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Posts posted by blitzkrieg.2451

  1. Yea, a public test server is definitely needed. I know it's an entirely different game but how BDO implemented their test server is the be

    There's most likely not nearly enough resources to implement something like this. They barely put out a balance patch to begin with.

    We don't know their code base (from what Nike says is spaghetti code from internal sources but they're not confirmed), and we don't know what their priority list is. We're not entirely sure of their team size either in the sense of how many people they could put on a project.

    It also depends on if their foundation is flexible enough to even add something like public testing on top of it (which closely relates to code-base).

    SEEMS obviously do-able, and should have been implemented from the beginning. But that's kind of my point, there must be a reason why it never was because public test has been requested for what, since 2013? Maybe even 2012 when it released.

  2. @Vicariuz.1605 said:

    @NotoriousNaru.1705 said:Lmfao I lost braincells reading this post. People actually exist who think disabling this trait was a bad move or not a good idea by anet? XD

    Also, just an fyi mesmer has been the most favored class by anet in pvp for years for us top players its not even a debate. Since the dawn of time no other class has seen the highs that mesmer has seen from mantra one shot pre hot, to bunker chrono, to condi chrono, to bunker chrono again with phantasm rework(which also had to get hotfixed) to broken condi mirage. Even with this trait gone mirage is still good and has viable builds. No other class in HISTORY has been this oppressive from pre hot all the way to this moment and if you think mesmer isn't favored you either lack information or are delusional.

    Disabling the trait was absolutely a bad idea. As an fyi there was how long of a time where Helseth, a top player, was the ONLY person playing mesmer at all? If you think that mesmer is the most oppressive class the game has ever seen please feel free to remember 5 necro teams in ranked after Dhuumfire buff, 5 cele ele comps, cele meta in general, among a plethora of other specific cases where mesmer was not even to be seen.

    I understand that spamming your entire skill bar is "fun" but CI was the perfect counter to BAD play, punishing those who played on auto pilot instead of ACTIVELY using their brain cells. If you want an example of this I will be more than willing to link SEVERAL Boyce vods, alone, where CI mesmers get facerolled by holo; when CI was able to be beaten by SEVERAL classes on SEVERAL builds. The only applicable build for mirage now is power, specifically one of your team members builds, which I dare say, is just as mindless due to it's 10+ seconds of invuln and evade frames and interrupt spam on sword ambush, while dumping its burst (which is essentially a 1shot burst mind you). Condi mirage will now be a glass cannon who's cannonball is rendered absolutely useless to 1 fb, and will STILL get facerolled by holo.

    It's VERY interesting to me that not only are the monthly tournaments gone until further notice (aka until CI is "fixed" since they "forgot" to in the last patch) but any build that's not essentially a mirror is being nerfed into being unplayable or literally disabled from play.

    No worries though, there are still builds that will farm meta comps. Due to Anet's lack of CAPACITY for balancing this game, there will literally always be builds that are "degenerate."

    Side note: extremely unprofessional of a dev describing CI as "degenerate" when it's been unchanged for MONTHS and only saw play from an extreme minority of players (because the narrative was that the former IH build was the only viable one when in actuality Dune Cloak (now gutted as well) was a much better option), when the devs were the ones to pigeonhole the class into these kinds of playstyles from nerf after nerf after nerf to every other option.

    Second side note: You want to nerf mirage correctly? Start with IH, careful though, you might nerf power mirage too ;]

    You are so misinformed its unreal. This is the last time I'm posting here because clearly anyone defending CI lacks information and is probably low-mid gold. Firstly, when did I ever say IH wasn't a problem? And when did I say I couldn't deal with ci mirages? I have spent this entire season farming ci mirages ON NECRO and holo which has a much easier go of it. That doesn't mean the trait is okay because good players can deal with it. Being able to immobilize someone instantly off of daze mantra or a first tick chaos storm is NOT HEALTHY. An entire 3 seconds and it was such an epidemic for most people they had to disable it. The way the trait worked with that iteration of mirage IS degenerate. Mantras are instant and have no tell because the 'tradeoff XD' is that you have to charge it, well guess what you can charge mantra into your mirage cloak because balance. Now for IH it is so funny you mention that and try to act like I even care what happens in terms of balance when it comes to my team. Team USA will win no matter what we didnt farm every single team that plays by getting 'lucky' we all multiclass and will swap when needed. But the irony of your statement when it comes to IH is that I want IH to stay because of zeromis? You are so misinformed I legit cant believe some people like you exist. IH is a problem because of its interaction with staff and scepter(previously axe before nerfs) and how oppressive the condis were in terms of cover condis AND dmg. Do you even know how much damage IH does with power on sword/greatsword? It is a joke. Zeromis swapped to dune cloak for aoe boon steal in teamfights so your entire comments about that are invalid because if IH was deleted or disabled today we wouldnt care.

