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Posts posted by Ouk.5914

  1. @"ollbirtan.2915" said:Oh look! It's the new "xxx is OP! PLEASE NURF" parade again! What a surprise!

    1. OP, iof you find it difficult to not stand in a big RED circle, that's an LTP issue.
    2. Also, if you propose nerf to AOEs that cover the whole node, I am all in if all AOE skills are nerfed to 180 radius. And by all, I mean ALL of the skills - be it those you have to place, or instant skills with AOE effect? Would you like that?

    P.S. Why should myself, anet, or anyone should else care about what a highly subjective streamer is ranting about?

    I can bet you my lunch money OP is far more experience then you in Spvp. I can pretty much bet you my life that the OP a better dueler, ranked, and a much better conquest player then yourself.

    Imagine thinking that this entire topic is only a "LTP" issue if that was the case then same could of been said for Necros and Firebrands.....

    Quality of players has dropped so much over the year it's freaking insane @mes.4607


  2. only "roles" i can think of are side noder, Support, and Roamer.

    That's all the roles you need to know /care about.

    Back on topic the role of any class is literally determined by the build they are playing on...... It's either Team Spec for fights , Roaming or Side noding. That's all depended on what the hell they plan on running or using. In most cases it's Team fighting or Side noding.

  3. @"Thanks.6859" said:On the last part of my original post i wrote " Im tired of seeing players add there 2 cents who don't even play" i added a few of you who seem to be clueless and sure enough your names dont even show up for the last 2 pvp seasons

    I can promise you that my name wont show up at all on the LB for the last 5 seasons and I can promise you that I'll have more experience and knowledge then you would ever get from this dying game. The Leaderboards don't mean jack shit, and never has to be fairly honest. The single thing that holds any value at all in this game is the Monthly tournament and that's it. If you cant get into Semi finals then you probably shouldn't talk about experience or bringing up people "ranking" as a sign of being more advance then them.

  4. No, Simply put just no.

    They have explained to you how it works and how it is.

    You literally just suck at the game and can't climb up or hold a level of rating. I don't even play the game anymore and whenever I get back from doing placements (usually end up in g2) it takes no more then a week worth of trying to get into p2 either alone or with a buddy.

    It is not based on "number of days". It is based on "number of games played". If you were to do all of your placement games on the very last day of season, you would also be getting +50 results for the first few games.

    Whether it is 1st day or last day of season is irrelevant. You will always get high +/- for you first ~10 games, medium +/- for your 10th to 30th games (roughly) and low gains thereafter.

    You want the best possible results then play during the OFF hours and Camp easy rating with a solid duo or better yet do what SOME OF us do when we are extremely fucking bored of this game. Go onto Twitch and Solo Q into some of the streamers that are doing Spvp and are above Gold this would either get you into a stack team or a shit team.....but it's fun either way.

    Good luck and stop crying about the system.

  5. biggest complaint i would have is probably the players that continue to hope for the best for this game and make threads nonstop to try and get a change to happen knowing it'll never happen. Everyone that USE to be Great or Solid at the game has literally given up on this game over a year ago. The Lack of Updates, Hot Fixes, Communication, Special Tournaments and Support from the devs has literally killed the game mode. It was Bleeding for a bit but at least every year we'll have 3-4 solid tournament's where we can enjoy the meta and streamers but after 2020 and the huge change to damage has killed everything off for players that even took this game serious.

    This game is never ever going to get better because of the devs lack of respond and effort. Move on and stop wasting time on the forums.

  6. Profession SkillsElementalistTornado: Increased cooldown from 90 seconds to 120 seconds in PvP only.EngineerEnhanced Capacity Storage Unit: Reduced might stacks per pulse from 2 to 1 in PvP only.Lesser Grenade Barrage: Reduced power coefficient per grenade from 0.5 to 0.3 in PvP only.Flashbang: Reduced blind duration from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP only.Supply Crate: Increased cooldown from 90 seconds to 120 seconds in PvP only. Reduced stun duration from 3 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only.System Shocker: Reduced base barrier gained from 724 to 362 in PvP only.Bulwark Gyro: Increased cooldown from 25 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP only.Throw Mine: Increased cooldown from 15 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP only.Personal Battering Ram: Increased ammo recharge from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP only.GuardianWrit of Persistence: In PvP only, this trait no longer increases the radius of symbols.RevenantSevenshot: Reduced power coefficient per hit from 0.31 to 0.24 in PvP only.Scorchrazor: Increased cooldown from 12 seconds to 18 seconds in PvP only.ThiefHidden Thief: Reduced base stealth duration from 2 seconds to 0.25 seconds in PvP only.Concealing Restoration: Reduced base stealth duration from 1 second to 0.5 seconds in PvP only.

