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Tonya B.2853

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Posts posted by Tonya B.2853

  1. Hi, I am a long time player with over 19.9k hours played.

     I  am  currently unable to do a lot of new content now. The effects in all Challenge modes from raids, fractals and strikes are so bad with the flashing its impossible to do.  the  new effects on some of the new classes make the new metas very hard due to all the flashing and  blasts.  the new mech class bot has a blast that blinds. when there are many it's impossible to look at screen. most the time I am only able to look at my skill bar and no where else.  Many seizure and epilepsy players have stated that the effects are getting worse.  Even with all graphics turned down I can still see the flashing effects of players .  I have talk to Kevin about this in the QA department they are trying, but I am unsure how to fix or help with the issue.  As of now I am unable to do more than one meta per day of Dragons end  after that meta i have to lay down for hours the other metas i only need to rest for an hour or so. Yes, i am using out side filters for color to help  but it does not help against the flashing and blasts effects.  

    Please advise 

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