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Posts posted by ZhouX.8742

  1. having an ai is a ranger weakness, remove it and give the skills to the actual player and you'll avoid a lot of low skill play

    although, if rangers were suddenly given the abilities and pets taken away, they'd be complained about more because pet ai is actually trash , regardless of it's dmg it lowers the class ceiling and being able to control skills as opposed to relying on them automatically on rng skill cycles is much more dangerous

  2. @apharma.3741 said:

    @apharma.3741 said:The state of mesmer at the moment is an absolute mess, it really needs some trait reworks and optimising so that it's got clear purposes and uses without being a budget version of something else or an overpowered inescapable juggernaut of low skill clutter spam.

    Maybe mesmer players should have advocated for the removal of the problematic traits like
    ...instead mesmers were all "if you nerf those I quit"...well anet went and nerfed all around it..you reap what you sow

    Weird because quite a lot of mesmer players actually said that the problem is mirage cloak being busted in it's concept, something even you seem to miss. Weird huh.

    Also I didn't sow those seeds, go find me a post where I say "if you nerf those I quit", I dare you to try.

    Maybe if all those mesmer players would have stopped the whole "nerf my soft/hard counter"...you would have not ended up in a situation where nobody could stop you...that would have saved you from many nerfs, do you remember all the nerf threads started by mesmer main asking to nerf side duellists like ranger, ele etc etc?

    Always told you guys..the nerfs you suggest to others will inevitably come back to stab you in the back..it's a cycle

    No what you said was "instead mesmers were all "if you nerf those I quit"...well anet went and nerfed all around it..you reap what you sow"

    You generalised to include that specific wording when many "mesmer players" worth listening to were actually explaining what was wrong with mesmer and how it should be toned down. You also singled me out, probably because of a comment a month ago you didn't like about rangers, with this comment implying that you specifically direct it at me. However even a half look or noticing my posts for the last year or two you'd find many comments that are not as you make out, here's a few very recently by just checking my comments section:

    "It's not just sic'em, they're overloaded across the board and need
    adjustments to a lot of areas with a big hit on some of the damage mods. I'm not saying destroy ranger, just tone it down." - Quite a fair statement tbh.

    "Buffing mesmer without addressing the problems that still persist but nerfed down into irrelevancy is a bad idea." - More details on mechanics that are broken on mesmer in the actual comment and why mesmer shouldn't be buffed without dealing with them.

    Heck this same blooming thread: "The state of mesmer at the moment is an absolute mess, it really needs some trait reworks and optimising so that it's got clear purposes and uses without being a budget version of something else or an overpowered inescapable juggernaut of low skill clutter spam."

    Edit: "Always told you guys..the nerfs you suggest to others will inevitably come back to stab you in the back..it's a cycle" - it's actually really funny you say this because this is what I was saying way back when people were complaining about CI on mesmer and probably a bit before. That if they advocate for gutting a class like many asked for then don't be surprised by a lack of sympathy when it happens to you in the future.

    Also it's funny you generalise "mesmer mains" when here's a well known ranger main thread advocating for deleting a whole skill category when only 2 mantras were particularly over performing:

    regarding mantras, it's not a question of op, it's a question of skill design and how unhealthy the concepts are for the game at a top level.

    if you disagree with him, just duel him and test his knowledge on the subjects he types about. shadowfall generally has a good grasp on the classes as he plays in the inners constantly and regularly plays against top players and is a good player, and i don't think what he suggests is necessarily unfair and usually quite reasonable. .

  3. @ZDragon.3046 said:

    @Abyssisis.3971 said:^ what toughness are you running?

    Dude's running full glass, catching all the vulnerability a LB ranger can dish out, standing in "sic em'ed" bird swipes and then cries for nerfs while calling others bad

    I assumed as much from his lack of HP.

    This is how much the bird actually hits for without buff and vuln stacking


    Seems pretty reasonable for a pet with 16k hp, no armor, hit's less than once a second, and still has a hard time hitting a moving target

    Nearly 3k per kit no buff, no debuff as a pet... You think this is ok.............. omg...