    Now for you mentioning other things being broken, unreal how even that went over your head. Other things were broken in gw2? XD really? didnt know xd. I thought that was obvious and anyone with a brain would be able to infer that. what I said was NOTHING was as oppressive as mesmer for THE ENTIRETY OF HOT AND POF. Scourge,spellbreaker,fb etc really all of them had some highs but none of those highs were as strong as mesmer and none were for that long. You mentioning dhuumfire scourge when it was broken for 2 weeks then anet nerfed it is comical, i am talking about almost the entirety of this games existence. Cele ele had a good run in core too, but when it got nerfed it never regained that kind of opness, but mesmer has been consistent.

    You really need to do more research or further understand how the mechanics of this game work before you start throwing out accusations, personal attacks, and extremely misinformed comments because even though I play at legend anytime I speak on balance I understand there is an entire scope of players that have to deal with certain things and top players 'dealing' with it doesnt equate to the average population(majority of players) can or want to. And that is how bad balance kills a competitive scene and people like you defending it are extremely dishonest with yourself or just outright selfish because you play it.

    LOL you seem really defensive, it's funny how if any one has a differing view than "the gods of pvp, unbeatable supreme talent beings who don't even need to try to beat any one" is "low-mid gold" or any assortment of monkey/ape etc (I'm regularly right up in plat 3+ fam <3 ).

    I'm not defending CI, I said disabling the trait is a bad idea. I understand the misconception regarding that since you seem to assume an awful AWFUL lot about me and any one else with a different view, which is fine, I'm willing to offer correction where it's needed.

    "Being able to immobilize someone instantly off of daze mantra or a first tick chaos storm is NOT HEALTHY" this I agree with, again DISABLING the trait, is NOT the solution.

    "The way the trait worked with that iteration of mirage IS degenerate." Disagree, but it's interesting that the Dev used the same terminology that streamers use for something that isn't REALLY a problem if you were using your brain while fighting against it (this can be proven through vods of you and other streamers).

    "Mantras are instant and have no tell because the 'tradeoff XD' is that you have to charge it, well guess what you can charge mantra into your mirage cloak because balance." This doesn't seem to be a problem with CI, it seems to be a problem with mantras, which was also the problem with chrono; seems to me like mantras should be disabled and changed instead.

    "Team USA will win no matter what we didnt farm every single team that plays by getting 'lucky' we all multiclass and will swap when needed." This one is just hilarious to me, i m a g i n e being the only gods with unlimited talent in the game. I mean you don't even need to try right? I'm not sure where you got the "lucky" from though.

    "But the irony of your statement when it comes to IH is that I want IH to stay because of zeromis?" Incorrect assumption, again, my comment on IH wasn't even directed toward you but the balance team which seem to have a chronic issue with not understanding what should be changed about any class in their game. Secondly, it was implied that it's FORTUNATE for zeromis that that option is still there as to preserve build options for power mesmer. Something which cannot be said for condi mirage, which has seen exactly how many nerfs compared to power?

    " Now for you mentioning other things being broken, unreal how even that went over your head. Other things were broken in gw2? XD really? didnt know xd." Wooo! We sure are worked up aren't we, i m a g i n e. It's fine, I'm a patient person who is willing to have a discussion not a meme fest.

    "Scourge,spellbreaker,fb etc really all of them had some highs but none of those highs were as strong as mesmer and none were for that long." Totally subjective. Seems we forgot about release holo with 8k dodges hahaha, that sure was a fun one to spam in ranked.

