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Posts posted by NightMi.9042

  1. I can understand that they didn't change the BL chest, but when they write in the news that they've added new weapon collection for BL claim tickets, but Weapon Specialist doesn't sell it... Like really, where is it? 
    "our local Black Lion Weapons Specialist is now offering skins from the White Tiger weapon collection for one Black Lion Claim Ticket each". LIES. Pls fix this ANET x.x 

    Update: apparently That's NPC's bug, cause if you double-click on tickets, you can buy new collection, but not from Weapon specialists.

  2. @Linken.6345 said:You can only gather coral nodes 1 time there is no 3 times.You were lucky on the land one and got to harvest it 1 time + 3 more bonus times, normaly it would be 1 time with a 33% of bonus item on that 1 strike then no more.

    Man, I got you, I know about gathering nodes and etc. If you read carefully, would notice that i wrote that only with Glyph of Bounty/Item booster which give 33% chance for extra strike this tool is working wrong underwater vs on the ground. But still you say it would take the same time as it takes on the ground if I was lucky for more procs. You are completely wrong. I wasted 4 full cast times on the land for 4 items and would waste only 1 cast time for 3 items underwater. Underwater cast time even goes faster than the one on the ground. That's what I am talking about. Tools mustn't work differently on the ground and underwater, it's not mining tool. My other tools work fine both underwater and underground, but this one does not. I posted it so the devs know about the issue.

    edit. Glad you understand now^^ Maybe my english is too bad sometimes. cheers.

  3. @"Linken.6345" said:Well if you were as lucky on the coral node getting 4 strikes instead of 1 we would have seen you harvest it at the same speed as that land one.

    nah, on the ground you wait for the whole cast time only for one item, then you start another one. Underwater you gather all 3 items with only ONE cast time, though for 4th one you need to cast one more time. And I showed you on the video that coral proced one extra strike "Coral orb" and "Coral tentacle", so it's not just 1 item

  4. Skyscale Hatchling Harvesting tool has different gathering capabilities underwater and on the ground with equipped Glyph of Bounty. Tool has very long cast time by itself, and still it gathers all the extra strikes only underwater, but not on the ground. And it takes ages to gather something extra on the surface.This tool is very cute, but I cannot use it cause of too long cast time only for 1 node on the ground :( Here is an example with Lotus on the ground and Coral node under water -

    Plz fix this bug T_T shame that such a cute tool gathers all the extra strikes only underwater, and it's really weird.
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