    Try attacking the Eagle.

    Its sustain is on par with one of those tiny jagged bone minions.

    My question would be why then jagged bone minions dont hit for even at least half of what the eagle does.I get the whole "because one is a brainless minion and the other is a trained pet" argument but thats a bit moot at this point if you are gonna use something like that as a counter argument/comparison isnt it.

    im not going to advocate Eagle nerfs though if any pet temps people to explore and move away from gazelle and smoke scale its honestly a good thing imo.I still want anet to look at making pure passve (non commanded) pet cc attacks have better tells though. There is 100% no reason not to do this.

    if rangers weren't forced to carry the pet around then we wouldn't have this discussion. because it would be optional.

    you answered the question yourself. minions are optional based on build, pets aren't and are tied to the class regardless of what build or strategy you run, the only thing that's optional is the pet that you use or simply have it on passive mode and not hit anything, but of course, since ranger lacks weapon coefficient damage (making it reliant on %'s not actual base dmg from weapon itself hint hint) this isn't an option and you won't kill anything and it would be stupid to do this.

    i think most rangers, at least good ones or somewhat decent rangers, want to have control of the pet abilities anyway or not even have a pet at all and in return get some other shit that would actually increase the skill ceiling of the ranger while also getting their weapon coefficients back because a horribly built AI isn't hitting the target automatically.

    people get this confused a lot, they think that the pet carries a good/decent ranger when it actually is just trash ai that lowers the skill ceiling entirely. while this might be true for a lot of casual ranger players , the good ones who actually know class matchups and are able to multi-class would benefit further by simply not having an AI at all. this is particularly probably why they haven't decided to do it because there is only a handful of decent ranger players in PvP that are still giving the class a chance.

    i mean they DID try this with soulbeast but it has been nerfed so much that you basically have 2-3 tradeoffs for running the spec so people have went back to core for the most part, although I still think soulbeast has SOME play still. shame too, it was such a great class idea and structure but they nerfed it completely wrong and in the wrong areas and could have retained a lot of the class's uniqueness.

    back then, even pre-HoT, this was solved somewhat by pets having lower damage and higher utility options, but then those got nerfed/became irrelevant due to state of the game changes see: wyverns, canines, spiders . now rangers didn't have as much dmg coming from pets, but they had exceptional utility in cc in fights that actually made a difference and could potentially turn fights. even then though, some useful skills from those pets were tied to auto attacks like tail swipe damage for example.

    these pets had actually somewhat useful utility when the game was simpler but then once they introduced a spam fiesta into the game and added a plethora of other shit almost all pets have become irrelevant except smokescale because of it's utility and cc. it's not that it's a rather amazing utility or pet actually, it's just 1000x better than every other pet option. now a fear from a canine for example is literally useless.

    pets do nothing but hinder good ranger players, because you can't explicitly control them entirely and trying to strategize around RNG is hard to do, and with that shoddy ai that , while does dmg for you automatically, is actually a hinderance and the trade off is the ranger can't get full dmg from their weapons. the 2 things you can do almost consistently is know that after smokescale's 1st attack he does a knockdown , this is ranger players simply having to work around shoddy design , not the other way around.

    this results in a linear, low skill ceiling class that gets complained about constantly. removing pets and allowing the ranger full control of skills in some form or fashion solves this.

  4. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    @"Shagie.7612" said:how soon until more people start eating a big ol tiger pounce into a bird swapan AI biting everyone's ankles is going to be infinitely less popular than soulbeast was lol

    It won't be long at all.

