvW works, but do you ever think, whether generating clones during blob fights to activate F1 F2 F3 F4 will be easy or not? Clones die literally in less than 0.1 sec, try playing GS, for example. I mean I'm fine with that, I'll just going to macro Mirror Images utility to generate 2 clones + F4 to activate CS, since there's no way I'll be able to do it with my own hands, due to how fast clones die.But literally, all the nerfs towards chrono come from Pve, never bother seperating them from WvW. Nerf distortion share, nerf boonshare, destroy Signet of Inspiration, now completely destroy F skills...

    Sad but so damn true. I dont even think anet really knows the gamemode. they never seem to put at least a little bit attention to it. they ruin their own game.

  6. I guess I will just quit playing my ever since main class due to so called "balance" patches for Chrono/Mesmers over the past years. I dont see the balance in here. Removing F4 will make it so much harder and take a very usefull and necessary skill away. Only be able to use a shatter when theres at least one clone up? Well that wont be fun anymore, that just dont sounds realistic to me (still hope they are making a bad joke here). I think complaing about this wont be worth it anymore, anet does not see the point and thats really disappointing at least to me. They buff things, that dont need to be buffed because the spec is already op compared to other spec, like the warrior thing being invul forever if not hitting it with a ton of condis, but yea just give thiefs a portal i mean why do i even feel surprised by that. I would appriciate it more if anet would focus on like really "balancing" specs/classes . But guess this will never happen.

    • just a from "balance" patch disappointed chrono
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