    "Cele ele had a good run in core too, but when it got nerfed it never regained that kind of opness, but mesmer has been consistent." Yeah 5 man cele ele winning tournament is a good run, I agree with that, interesting how it got nerfed, and not disabled completely though. Mesmer has not been consistent in the meta, and we all know it.

    "You really need to do more research or further understand how the mechanics of this game work before you start throwing out accusations, personal attacks, and extremely misinformed comments because even though I play at legend anytime I speak on balance I understand there is an entire scope of players that have to deal with certain things and top players 'dealing' with it doesnt equate to the average population(majority of players) can or want to." Now there's a lot to unpack with this one, but I'll do it. I'm very versed in the history and mechanics of this game (been legend/plat3/in finals against your team in monthly XD), your assumption that I am not reflects on you, not me. I'm not really sure what "accusations, PERSONAL ATTACKS, and misinformed comments" you are referring to, please copy and paste so I can dispel any misconceptions. About your legend tier play, I personally find interest in this because the accounts rank that you stream on doesn't seem to be legend, in fact, it seems to be hundreds of rating lower than your new main account, now this large difference in rating could be from soloq (extremely volatile unpredictable matches), it could be from playing less viable builds (DH, your DH is very good though), or it could be a result of some other things. I understand that average and below players have a hard time with strong builds, but that is across the board and it certainly doesn't warrant the disabling of CI. As an example of this, mantra 1 shot existed for how long? Was it's traits ever disabled? If memory serves, no, nothing on power 1 shot mesmer/chrono/mirage has ever been disabled, it's received justified nerfs after it's "overperforming" in low tier gameplay. It is wildly interesting to me though how regarding CI, the average player is the standard of balance, when nearly unanimously it's determined that balance should come from the top down.

    "And that is how bad balance kills a competitive scene and people like you defending it are extremely dishonest with yourself or just outright selfish because you play it. " Again with the assumptions, please try to address what is said and not what you "think" is being said. I'm not defending CI, it absolutely needs to be nerfed, as a player with over 8k mesmer games. I'm suggesting that DISABLING the trait and by proxy the entire Chaos traitline, is the wrong move. Secondly, I play every class, so fear not, CI isn't the only thing I use to farm rating in both NA and EU :)

    Just my thoughts.

    You try to reach so hard because you got called out with facts from a player who just understands top level play better than you by trying to call him mad and taking it too seriously.

    It's alright man, take this time to learn the game better, we all make mistakes man.

    Feel free to address my points. I'm in the same rating and ATs as these "top players" btw.

    Your points consist of 80% bashing Naru and saying he's desperate. What points are you trying to make? He destroyed you with facts, and you got personal and tried to attack him out of the subject and call him desperate and angry.

    Also, your name isn't even on the leaderboards top 246 for NA or EU..

  3. @Razor.6392 said:

    • The 2s holo leap needs to go, it makes this class impossible to be kited. Only Thieves have that kind of sticking power but they also don't have stability, pulsing nuke effects, 20 stacks of might or protection. Holo Leap needs to have at least 3.5s of CD.
    • Cut down on the quickness bro. Same goes for Soulbeast. Quickness is supposed to be a rare boon that should only be accessible for very short amounts of time.
    • Elixir S, or at least the toolbelt, needs a drawback. Whether it is longer CD or something I dunno. It's a must pick as it gives both the best utility and toolbelt skills in 1.
    • Photon Forge's range of abilities (namely corona, autoattack and shockwave) need to get looked at. Autoattack has 240 range, Corona has 300 radius and Shockwave 600. Need to get reduced to 180, 240 and 450 respectively (for reference, meteor shower, formerly one of the largest aoes in the game, only has 360 radius).

    "The 2s holo leap needs to go, it makes this class impossible to be kited. Only Thieves have that kind of sticking power but they also don't have stability, pulsing nuke effects, 20 stacks of might or protection. Holo Leap needs to have at least 3.5s of CD."

    Except holo performs a specific role that thief doesn't... It needs stability to perform it's role.

    Thief doesn't need it, it's a decapper / 1upper

    Comparing the 2 classes is irrelevant... You should compare Spellbreaker with Holosmith , because they perform similar roles.