    Let me go ahead and share it right now actually:

    Marks: 3 - 3 - 2Skirm: 2 - 1 - 3Beastmaster: 3 - 2 - 2

    LB: Energy & SeparationGS: Energy & Intelligence or EscapeDemolisher / Resistance

    6 - We Heal As One7 - Protect Me8 - Signet Of Stone9 - Signet Of Renewal0 - Strength Of The Pack

    Pet 1: TigerPet 2: Bristleback "Important because it can sit to the side of fights and not take damage. The Tiger dies too quickly if kept out too long."
    1. This build has enormous toughness stack and does not require the lean on protection from wilderness, nor the condi clear. This makes it benefit more from team fight synergy from things like FB. If it really needs a prot buff, it can use protect me. It also gets a full 13 condi clear from Sig of Renewal, 2s of Resistance from Renewal, and 4s of Resistance when using Strength Of The Pack, due to Resistance Rune. This build can end a fight very quickly before ever needing to use that condi defense.
    2. Approach an opponent or it let it approach you while you are on LB side with Bristleback out. When the opponent is in melee range, swap to Greatsword and pet swap to Tiger. Hit first with Hilt Bash > Begin the Maul animation > Press the Tiger's F2 before Maul animation ends. If done correctly, when the Tiger hits he will be benefitting +50% +50% +25%. Between your Maul and the Tiger's F2 Pounce, it will 2HKO most opponents from full health. The only opponents that you should expect to survive this over-tuned Marksmanship combo are Necromancers with deep shroud bars and death line toughness stacking + protection.

    ~ Enjoy

    d/f ele with earth shield destroys this combo setup though once you blow renewal since you have no condi removal outside of escape (energy and intelligence is better anyway since you want to have crits for maul) and mitigation with resistance rune... very little condi in general. you'll get destroyed by weakness, let's not forget also weakness destroys pet dmg and pet can't even clear it outside of swap.

    it's fun for memes to get ranger pets nerfed more but outside of that, this like many other ranger builds will see 0 meta rep / top team rep / mAT rep esp since d/f ele is basically shaping up as a meta contender. better bruiser, better team play, better support and area denial. better off jus running soulbeast as a semi team support / bruisery role / mobile roamer.

    enjoy it though before pet dmg gets nerfed again :+1:

  5. i like it when people say "it's fine because the high dmg pets also die fast so it's fine" ... this is true but the reality is

    every pet dies fast, tanky pets , bursty pets in AOE in 2v2's or group fights... it doesn't matter if you run a horrible tanky pet or a decent bursty pet, they both die equally as fast ... the ai is absolute trash

    pets are just terrible, please just remove them and give ranger control of the skills they would have and give coefficients back to the ranger weapon lines

  6. @GUFF.5692 said:They nerfed the wrong things! Lol

    It wasn't the extra stats from beastmastery or even mauls/worldly impacts that were the main problem.

    The main problem with soulbeast in wvw is smokescale (stealth every 16s not counting long bow) and to a lesser extent boonbeast (nature magic/fresh reinforcement).

    Balance those two things and you would see rangers actually using other pets and other trait lines. These nerfs will not change much. Therefore, we will continue to see cries for more ranger nerfs which will inevitably happen (as others have pointed out).

    or give viability to other pets? smokescale is good where its at, it's the other pets that bring literally nothing of utility to the table.

    better yet, remove pets , give us pet skill abilities on a hotbar and give us our coefficients back so we control all dmg and raise the ceiling of this class

  7. @Axl.8924 said:

    @Megametzler.5729 said:Why was it changed at all? Because the stomps and rezzes were OP? Meanwhile core necros play unkillable rezz bots in pairs?

    Yes, fix it fast! Or revert the whole horrible change! Not being able to cast is fine and fair, but why not for stomps and rezzes?

    I mean free uninterruptible stomps/resses are pretty kitten powerful, but Engineer also can do it with Elixir S, soooo. My guess is more that it was a change done to prevent you from being able to cast it while stunned.

    A 1/4s cast time I believe would accomplish this task.

    Yes because turning an oh kitten button into something unusable when kitten jumps at you makes so much sense... The whole Obsidian change is completely nonsense right from start, there was no reason to change that skill, it was totally balanced compared to other invuln skills having additional effects/rewards to the invuln and less restrictions in accessibility. Also as now proven ingame it didn't even help a tiny bit to make sustain Ele builds less tanky or remarkable less impactful in dmg while being tanky.

    I dont know what other invulnerability skills youre referring too, because all other invulnerability skills already locked you out of all skills. The only one that didnt is Mesmers Distortion, and even that one requires clones to have a long duration.

