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Posts posted by Kattenpootjes.4291

  1. @Randulf.7614 said:It was a fun little extra, although I can't say I actually got much from it in terms of rewards. Maybe next year

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so, there wasn't much other than the same old farming for maximum profit and some achievement points.. The weird semi holo helmet and an edited version of the holo wings were the only new skins I think? Feels so half assed to only release a helmet and not an entire armor set. But I guess that's asking for too much :'(

  2. @zealex.9410 said:

    @AllNightPlayer.1286 said:What do you expect from firing the longtime forum communications lead?
    forum communication???

    Iirc she herself took the jit so others wouldnt.

    A while ago on a glassdoor review I read that the ones that stepped up voluntarily got a big pay out of it, idk how true that is but it would make sense, plenty devs peaced off to Amazon without much hesitation xD and one of the popular cons on the glassdoor reviews is the shoddy pay at Anet..

  3. @Ultramex.1506 said:

    @"Kattenpootjes.4291" said:Guys stop pretending wow isn't better than gw2 in every single way.

    Hmm better mount mechanic, player share loot/nodes with each other, buy to play not sub. Sorry but i don't agree with this bias comment, GW 2 is very different from WoW so "X is better than Y" doesn't really work here, i don't hate WoW but it isn't my cup of tea.

    Nice and cute opinions and stuff but wow makes a whole lotta money and gw2 doesn't, thats all that matters. Sure gw2 does a lot of things better than wow, it would be kinda dumb to release a game that barely holds up to an aging competitor :x but many thousands of people are still throwing sub money at wow, so much even that it could spend entire teams of devs to rebuild the entire game from the ground up AGAIN! And the masses are loving it. And I'm pretty sure gw2 could rival that but not with the current people sitting at the top waiting for money to suddenly happen.

    Also you can play wow by paying once and then earning game time by playing, it's actually very easy, but ofc no one really wants to admit its good points.

  4. I guess it's against the rules to be exited about a possible positive future without a certain company at the helm, but I wont bend that easily xD

    I want a (skilled group of individuals) to buy the guild wars IP and go nuts with it, single player hack and slash? (excitement!) Good old adventure game? (excitement!) Open world exploration game??? (EXCITEMENT!)

    Come at me!

  5. Funny how people are bashing wow while hundreds of big name streamers with hundreds of thousands of viewers are having the time of their lifes while playing different kinds of events, perma death modes, Amish challenges and mount rush modes, while the gw2 streamers are dropping like flies while struggling to reach the 200 viewers. Guys stop pretending wow isn't better than gw2 in every single way. Its fine to dislike the game but there's no need to puff yourself up when announcing your opinion :')

  6. Gw2 has been a bottom of the barrel game since release, it came with big promises but in the end the higher ups just couldn't make up their minds what they actually wanted gw2 to be, it's not a wow killer, it's not a wow alternative, it's not a better wow, it's just another dime a dozen mmorpg that caters to a niche market, it won't die, it will just keep existing with a niche playerbase. Which is fine, I still like playing once in a while, just like dofus, wakfu, aion, and many other relics of the past. Besides it's been confirmed by an ex dev now that gw2 has been on low/non priority for a while before the layoffs happened, their stance is clear, the motivation is gone. And if you keep track of the glassdoor reviews it's pretty clear that it won't have a big future, no grand plans, just the same old easy milking tactics while probably trying to work on other projects yet again but this time under the pretense that gw2 is on the top priority list :x

  7. I hope not, they cant even properly balance the current ones, it's going to be an even bigger mess if they add more, first we have to go through the powercreep bs again because that's gw2 marketing for ya, then we get the complaints about how unfair a class is and how another class always gets the short end... Just no, find another way to diversify classes. Or just leave it and focus on more content.

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