    "* Cut down on the quickness bro. Same goes for Soulbeast. Quickness is supposed to be a rare boon that should only be accessible for very short amounts of time. " - Soulbeast is gone from the meta... bro

    If anybody is complaining about soulbeast now then they should practice more because it was killed in the meta basically ,
    just better side node options now.

    Quickness on holo I can see that, halving it's duration could be something.

    "* Elixir S, or at least the toolbelt, needs a drawback. Whether it is longer CD or something I dunno. It's a must pick as it gives both the best utility and toolbelt skills in 1."

    The drawback with Elixir S is that engineer literally needs it in every single build it uses in PvP, ever in the history of engineer except scrapper maybe. I mean, the drawback exists already in that the utility is needed for survivability and down options. If you take that away, there's no trade off... They just need it. So you'd have to buff other defenses. You probably don't agree with this, and that's fine... But engineer slots it for a reason in almost every build, not because it's broken , but because they need it and other survival options don't exist that synergize with the build approaches.

    " * Photon Forge's range of abilities (namely corona, autoattack and shockwave) need to get looked at. Autoattack has 240 range, Corona has 300 radius and Shockwave 600. Need to get reduced to 180, 240 and 450 respectively (for reference, meteor shower, formerly one of the largest aoes in the game, only has 360 radius)."

    That will change nothing, holo is a side noder , it will still cover the point aside from middle in foefire. If you dodge the corona you remove 1 of their 2 stabilities. Then they need to pop elixir u for stab, which is a trade off because it's also a stun break. This turns battles.

    Comparing ele's meteor shower is kind of irrelevant, because ele isnt'a side noder outside of weaver. Holo, again, is.

    Gotta know the roles before asking for balance changes... You can nerf holo all you want, you'll just see more spellbreakers and weavers and you'll most likely be complaining about them.

    You are talking about pvp roles, I'm talking about overall balance and adding weaknesses to a class that pretty much is the full package. Holo cannot be kited, has 2-3 gap closers, has ridiculous damage mitigation and boon generation even when they're considered 'glass cannons'.

    I mentioned meteor shower because most people are aware of its radius, to set as a point of reference (shockwave has SIX HUNDRED RADIUS). I EVEN SAID THIS and the guy starts saying "staff ele isn't a side noder" what the hell are you on about? Are you a robot? If it wouldn't make a difference then let's go ahead and nuke photon forge range on abilities.

    Holy kitten dude, this is the kind of people that play holo I guess. Don't faceroll when you press the reply button.

    I'm talking about roles because you compared a decapper/+1er to a side noder.. I mean, this is the 1st obvious pointer that you're most likely below average in PvP.

    Balance has nothing to do with either, because balance works differently for both roles. Hence the perspective of balance in general, as it should be.

    Also, they're not glass cannon, they're side noders similar to Spellbreaker. Hence the same amulet usage. Glass cannons don't use Demolisher, they use berserker or marauder.

    If you can't see these obvious things, then I'm not sure what else to type here, your knowledge clearly shows itself on the topics.

    Also I don't main holo, I multi-class, but these are just common sense things you should know in PvP.

  4. @"Razor.6392" said:

    • The 2s holo leap needs to go, it makes this class impossible to be kited. Only Thieves have that kind of sticking power but they also don't have stability, pulsing nuke effects, 20 stacks of might or protection. Holo Leap needs to have at least 3.5s of CD.
    • Cut down on the quickness bro. Same goes for Soulbeast. Quickness is supposed to be a rare boon that should only be accessible for very short amounts of time.
    • Elixir S, or at least the toolbelt, needs a drawback. Whether it is longer CD or something I dunno. It's a must pick as it gives both the best utility and toolbelt skills in 1.
    • Photon Forge's range of abilities (namely corona, autoattack and shockwave) need to get looked at. Autoattack has 240 range, Corona has 300 radius and Shockwave 600. Need to get reduced to 180, 240 and 450 respectively (for reference, meteor shower, formerly one of the largest aoes in the game, only has 360 radius).

    "The 2s holo leap needs to go, it makes this class impossible to be kited. Only Thieves have that kind of sticking power but they also don't have stability, pulsing nuke effects, 20 stacks of might or protection. Holo Leap needs to have at least 3.5s of CD."

    Except holo performs a specific role that thief doesn't... It needs stability to perform it's role.