    @Megametzler.5729 said:Not being able to cast is fine and fair

    No it is not fair when looking at other invuln skills (just see above) and when considering why the skill was originally created like that on Ele. It might be endurable on braindead facetank meta bunker builds but for more skilled and squishy builds this is a horrible nonsense change. If you want to give bunker Eles more counter and less noobfriendly facetank sustain then there are a lot of other and better ways to do that without killing one of the very few ACTIVE defense tools more squishy and more skilled Ele builds have which depend on being able to attack while invuln. No clue what makes the current balance team think they know everything better than the origin balance team from core release days, when already their inconsistent trade off mess is showing that they have at max half the competence.

    It is fair when looking at other invuln skills. They all lock you out of your skills. Either through channel time or literally locking them. And they also take up a utility slot, which is generally more valuable and more powerful as a result.

    No, as said other invuln skills have additional rewards like a stunbreak or cd refreshment (f-skills on guard) or another very impactful skill (toolbelt skill with aoe stealth to cover resustain heal from almost downstate up to 100% hp). So Obsidian was differently designed because it is different. And it is wrong to treat different things on different classes the same. Looking at rewards and cds and the class environment the design without skill lock out on Ele (just as on Mesmer) was justified, balanced and made sense since game release. And if you don't get these simple facts again, then don't be surprise i will not answer you again. Experience shows, that discussing with you is most likely a waste of time.

    Well, first of all that isnt true for all of them, second of all, as I said, those are utility skills. They require a greater investment than a weapon skill. Hell, Ele has another invulnerability skill, Fortify. It lasts 3 second, and is channeled while rooting yourself. So not just locked out, you cant even move. And no, not really. Obsidian Flesh has always been an absurd skill. However, it used to have a critical weakness. It required you to swap to earth, and lose access to your previous attunement for quite some time. And the earth attunement was pretty bad for the most part. But both of those are no longer true, thanks to Weaver. Earth attunement is actually quite powerful, thanks to sword, while the recharge time is drastically lower. It was always borderline broken. Now with Weaver, there aint even a borderline.

    These simple "facts" that arent facts. Man you really have an ego the size of the bleeding moon. Without anything to back it up. Tone it down a bit, your Superiority Complex is getting to the point of Self-Deception.

    ele is one of the squishiest classes with fairly low hp, it needs its invulns to survive.



  8. @Megametzler.5729 said:Why was it changed at all? Because the stomps and rezzes were OP? Meanwhile core necros play unkillable rezz bots in pairs?

    Yes, fix it fast! Or revert the whole horrible change! Not being able to cast is fine and fair, but why not for stomps and rezzes?

    they made it to function like almost all invulns but the problem is they don't test anything when they release shit so you get exploit nightmares like this

    imagine not doing testing on cancelling a skill to check for abnormal functionality

  9. as long as ranger is a selectable class in gw2, it will always be complained about, it has been consistently complained about not in the meta, in the meta, utterly trash tier , god tier, etc etc

    pet dmg will be nerfed, hopefully they can give some life to other pets

  10. @"Tayga.3192" said:Ranger pets should be utility (blind, immob, chill, poison, cc on f2, boon rip, combo fields/finishers etc) only. Less damage, no random cc.

    Core thief and daredevil stolen abilities should be adjusted a bit, as far as I noticed they are supposed to counter the classes they are stolen from but some of them are outdated. Guardian, ranger and warrior steal needs to be reworked. (nerf plasma pls)

    Otherwise I don't see any problem FOR NOW in this meta.

    funny thing is ranger pets WERE mostly utility before (wolf pet, drake cc) after the BM pet dmg nerf wayy back in the day and even got buffed and still aren't used because one pet outshines them (smokescale) and are now forced to run birds in off pet to produce any form of damage since low coefficients and constantly nerfed weapon sets. problem with birds is with aoe of FB , condi rev, etc your bird basically survives probably only 5seconds of the fight before getting nuked - means you need to run BM as core which takes out build options automatically since you need to run marks to produce any form of dmg even with zerker/marauder amulet since you can't pressure otherwise.

