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Posts posted by Albatross.8074

  1. 16 minutes ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

    I've seen quite a lot of these and it makes me feel uncomfortable a bit. Are innocent players get banned here recently?

    I never thought it would happen to me. I mean, I've never gotten so much as a warning before and I log in and play daily and have been doing so quite happily for over 2 years (played on and off in the previous years). I can't help but feel abandoned and mistreated by Anet, considering the time, money and even effort I put into helping the GW2 community (I've spent countless hours as a leader of my own small little guild, and teaching people fractals). I've promoted GW2 to friends I've talked to IRL, and even planned on buying my sister the EoD expansion when it drops. Just feels like poor form from Anet to their loyal customers. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    You can read the other threads players have made regarding this issue.

    The 'Search' feature functions in this forum.


    Good luck. 

    I'm well aware of the search function. That's not the purpose of the post. Thanks regardless

  3. What the title says. How many people in the last week or so have had their account "blocked for security purposes"?

    And how many have had their issues resolved/how many are still waiting on a response form CS? 

    For me, my account has been blocked since the 4th July (australian time, so US would be the 3rd July) for no apparent reason (in my eyes). I haven't heard any updates from the CS aside from "We're working on it, We are trying to find a solution for you and will let you know as soon as we have new information" - so it's been 4 days without any proper communication. I respect that they need time and this thread isn't to flame them or even a plea for help, but to just see how many people are in the same boat. I will admit though, I'm pretty distressed at the idea that my account of over 7 years that I have spent so much time and effort cultivating, and the numerous GW2 friends I have, and the many important memories could all be lost. I'm going through a pretty rough period in my life, especially due to COVID (as many people are - not trying to beg for pity), and GW2 is one of my main outlets and sanctuaries where I can escape and feel happy for a short while. I've already made up my mind to quit the game if I do get perma-banned, since it would be too heart-breaking to start from the beginning again. Which is especially depressing since I was really excited to watch and share the excitement of EoD with my GW2 friends on the 27th, which is also my birthday (lol :/). 

    Anyway, I just wanted to put this out there and just see how many people were in the same situation as me, and get some insight as to what their experiences were. 

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  4. 23 hours ago, ZXCV.4296 said:

    Not much to add to this other than to say I am having the same issue with this on my main account. They did get back to me but they are quite sure that my account has been compromised which it hasn't it was just me logging in since I move back in the day really really annoying that this can happen. I guess I just wait some more and hope for the best

    how long did it take them to get back to you? My account has also been blocked and has been blocked for 4 days now, and I haven't heard back from CS other than general automated replies "We are working on it, We are trying to find a solution for you and will let you know as soon as we have new information". 

    I'm super worried and stressed because this block came from nowhere 

  5. I'm in the exact same position. My main account has been blocked and I have no idea why. I didn't even purchase gems within the last few days, my last gem purchase was last week. I'm also a loyal GW2 player, been playing since the first year of my undergraduate over 6 years ago till now, so my main account has so many fond and important memories and friends tied to it. I'm terrified I'll lose it all, and the 2 GMs that have responded have only given me generic responses which only add to my anxiety. I've invested so much time and money into my account and was looking forward to playing EoD with my friends and boyfriend. If my account gets perma banned I think I'd just be too depressed to re-gear another account, and just quit the game entirely... 

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