    Yep, I'll continue to stay away from the game.

  7. @otto.5684 said:

    @youle.5824 said:Balance in 4 days .. fyi

    Are you sure? As far as I am aware, Anet did not set a time schedule.

    @youle.5824 said:Balance in 4 days .. fyi

    Are you sure? As far as I am aware, Anet did not set a time schedule.

    @youle.5824 said:Balance in 4 days .. fyi

    Are you sure? As far as I am aware, Anet did not set a time schedule.

    who knows? Unless you keep up with Ben on twitch/streams from some of the gw2 players we wouldn't know jack shit on when a patch is suppose to come out unless he throws a hint or tells us directly. People still hoping the best for this game and yet not notice the insane lack of support people are getting for any info directed about the game mode.

  8. imagine thinking that anet actually cared for it's player base that wanted to actually enjoy it's "pvp". They haven't done a single good thing at all within the last 2 years for this game mode so why do you guys continue to make these post that go unnoticed ?

    They clearly don't listen nor care enough to make the effort as they claimed. Example following to this would be the fact that they literally haven't posted a single thing to inform anyone at all about whats the plan for the game mode lol or better yet a statement as to why they been radio silent for close to 6 months now for the game mode. If ya'll want to really see a change then leave the game and move onto something that would actually get some attention till they decide to make a difference for the community. Feeding into their lies over and over again is pretty depressing to see especially knowing that they do 1 solid balance patch and then go back to hiding.

    PvP is dead, Monthly is Dead/Boring, Na hardly has Players, WvW in Na is dead, EU starting to die down and theirs absolutely zero tournaments worth even playing in for this game from what little the community puts up.

  9. @Leafstorm.1349 said:

    @Eurantien.4632 said:Can you imagine being a dev and seeing stuff like this and earth shield nerfs, while ranger is out there apparently slaughtering everything it sees (ESPECIALLY necro), and wondering how to balance the game?

    That's only if it has support. Necro doesn't need support. Necro doesn't need anything but a nerf. Necro is a platform for bad players to ignore game mechanics and just smash their head against the keys and still be able to do something.

    how the hell are u guys having such a hard time still after the nerf they got? Matter fact the only two necro builds i seen have been reaper and condi core necro that no longer runs deathmagic at all.

    How the hell are u guys still struggling this much with a class that has close to 0 stability up time and very little damage over all if traited for condi? DE, Ranger, Rev, FB, Core Guardian, and even Power Mirage or core mesmer all completely destroy necro with no support assuming both players are around the same level.

    Forums has 100% become a joke.

  10. Any sort of communication at all at this point would be highly appreciated @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 as it sits now currently no one really looks to do the At's anymore because of the Lack of reward for the duration it is. Theirs no real teams doing it either because no one wants to sit for 2 hours beating random players just to earn 25g.

    Can we please Either Increase the Gold gained for first place winners to 50g which would then increase the quality of players by 10 fold. If gold increase is a concern then how about giving players More mystic coins ?

    Overall Swiss should ONLY be a thing for the Monthly tournament and not for the Daily At's , I think with the fact that now we all have a set time frame for when the At's are going to start players can actually set a time with a group of players to play them to improve and make them more enjoyable for the duration it lasts.

    So if possible remove the swiss from Daily At's or Improve the rewards overall for the duration it takes because the 1g extra pre win isn't enough for people to continue playing it.

  11. @"Eurantien.4632" said:I feel like people who didn't play during core just don't know how to deal with rez utilities. CC the rez, poison the body, cleave while someone stomps?

    It might be kinds too good but still feels manageable at the moment.

    stealth gyro with a bubble that gives you stability and reflects projectile attacks wont make it easy to stop said class. Mesmer, Guardians, and Engi all have some sort of way to res fairly easy. Guardian gets an insane amount of stability , Engi Get stealth+Stability+bubble or Invul, Mesmer Gets Bubble, and Distortion then we have necro with res signet which isn't SO bad but when you start stacking so much other ways to get free res it kinda becomes stupid to a degree.