    pet design is trash and should honestly be removed , give us full weapon coefficients and be done with it or:

    1. have it to where theyre invisible , you have access to their skills and you do "command calls" to do their skills, they come out , do them and then dissapear again - this would give us more abilities , then you can raise back dmg coefficients and actually have full control of everything
    2. have pets auto attack lower dmg, let us control all pet abilities

    people will still complain but atleast the class would be somewhat more engaging.

    they don't know how to balance ranger because 95% of the community is garbage at gw2 leaving 5% at the top (why the same peeps win monthly AT, those are the 5%). so you're left with shoddy design where rangers can't control pet skills even though they should thus making it annoying to fight against and deal with. lowers the skill ceiling of the class entirely.


    the facts are this, if ranger was as good as the 20 threads random scrubs sitting in silver/gold have created implied, then it would be double ranger in top comps... not even 1 is represented anywhere in top level play.

    it's fun to meme against bads with longbow with annoyingly situational wind ups for maximum dmg multipliers but it has no place in top tier atm in this current meta and it is a meme with no survivability..

    you can have more survivability and convert ranger into a bruiser of course, buttttt d/f LR ele can do everything bruiser ranger does and has more sustain, consistent dmg uptime (not burst of course) and support and I think the only thing it lacks is roaming mobility (bird f1 -> swoop) over ranger and arguably only has maybe 1 bad matchup against FB. it's also more engaging and actually fun. they can't do balance like this with rangers. got more engaging viability with soulbeast in merging with 2 pets and using different skills - taken out and now can only use 1 dropping the ceiling even lower which is hard to do at this point with the class.

    don't confuse this with me saying the class is just "bad" , it's decent, but it lacks the things that could make it meta over current classes and it's shoddy pet design and longbow design will always hinder it along with community bias because it's annoying to fight against.

  11. @Aktium.9506 said:

    @"ZhouX.8742" said:But we both know, even when they remove Sic em they will still complain about ranger because ranger was complained before sic em was even remotely considered a utility worth slotting back in the day.Yeah well "back in the day" those damage mods were still there in the form of Signet of the Wild and Signet of the Hunt. I don't think there's a single Ranger player from back then who didn't try to make a Signet burst build with the old Rampage As One work at some point. The only reason it was never oppressive back then was because it was completely defenceless against Thieves and would get blown up in a split second. The damage was always disgusting, ask OP he played Ranger at that time. Now Ranger has more defences and Thief has had a lot of nerfs to its bursting capabilities.

    Explain having more defensives with builds that slot sic em for burst damage? For sic em to work you would need to slot maximum modifiers now which means you lose almost all defensives.

    I agree with OP in the sense of just removing it but what would even be considered a meta build for ranger in it's current state wouldn't slot sic em, it's not worth it. You need the stun breaks and condi clear from WS. The only thing you'd take it for is reveal at this point and rev can do this with GoD on a much smaller CD.

    This is why removing it is fine, because it'll actually weed out people who just meme ranger for damage w/ no survivability and good ranger players who know not to use it simply won't use it even more.

  12. @Rickster.8752 said:

    @"ZhouX.8742" said:let's be real, to get even remotely close to a number like this the ranger would need to slot unrealistic utilities and also do a massive setup... sure, it looks pretty when you test with somebody and get hit from a number of multipliers while they're standing still.

    it makes for a good thread - but you are useless in matches and provide little to nothing in a game of conquest, anybody would prefer you run something that can actually take pressure without getting destroyed and auto-focused every game.

    but dmg mitigation exists , and honestly against anybody decent and i wont even mention against top tier players like naru, phantaram you will get absolutely slaughtered and again, auto focused, because we all know , aside from the sheep that gobble this thread up to back up their claims that maul or ranger is busted because they don't want to learn how to fight against rangers, this build is absolutely useless IF IT EVEN EXISTS (which I highly doubt hence why the SS is cropped to begin with).

    try this build against ANY competent build in the meta right now, and try it against d/f ele LR , you will get slaughtered - this doesn't matter how good you are, to even get high numbers on maul would mean you need to sacrifice almost EVERY survival utility you have. top rangers like shadowfall and eurantien most likely will vouch for this , and eurantien is somebody who would un-biasely vouch for this.