    Thief doesn't need it, it's a decapper / 1upper

    Comparing the 2 classes is irrelevant... You should compare Spellbreaker with Holosmith , because they perform similar roles.

    "* Cut down on the quickness bro. Same goes for Soulbeast. Quickness is supposed to be a rare boon that should only be accessible for very short amounts of time. " - Soulbeast is gone from the meta... bro

    If anybody is complaining about soulbeast now then they should practice more because it was killed in the meta basically , just better side node options now.

    Quickness on holo I can see that, halving it's duration could be something.

    "* Elixir S, or at least the toolbelt, needs a drawback. Whether it is longer CD or something I dunno. It's a must pick as it gives both the best utility and toolbelt skills in 1."

    The drawback with Elixir S is that engineer literally needs it in every single build it uses in PvP, ever in the history of engineer except scrapper maybe. I mean, the drawback exists already in that the utility is needed for survivability and down options. If you take that away, there's no trade off... They just need it. So you'd have to buff other defenses. You probably don't agree with this, and that's fine... But engineer slots it for a reason in almost every build, not because it's broken , but because they need it and other survival options don't exist that synergize with the build approaches.

    " * Photon Forge's range of abilities (namely corona, autoattack and shockwave) need to get looked at. Autoattack has 240 range, Corona has 300 radius and Shockwave 600. Need to get reduced to 180, 240 and 450 respectively (for reference, meteor shower, formerly one of the largest aoes in the game, only has 360 radius)."

    That will change nothing, holo is a side noder , it will still cover the point aside from middle in foefire. If you dodge the corona you remove 1 of their 2 stabilities. Then they need to pop elixir u for stab, which is a trade off because it's also a stun break. This turns battles.

    Comparing ele's meteor shower is kind of irrelevant, because ele isnt'a side noder outside of weaver. Holo, again, is.

    Gotta know the roles before asking for balance changes... You can nerf holo all you want, you'll just see more spellbreakers and weavers and you'll most likely be complaining about them.

  5. @Vicariuz.1605 said:

    @NotoriousNaru.1705 said:Lmfao I lost braincells reading this post. People actually exist who think disabling this trait was a bad move or not a good idea by anet? XD

    Also, just an fyi mesmer has been the most favored class by anet in pvp for years for us top players its not even a debate. Since the dawn of time no other class has seen the highs that mesmer has seen from mantra one shot pre hot, to bunker chrono, to condi chrono, to bunker chrono again with phantasm rework(which also had to get hotfixed) to broken condi mirage. Even with this trait gone mirage is still good and has viable builds. No other class in HISTORY has been this oppressive from pre hot all the way to this moment and if you think mesmer isn't favored you either lack information or are delusional.

    Disabling the trait was absolutely a bad idea. As an fyi there was how long of a time where Helseth, a top player, was the ONLY person playing mesmer at all? If you think that mesmer is the most oppressive class the game has ever seen please feel free to remember 5 necro teams in ranked after Dhuumfire buff, 5 cele ele comps, cele meta in general, among a plethora of other specific cases where mesmer was not even to be seen.

    I understand that spamming your entire skill bar is "fun" but CI was the perfect counter to BAD play, punishing those who played on auto pilot instead of ACTIVELY using their brain cells. If you want an example of this I will be more than willing to link SEVERAL Boyce vods, alone, where CI mesmers get facerolled by holo; when CI was able to be beaten by SEVERAL classes on SEVERAL builds. The only applicable build for mirage now is power, specifically one of your team members builds, which I dare say, is just as mindless due to it's 10+ seconds of invuln and evade frames and interrupt spam on sword ambush, while dumping its burst (which is essentially a 1shot burst mind you). Condi mirage will now be a glass cannon who's cannonball is rendered absolutely useless to 1 fb, and will STILL get facerolled by holo.

    It's VERY interesting to me that not only are the monthly tournaments gone until further notice (aka until CI is "fixed" since they "forgot" to in the last patch) but any build that's not essentially a mirror is being nerfed into being unplayable or literally disabled from play.

    No worries though, there are still builds that will farm meta comps. Due to Anet's lack of CAPACITY for balancing this game, there will literally always be builds that are "degenerate."