    Not saying it's "impossible" to stop but for 2vs2 this shit is fucking stupid to deal with after getting someone down 3-4 times back to back. All I'm saying cleaving downs isn't anywhere as easy as it use to be after the nerf to everything going down hill yet certain sustain and healing traits were left untouched for god knows what reason. Ressing someone SHOULD not be so easy to do and for some reason after the patch it's become exactly that.

  12. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @Ouk.5914 said:

    @Ouk.5914 said:

    @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    • Autoattack Chain:
      • Positive Bash: Reduced power coefficient from 0.7 to 0.533. Reduced might duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
      • Negative Bash: Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.666. Reduced vulnerability duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
      • Equalizing blow: Reduced power coefficient from 1.4 to 0.933. Reduced might and vulnerability durations from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
    • Electro-Whirl: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 1.2 to 0.68. Increased cooldown from 6 seconds to 8 seconds
    • Rocket Charge: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 1.1 to 0.74. Increased cooldown from 12 seconds to 18 seconds
    • Shock Shield: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 0.25 to 0.1
    • Thunderclap: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 0.8 to 0.45. Reduced vulnerability duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds

    is unchanged in the upcoming balance patch. So scrapper's health pool will continue to remain lower.
    because its damage output is also being lowered, its ability to sustain is also taking a direct nerf. I'm not sure any other spec or class is seeing both its sustain and damage hurt at the same time with just a damage change.

    But look at the nerfs for everything else:
    • Auto-attacks got a
      nerf. That's a 33% reduction in barrier generated by these skills.
    • Electro-whirl got a
      nerf. That's a 44% reduction in barrier generated by this skill.
    • Rocket charge got a
      nerf. That's a 33% reduction in barrier generated by these skills.
    • Shock shield got a
      nerf. That's a 60% reduction in barrier generated by this skill (not including the barrier per hit, which is unaffected)
    • Thunderclap got a
      nerf. That's a 44% reduction in barrier generated by this skill

    This bodes ill for a class that already struggles in competitive play. I hope they will reexamine scrapper soon for this reason, and lower the health debuff from Impact Savant, or increase the barrier generation % (from 15% to something like 20% to compensate)

    TL;DR -- For those who use condi scrapper builds, you won't see much change in your sustain. But for people who use power scrapper builds, you will.

    Scrapper gonna be pretty kitten good if you ask me . Just hoping Condi Rev doesn't actually become a thing.....that kitten looks pretty cancer.... not sure what you base that assumption on, given the information presented.

    Also condi rev is already a thing, it's one of the best single target condi bursters that exist and it puts the condi mesmer to shame. However, that's getting nerfed too.

    Based on the fact that scrapper probably going to be one of the best spec to have multi sources to obtain Stab, and Sustain.

    Condi Rev could be meta but unsure on how it'll do in 1vsX as a side noder. We won't know for sure till patch hits.Keep in mind that the sustain has been heavily nerfed on core trees. And even a scrapper use 2 of those. The stab I dont see is any difference from today (except lower durations) and other classes wont get more CC so you get nothing.

    So that it would become the best spec assumes its the best spec today.

    It is not.

    you should really sit down and re-look into the balance patch notes and then Look at the rework of explosives +scrapper trait line.

    Even with the Nerf to "sustain" it'll still be good with the utilities engi are allowed to have/use. You also don't see the stab difference because you aren't trying hard enough to figure out what possible way can scrapper really get access to stab that Holo or Core aren't allowed to have after the balance patch.

    Sit down , Reread the scrapper traits, Reread the explosive trait rework carefully, Relook at the Scrapper Utilities and Core Engi Utilities, Then take a look at the runes that went untouched.

    Scrapper has a fairly high high potential of possibly being busted IF the explosive trait line is any good as it reads.