    these kinds of threads are pointless, provide no context and "1 shot ranger" has always been a meme , esp to players who are good in PvP... in WvW sure, maybe you can sacrifice some dmg and still get high numbers and also be able to run some more survivability because stat mixing exists but in PvP with the amulet options you have, it's just not realistic.

    it's on par with churning earth bomb builds , they're memes , sheep stop gobbling this kitten up please

    Its not unrealistic to do this much damage though. It wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for stealth though probably. I accept that.

    Ok, play against top players with it then in 1v1 and 2v2's and then play up against a top team in conquest with it in 5's in a inner server channel and see how well you do and how realistic your experience will be.

    It's cool to make meme forum threads about it but in reality against people with brains it's a useless concept and gets you auto focused and a liability.

    This is sort of why you haven't seen a 1 shot build in probably any monthly AT semifinal/final ever in it's history and also in any top competitive game that's streamed or showcased, I wonder why? Because it's utter trash.

    There's just much better options because conquest isn't about doing a 1 hit wonder then being a focus target for the other 95% of that time because you have no defensive utilities because you slotted everything in traits and utilities for dmg modifiers.

    Also, stealth? Reveal exists , it's the simplest counter to a 1shot ranger build if you even need a counter, which you don't, again because it's an auto focus build even more focus-able than necro now.

  13. @Eurantien.4632 said:A lot of these threads are complaining about Core Ranger pets DPS being too high and Soulbeast DPS being too high and the things these have in common is Marskmanship and Sic Em. Personally, I think the marskmanship dps is justified because it requires the set up of CC and does more damage on an interrupt. Sic Em, however, is a damage modifier that requires very little investment, no set up, and affects both issues people have with ranger at the moment.

    Really sic em should just be removed from the game. Even if you nerf marskmanship damage modifiers, people will just rotate over to skirmishing for different damage modifiers, Nature magic for mightstacking, or just take different damage modifier on marskmanship and go pure longbow dps. Yet these builds could all still use Sic Em for super high damage bursts.

    I don't even think many use sic em anymore since it was nerfed before but I can see your point on the multiplicative dmg modification so I could agree with just removing it... So many top rangers would care less if it was removed... It'll only stop the memers running high dmg no survivability builds then they'll move on to another class.

    But we both know, even when they remove Sic em they will still complain about ranger because ranger was complained before sic em was even remotely considered a utility worth slotting back in the day.

    Thieves don't like sic em because 2k range reveal, not so much the dmg modifier esp now since d/p is sort of the go to now because higher condi = shadow arts.

  14. @"Flumek.9043" said:The good thing is Anet said they can easily adjust numbers. Meaning we got nerfed from good to meh medium.

    The bad thing is Anet said they cant easily change functionality, meaning FB spamming CCs and 5x condies stays, and our slow cast and animations will also stay.

    Was a good week,cya in 2 years again :)

    "I can't play a busted class on easy mode and farm wins instead of learning matchups and actually getting better"

    You won't be missed, these people are the reason PvP can't ever see consistent balance.

  15. @Ovark.2514 said:

    @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:And now try to re-write this without using any exaggerations.

    No can do. Against non-outlyingly strong builds, these things are not actually exaggerations. Plus, I have bigger fish to fry.

    non outlying strong builds :)

    barely any monthly AT presence in NA

    "strong builds"

    barely any representation amongst good players because other classes do better - cough D/F LR Ele , Necro , Condi Rev, FB, thief...

    "strong builds"


  16. @Eurantien.4632 said:

    @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:if maul actually got its cd increased like every other # 2 skill I wouldn't mind. then theres still hilt bash which recharges it... whatever tho.

    I think this is a valid argument, hilt bash resetting a 8-12s cool down skill seems OK when it hits 7-10k.

    Maul did get a cd increase. So did swoop. So did counterattack. And every skill on GS got coefficient nerfs.