    Side note: extremely unprofessional of a dev describing CI as "degenerate" when it's been unchanged for MONTHS and only saw play from an extreme minority of players (because the narrative was that the former IH build was the only viable one when in actuality Dune Cloak (now gutted as well) was a much better option), when the devs were the ones to pigeonhole the class into these kinds of playstyles from nerf after nerf after nerf to every other option.

    Second side note: You want to nerf mirage correctly? Start with IH, careful though, you might nerf power mirage too ;]

    You are so misinformed its unreal. This is the last time I'm posting here because clearly anyone defending CI lacks information and is probably low-mid gold. Firstly, when did I ever say IH wasn't a problem? And when did I say I couldn't deal with ci mirages? I have spent this entire season farming ci mirages ON NECRO and holo which has a much easier go of it. That doesn't mean the trait is okay because good players can deal with it. Being able to immobilize someone instantly off of daze mantra or a first tick chaos storm is NOT HEALTHY. An entire 3 seconds and it was such an epidemic for most people they had to disable it. The way the trait worked with that iteration of mirage IS degenerate. Mantras are instant and have no tell because the 'tradeoff XD' is that you have to charge it, well guess what you can charge mantra into your mirage cloak because balance. Now for IH it is so funny you mention that and try to act like I even care what happens in terms of balance when it comes to my team. Team USA will win no matter what we didnt farm every single team that plays by getting 'lucky' we all multiclass and will swap when needed. But the irony of your statement when it comes to IH is that I want IH to stay because of zeromis? You are so misinformed I legit cant believe some people like you exist. IH is a problem because of its interaction with staff and scepter(previously axe before nerfs) and how oppressive the condis were in terms of cover condis AND dmg. Do you even know how much damage IH does with power on sword/greatsword? It is a joke. Zeromis swapped to dune cloak for aoe boon steal in teamfights so your entire comments about that are invalid because if IH was deleted or disabled today we wouldnt care.

    Now for you mentioning other things being broken, unreal how even that went over your head. Other things were broken in gw2? XD really? didnt know xd. I thought that was obvious and anyone with a brain would be able to infer that. what I said was NOTHING was as oppressive as mesmer for THE ENTIRETY OF HOT AND POF. Scourge,spellbreaker,fb etc really all of them had some highs but none of those highs were as strong as mesmer and none were for that long. You mentioning dhuumfire scourge when it was broken for 2 weeks then anet nerfed it is comical, i am talking about almost the entirety of this games existence. Cele ele had a good run in core too, but when it got nerfed it never regained that kind of opness, but mesmer has been consistent.

    You really need to do more research or further understand how the mechanics of this game work before you start throwing out accusations, personal attacks, and extremely misinformed comments because even though I play at legend anytime I speak on balance I understand there is an entire scope of players that have to deal with certain things and top players 'dealing' with it doesnt equate to the average population(majority of players) can or want to. And that is how bad balance kills a competitive scene and people like you defending it are extremely dishonest with yourself or just outright selfish because you play it.

    LOL you seem really defensive, it's funny how if any one has a differing view than "the gods of pvp, unbeatable supreme talent beings who don't even need to try to beat any one" is "low-mid gold" or any assortment of monkey/ape etc (I'm regularly right up in plat 3+ fam <3 ).

    I'm not defending CI, I said disabling the trait is a bad idea. I understand the misconception regarding that since you seem to assume an awful AWFUL lot about me and any one else with a different view, which is fine, I'm willing to offer correction where it's needed.

    "Being able to immobilize someone instantly off of daze mantra or a first tick chaos storm is NOT HEALTHY" this I agree with, again DISABLING the trait, is NOT the solution.

    "The way the trait worked with that iteration of mirage IS degenerate." Disagree, but it's interesting that the Dev used the same terminology that streamers use for something that isn't REALLY a problem if you were using your brain while fighting against it (this can be proven through vods of you and other streamers).

    "Mantras are instant and have no tell because the 'tradeoff XD' is that you have to charge it, well guess what you can charge mantra into your mirage cloak because balance." This doesn't seem to be a problem with CI, it seems to be a problem with mantras, which was also the problem with chrono; seems to me like mantras should be disabled and changed instead.