  13. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @Ouk.5914 said:

    @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    • Autoattack Chain:
      • Positive Bash: Reduced power coefficient from 0.7 to 0.533. Reduced might duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
      • Negative Bash: Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.666. Reduced vulnerability duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
      • Equalizing blow: Reduced power coefficient from 1.4 to 0.933. Reduced might and vulnerability durations from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
    • Electro-Whirl: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 1.2 to 0.68. Increased cooldown from 6 seconds to 8 seconds
    • Rocket Charge: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 1.1 to 0.74. Increased cooldown from 12 seconds to 18 seconds
    • Shock Shield: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 0.25 to 0.1
    • Thunderclap: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 0.8 to 0.45. Reduced vulnerability duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds

    is unchanged in the upcoming balance patch. So scrapper's health pool will continue to remain lower.
    because its damage output is also being lowered, its ability to sustain is also taking a direct nerf. I'm not sure any other spec or class is seeing both its sustain and damage hurt at the same time with just a damage change.

    But look at the nerfs for everything else:
    • Auto-attacks got a
      nerf. That's a 33% reduction in barrier generated by these skills.
    • Electro-whirl got a
      nerf. That's a 44% reduction in barrier generated by this skill.
    • Rocket charge got a
      nerf. That's a 33% reduction in barrier generated by these skills.
    • Shock shield got a
      nerf. That's a 60% reduction in barrier generated by this skill (not including the barrier per hit, which is unaffected)
    • Thunderclap got a
      nerf. That's a 44% reduction in barrier generated by this skill

    This bodes ill for a class that already struggles in competitive play. I hope they will reexamine scrapper soon for this reason, and lower the health debuff from Impact Savant, or increase the barrier generation % (from 15% to something like 20% to compensate)

    TL;DR -- For those who use condi scrapper builds, you won't see much change in your sustain. But for people who use power scrapper builds, you will.

    Scrapper gonna be pretty kitten good if you ask me . Just hoping Condi Rev doesn't actually become a thing.....that kitten looks pretty cancer.... not sure what you base that assumption on, given the information presented.

    Also condi rev is already a thing, it's one of the best single target condi bursters that exist and it puts the condi mesmer to shame. However, that's getting nerfed too.

    Based on the fact that scrapper probably going to be one of the best spec to have multi sources to obtain Stab, and Sustain.

    Condi Rev could be meta but unsure on how it'll do in 1vsX as a side noder. We won't know for sure till patch hits.

  14. @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    • Autoattack Chain:
      • Positive Bash: Reduced power coefficient from 0.7 to 0.533. Reduced might duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
      • Negative Bash: Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.666. Reduced vulnerability duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
      • Equalizing blow: Reduced power coefficient from 1.4 to 0.933. Reduced might and vulnerability durations from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
    • Electro-Whirl: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 1.2 to 0.68. Increased cooldown from 6 seconds to 8 seconds
    • Rocket Charge: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 1.1 to 0.74. Increased cooldown from 12 seconds to 18 seconds
    • Shock Shield: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 0.25 to 0.1
    • Thunderclap: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 0.8 to 0.45. Reduced vulnerability duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds

    is unchanged in the upcoming balance patch. So scrapper's health pool will continue to remain lower.
    because its damage output is also being lowered, its ability to sustain is also taking a direct nerf. I'm not sure any other spec or class is seeing both its sustain and damage hurt at the same time with just a damage change.

    But look at the nerfs for everything else:
    • Auto-attacks got a
      nerf. That's a 33% reduction in barrier generated by these skills.
    • Electro-whirl got a
      nerf. That's a 44% reduction in barrier generated by this skill.
    • Rocket charge got a
      nerf. That's a 33% reduction in barrier generated by these skills.
    • Shock shield got a
      nerf. That's a 60% reduction in barrier generated by this skill (not including the barrier per hit, which is unaffected)
    • Thunderclap got a
      nerf. That's a 44% reduction in barrier generated by this skill

    This bodes ill for a class that already struggles in competitive play. I hope they will reexamine scrapper soon for this reason, and lower the health debuff from Impact Savant, or increase the barrier generation % (from 15% to something like 20% to compensate)

    TL;DR -- For those who use condi scrapper builds, you won't see much change in your sustain. But for people who use power scrapper builds, you will.

    Scrapper gonna be pretty damn good if you ask me . Just hoping Condi Rev doesn't actually become a thing.....that shit looks pretty cancer.

  15. @Zexanima.7851 said:

    @Ouk.5914 said:This entire Post is so full of misinformation.