    Problem is no one is playing a class with port or ranged damage. So ranger gets to pew pew to its heart content or casually swagger on in and can afford to take a dps modifier utility to hit these big numbers with GS.

    Be good at dragon hunter, profit. Be good at thief, profit. Take offhand sword/shiro again, profit. Play dps guard well, profit. Be good at power mesmer, profit. Be good at DE, profit. Be good at reaper even, kinda profit. Go tankier and out sustain while still doing pressure, profit. Take pulls, profit. Play condi, profit. Take rings of warding, etc. For when stab ends, profit. Be good at spellbreaker, profit.

    The damage might be a little too high... but given that a FULLY glass build can only do like 5k mauls on tanky people is also insane... we are very close to a bunker bruiser meta... and imo that's not healthy. A berserker full glass build should always be able to kill something.

    Really though, I think no one is even trying to counter ranger right now, besides crying on the forums. And that's the difference. You really couldn't build to counter necro, rev, or fb. And for the most part skill wasn't even a factor. You can 100% counter build ranger and can also beat it with skill...

    Full dps soulbeast only has bear stance for condi clear. Get the heal out, condi burst.

    Use unblockable on GS4 block.

    If they're running WS they aren't getting those same big mauls. They do have more condi clear options. They probably dont run stab on dolyak cause its 60s cd and instead take QZ and LR. You know what sucks about LR? Getting stuck in a fear ring, guardian ring, thief ring. Hit the wall, LR, hit the other wall. "Ah but hammer guard isn't viable" hammer is 100% the best weapon vs ranger - always has been. L2p. So wait for the stab on the elite to end (which just for nerfed to 6s) and then go play some wackamole with your necro buddy to break the gs block with a fear. And you know what's great, it works real well vs core ranger.

    Really though, I think no one is even trying to counter ranger right now, besides crying on the forums. And that's the difference. You really couldn't build to counter necro, rev, or fb. And for the most part skill wasn't even a factor. You can 100% counter build ranger and can also beat it with skill...

    Well said.

  17. @Odik.4587 said:

    @"Elmo Benchwarmer.3025" said:In before: You forum warriors
    want to play god mode bruisers!

    :pThis ranger mains on this forum are ridiculous, playing so strong braindead faceroll class and demand buffs all around, thats kitten crazy.

    "playing so strong braindead faceroll"

    Rangers attempt for almost since the game's existence in 2012 to have control over the pet entirely and not have this shitty AI following us around and doing dmg automatically.

    We finally get something similar to that in Soulbeast (although not entirely), it gets nerfed repeatedly and people complain about it.

    Having a pet is a blessing and a curse, yes it does dmg for you automatically, but most want to have control over that dmg without losing our own weapon dmg coefficients.

    it's the reality, you're arguing that ranger is braindead but won't look at FB spam, core necro bunker shroud swapping, condi rev cancer and actually THINK about things that are slowly becoming meta over the ranger class you're complaining about.

    You have no idea, OP, if rangers had control over their pets , you would be crying even more because we'd actually be doing the dmg and setting up their stuns and abilities and them not just automatically happening, then what would you cry about?

  18. let's be real, to get even remotely close to a number like this the ranger would need to slot unrealistic utilities and also do a massive setup... sure, it looks pretty when you test with somebody and get hit from a number of multipliers while they're standing still.

    it makes for a good thread - but you are useless in matches and provide little to nothing in a game of conquest, anybody would prefer you run something that can actually take pressure without getting destroyed and auto-focused every game.

    but dmg mitigation exists , and honestly against anybody decent and i wont even mention against top tier players like naru, phantaram you will get absolutely slaughtered and again, auto focused, because we all know , aside from the sheep that gobble this thread up to back up their claims that maul or ranger is busted because they don't want to learn how to fight against rangers, this build is absolutely useless IF IT EVEN EXISTS (which I highly doubt hence why the SS is cropped to begin with).

    try this build against ANY competent build in the meta right now, and try it against d/f ele LR , you will get slaughtered - this doesn't matter how good you are, to even get high numbers on maul would mean you need to sacrifice almost EVERY survival utility you have. top rangers like shadowfall and eurantien most likely will vouch for this , and eurantien is somebody who would un-biasely vouch for this.