    "Team USA will win no matter what we didnt farm every single team that plays by getting 'lucky' we all multiclass and will swap when needed." This one is just hilarious to me, i m a g i n e being the only gods with unlimited talent in the game. I mean you don't even need to try right? I'm not sure where you got the "lucky" from though.

    "But the irony of your statement when it comes to IH is that I want IH to stay because of zeromis?" Incorrect assumption, again, my comment on IH wasn't even directed toward you but the balance team which seem to have a chronic issue with not understanding what should be changed about any class in their game. Secondly, it was implied that it's FORTUNATE for zeromis that that option is still there as to preserve build options for power mesmer. Something which cannot be said for condi mirage, which has seen exactly how many nerfs compared to power?

    " Now for you mentioning other things being broken, unreal how even that went over your head. Other things were broken in gw2? XD really? didnt know xd." Wooo! We sure are worked up aren't we, i m a g i n e. It's fine, I'm a patient person who is willing to have a discussion not a meme fest.

    "Scourge,spellbreaker,fb etc really all of them had some highs but none of those highs were as strong as mesmer and none were for that long." Totally subjective. Seems we forgot about release holo with 8k dodges hahaha, that sure was a fun one to spam in ranked.

    "Cele ele had a good run in core too, but when it got nerfed it never regained that kind of opness, but mesmer has been consistent." Yeah 5 man cele ele winning tournament is a good run, I agree with that, interesting how it got nerfed, and not disabled completely though. Mesmer has not been consistent in the meta, and we all know it.

    "You really need to do more research or further understand how the mechanics of this game work before you start throwing out accusations, personal attacks, and extremely misinformed comments because even though I play at legend anytime I speak on balance I understand there is an entire scope of players that have to deal with certain things and top players 'dealing' with it doesnt equate to the average population(majority of players) can or want to." Now there's a lot to unpack with this one, but I'll do it. I'm very versed in the history and mechanics of this game (been legend/plat3/in finals against your team in monthly XD), your assumption that I am not reflects on you, not me. I'm not really sure what "accusations, PERSONAL ATTACKS, and misinformed comments" you are referring to, please copy and paste so I can dispel any misconceptions. About your legend tier play, I personally find interest in this because the accounts rank that you stream on doesn't seem to be legend, in fact, it seems to be hundreds of rating lower than your new main account, now this large difference in rating could be from soloq (extremely volatile unpredictable matches), it could be from playing less viable builds (DH, your DH is very good though), or it could be a result of some other things. I understand that average and below players have a hard time with strong builds, but that is across the board and it certainly doesn't warrant the disabling of CI. As an example of this, mantra 1 shot existed for how long? Was it's traits ever disabled? If memory serves, no, nothing on power 1 shot mesmer/chrono/mirage has ever been disabled, it's received justified nerfs after it's "overperforming" in low tier gameplay. It is wildly interesting to me though how regarding CI, the average player is the standard of balance, when nearly unanimously it's determined that balance should come from the top down.

    "And that is how bad balance kills a competitive scene and people like you defending it are extremely dishonest with yourself or just outright selfish because you play it. " Again with the assumptions, please try to address what is said and not what you "think" is being said. I'm not defending CI, it absolutely needs to be nerfed, as a player with over 8k mesmer games. I'm suggesting that DISABLING the trait and by proxy the entire Chaos traitline, is the wrong move. Secondly, I play every class, so fear not, CI isn't the only thing I use to farm rating in both NA and EU :)

    Just my thoughts.

    You try to reach so hard because you got called out with facts from a player who just understands top level play better than you by trying to call him mad and taking it too seriously.

    It's alright man, take this time to learn the game better, we all make mistakes man.

  6. @shadowpass.4236 said:

    if you admit you aren't high elo and don't do good in pve > why would you go around giving your opinion?

    That's like saying i was once in the cockpit of a plane and i can't drive a plane but heres my opinion on how u should drive a plane even tho i've never done it myself.Get legendary with mirage in its current state and then come here and say it's op because of this and that reason and i'll believe your opinion and it'll have more influence and impact on me.

    You have multiple, top 10 players in this thread (one of them has won every single monthly on NA) telling you that you're wrong btw.

    They don't want t o know the truth from players who are better than them on literally every single class and understand the game mode better than them. Sad reality for this game mode.

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