    Is it really hard for players to get a win rate that high? No, Play whatever busted at the moment with someone who's able to help carry games and Camp/Farm every random player who has no idea how to play. Do this none stop during off hours and you'll have a stupid high win rate. This is easily done with anyone with a brain and has an understanding on how Conquest works.

    what's really getting annoying and sad to see now day's is that a majority of the SUPER Low plat players who BARELY able to stay in plat believe that win trading is a legit thing still in this very dead game. I Once use to think and act exactly like a majority of you and gave on thinking like that once I started to understand the game a lot better and actually start playing with better players.

    Issue with a majority of you guys you'll just refuse to expect theirs a difference in skills between you and the top players. On top of that you guys refuse to even get better at the ONLY game mode you play in but just complaining none stop. If you guys spent the same amount of time complaining and crying over pointless kitten like the Leaderboard and in actually studying some Old Videos on how to play a class right/conquest you'll improve 10x faster.

    LoL the forum now days has been noting but clueless players making horrible statements about a system they don't even understand. The Game Population is kitten in NA so people play during Off hours to farm horrible players to win rating and keep a high win ration. Noting with the system getting changed is going to help that.

    Alright there, step down off your pedestal. I'll worry about me and how I play so don't go making assumptions like you know best. I don't really care the reason for the win rates. It's clear though that something is not working like it should for that to be happening. Like I've asked in other threads, go find me a main stream PvP game with a ranked team mode where the win rates are that high of top players. I'll wait. 70% is about the upper limit of what should be possible and that would take some serious skill and a good dash of luck. 90% is ludicrous and no one should be taking any kind of ranked system seriously that produces those numbers.

    If you don't care then what was the purpose of the post? Seeking some sort of attention from other players?

    Like you seem to not grasp or understand that This Game Is Dead and The Game Mode Called Spvp Doesn't have enough Players to support the system that's in place. The Difference Between Overwatch, Dota, League and any other real Competitive rank game is the fact that they HAVE players and a bigger number to work with unlike gw2.

    Should probably step off the forums and actual research some of the issues that's been going on for years.

  16. This entire Post is so full of misinformation.

    Is it really hard for players to get a win rate that high? No, Play whatever busted at the moment with someone who's able to help carry games and Camp/Farm every random player who has no idea how to play. Do this none stop during off hours and you'll have a stupid high win rate. This is easily done with anyone with a brain and has an understanding on how Conquest works.

    what's really getting annoying and sad to see now day's is that a majority of the SUPER Low plat players who BARELY able to stay in plat believe that win trading is a legit thing still in this very dead game. I Once use to think and act exactly like a majority of you and gave on thinking like that once I started to understand the game a lot better and actually start playing with better players.

    Issue with a majority of you guys you'll just refuse to expect theirs a difference in skills between you and the top players. On top of that you guys refuse to even get better at the ONLY game mode you play in but just complaining none stop. If you guys spent the same amount of time complaining and crying over pointless crap like the Leaderboard and in actually studying some Old Videos on how to play a class right/conquest you'll improve 10x faster.

    LoL the forum now days has been noting but clueless players making horrible statements about a system they don't even understand. The Game Population is shit in NA so people play during Off hours to farm horrible players to win rating and keep a high win ration. Noting with the system getting changed is going to help that.

  17. theirs no teleport spots that makes some of them useless. If your a warrior playing for sides learn the no teleport spots and you should be fine.

    however I do think this wouldn't be an issue if Sword /pistol thief and rev weren't busted at the moment. However we have a big balance patch coming so in till then let's just wait and see whats good.

  18. Why we have a Ranger Pet allowed to DOUBLE CC and Deal Close to 10k on damage? How is this ok and not fixed yet? In no way possible should ANY pet deal anywhere near that damage regardless of traits. Not going to mention the fact that If done right it can legit be traited as an Unblock able CC LOL.

    Please I understand Ranger are pretty annoying to deal with in most aspect and I agree to some extent they are somewhat over loaded with traits and skills but can we please not have a pet be able to meme players out of the random?

    In case some of ya'll aren't aware the pet I'm talking about is Rock Gazelle. Nerf this Pet to the ground and I'll be ok with playing against any ranger in general but having to avoid so much of their other burst skills and also worry about a freaking pet that can possible meme in a 1hit k.o sucks ass. That's horrible game design and a horrible way to claim a win over someone.

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