    these kinds of threads are pointless, provide no context and "1 shot ranger" has always been a meme , esp to players who are good in PvP... in WvW sure, maybe you can sacrifice some dmg and still get high numbers and also be able to run some more survivability because stat mixing exists but in PvP with the amulet options you have, it's just not realistic.

    it's on par with churning earth bomb builds , they're memes , sheep stop gobbling this bullshit up please

  19. @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:Please also look at rangers in WvW.The ranger's rugged growth trait healing is bugged in WvW.Tooltip says heal for ~155 per second on protection but actual healing is ~420 per second on protection.It is spoiling the gaming experience as they are very hard to kill in small scale with such high sustain.


    they're most likely aware of this , spamming in it every forum won't get you anywhere , esp talking about wvw in a pvp forum where it's not bugged.

  20. @Halikus.1406 said:Fine? 15k Worldly impact + 10k mauls are fine then?Rangers may be fine I can agree with that, but soulbeast is not fine at all. That spec has way too many dmg modifiers....

    except you dont run power trees if you want survival as a soulbeast .... running marksmanship (where your modifiers come from) would mean that you have to drop wilderness survival or beastmastery which means against good players you're an auto target esp with LR d/f ele , condi rev and FB braindead spam - which , ironically , aside from LR ele - both condi rev and FB managed to have a more brain dead playstyle, esp FB than ranger. ironic.

  21. @FrownyClown.8402 said:Personally I'm just using zerker amulet with soulbeast. Nothing really kills me 1v1 except a weaken spam thief or a shatter mesmer who got the jump on me.

    meta LR d/f ele weakness spams too, you pretty mcuh won't be able to up against most meta matchups with zerker ammy - too low pool with the condi spam and with weakness from ele which i would consider to be a top tier class with the only competition being firebrand it won't get far.. good players that is and i highly doubt you're playing against people like Naru / Helio with zerker or against eles like Phantaram/Grimjack

  22. @AlexndrTheGreat.8310 said:

    @Revolution.5409 said:Slb is currently lower than the Ranger, in the tradeoff obtained by Slb there is something wrong.

    Slb's damage isn't higher than Ranger's, only the initial burst because he can use Sickem.

    Soulbeast = Druid.

    SB‘s damage is higher than ranger’s though.

    When you are merged with your pet, you can extra stats based on the type of pet. Furthermore, there is a trait in the BM line that increases your pet’s stats (and when merged, your own stats) even more.

    Increasing your own stats is far more valuable than increasing your pet’s

    dmg != effective , if that was the case you would run a d/d 1shot thief build, but that doesn't get you anywhere. rangers would slot 1shot dmg builds and be in the meta, because dmg would be the only factor in winning games - but it's not , and the reality is it's far from that.

    there are too many variables that go into an efficient build for any class and dmg is probably the least considered element at first when making it

    from my perspective much like many other class elements like firebrand and necro's face tank sponge design just to name a few i think the idea of pets are braindead and soulbeast SORT OF tried to attempt fixing that because pet ai does nothing but lower skill ceiling across the board and people who play against rangers would be flipping out if we got to control pet actions outselves, even though that's how it should be.

    it is complained about into the ground and even when it's useless and sees no meta build play it's still complained about because of it's annoying class design.

    the trade off with ranger has always been 1-sided because it's class design was always the trade off and it's perception to the community.

  23. @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:11k mauls and 15k WI is also pretty good to kill people with :)

    You can get these numbers in PvP consistently against players like Toker/Zeromis for example? Or Sindrener in EU? Players with actual brains I mean.

    My guess is if you could then ranger would be in the top meta

    Oh wait...... :(

  24. with 3 busted specs currenrly out-doing everything any other class could possibly do in fb / necro and condi rev , people still find a way to bitch and complain about ranger :)

    OP, do you think gs/lb ranger will be in the pvp meta over even d/f ele which is currently what I would say subpar compared to the top 3 and it's actually good, which is what is crazy.

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