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Lord Rhett.9360

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Posts posted by Lord Rhett.9360

  1. If you don't use a relic, you're underpowered, so you have to have one.

    They did say you can craft unbound runes, so hopefully they're like infusions and are literally never bound. If that's the case, then I imagine they'd end up actually being fairly inexpensive in the long run, which is a very nice gesture. Except for expansion relics, which... yeah that sucks.

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  2. I literally finished all my runes the day before the announcement about the change. Adding a new feature that has an effect on builds without also adding a Legendary variant is silly, so there will obviously be a Legendary Relic, and my fear is that it will cost as much as a rune or more.

    Everyone who has a full set should get a free Relic, end of story. It shouldn't be an extra craft ever. It should be something that's granted to you upon the creation of your sixth Rune (because seven is silly). This should be a permanent change.

    Though tbh the legendary feature I'm more worried about is armor.

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    • Confused 1
  3. Tried it a bit more and found that if I'm doing an event with a few people or alone, I can get full credit, but in a large group, most of the people there will get no credit. Sometimes I'll bring my raid build and DPS just the Veteran, and it still won't give me credit.

    I think the "relaxed" requirements change got screwed up somehow and it's doing the opposite. Probably a bug. Until it's cleared up, best advice is to stay away from groups and do the projectors that have fewer people. And if you need hologram kills, do it in the arena. It's faster anyway.

    • Like 2
  4. I've participated in a bunch of stampede events and noticed that I'm not getting credit for most hologram kills. Some people in map chat are saying there's a DPS check, but not a normal one, one that compares your dps relative to everyone else's DPS. That seems silly, but I've never had an issue with my character's DPS before. I don't do a ton, but I do enough, or so I thought.

    Is that what's actually happening or is it some kind of bug?

    • Haha 1
  5. I've taken to mashing the summon skiff button as I walk into water so I don't lose momentum, but this results in my skiff being summoned, and then the ghost version showing up as well (the one you use to place your skiff). If I left-click to place the skiff while I'm in the skiff, the game just hard crashes. It's tough to reproduce because the timing seemingly has to be perfectly wrong to get the placement ghost while your skiff is up, but I've done it about three times so far.

  6. The problem with basing success on everyone understanding things is that this isn't a raid, where you can kick people who don't know what they're doing or decide to just AFK or otherwise screw it up for everyone. What if someone brand new gets green circled and then has no idea what to do? They've screwed over the whole group. A shorter timer for that is not a good solution, it just means it's going to fail faster.

    • Like 1
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  7. I spent a couple of hours trying to figure out how to get the last two POIs in Echovald Wilds. You probably know the ones I'm talking about. One behind a door in the Brotherhood camp, and the other behind a gate with a torch in front of it that's a little reminiscent of the one in Lake Doric. Any help figuring those out would be appreciated.

    • Like 5
  8. At first I figured it was because it was Monday, then I started to wonder if everyone was doing story, now I don't know what to think. I'll say this though, as I was logging out trying to finish up Echovald, most everyone from one very large guild I'm in was in Seitung and no one else had even gotten to Echovald yet. So it could just be a Monday problem.

  9. I just want to throw my two cents out there: I know this was probably a concern, but the breaking up of existing server communities was a really awful experience for me. I know we've dealt with this ever since server linking was a thing, but at least you still had your own people from your own server around. I'm a solo player primarily but I enjoy seeing familiar faces and guilds. The Alliance system threw me in without a lifeboat.

    I think it could be really beneficial if there were some kind of Alliance Browser system, where you could see what guilds are where. There are some guilds I would like to follow, and more specifically, guilds I want to avoid. At the very least, it would be nice to know what I'm getting into. Could even make for some interesting recruitment opportunities, so which guild(s) you choose finally matters.

    And it'd be nice to get an in-game warning about the beta. There wasn't one last time and it completely threw me off.

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  10. 22 hours ago, CathShadow.9507 said:

    I appreciate changes, and attempts to improve quality, like this. That said, as I understand, Off-line is American English, Offline is British

    It's American English as well. I don't know why referring to "THE DICTIONARY" is even relevant anymore things change so quickly and new words are added constantly. "Website" wasn't technically "correct" for a long time until they finally added it because everyone uses it.

  11. This is hands-down the worst link I've experienced since I was linked with Maguuma. Going to be staying out of WvW until the next link because team chat is constantly garbage, commanders either don't know what they're doing or are massive jerks to everyone, and anyone from the smaller server (mine) is categorically shunned.

    I always hated Anvil Rock but now I see why they're such a bad server.

  12. What? By progress I mean progress. So killing some bosses for the first time and figuring out their mechanics on your own. Without using guides because there's none of them on internet yet. This is real raiding experience and its totally different than killing bosses with guides.

    This kind of raiding actually don't exist in gw2. So it's not raids anymore. Its some kind of 10 man dungeon, but certainly not "raid".

    That kind of progress is possible for a few hours after the raid comes out in any game. Once the world first is done, guides come out and then everyone follows them. If you want to raid without guides, that's totally your prerogative. Well, you and nine friends. Good luck.

  13. @Justine.6351 said:

    @"Lord Rhett.9360" said:In what game are raids focused on "progression"?

    Not a pver but I think that's how raids were setup traditionally in MMOs (wow), gear grinds to step up to the next raid.

    I played LotRO and WoW and in those, the raid "progression" was figuring out how to beat the raid, then endlessly grinding it to get better gear to make the raid easier. In other words, exactly like GW2. The difference is that the gear in those games was strictly better stat-wise, while in GW2, it's just more convenient and has fun effects.

    GW2 raids have the double-edged effect of not requiring grinding every time a new one comes out, but also not increasing in difficulty beyond mechanics (though tbh that's enough in a lot of cases, for example W3).

  14. I live in SoCal, LA/OC area. Called both locations in Orange County, they aren't honoring the promotion. Called a couple of the ones in LA and they aren't either. Most of them had no idea. One suggested going to the website. One guy said they had "flyers" but when I specifically said "Guild Wars" he said "Oh no, I don't know about that, corporate handles that stuff."

    So I called corporate and the call was so choppy that I just hung up because I couldn't understand the menu instructions. Tried three times.

    And as far as I'm aware, all Quiznos are franchises, so it's ultimately on the franchise owner to participate in the promotion if I understand correctly. Seems there's some pretty crappy communication screwing this whole thing up. Which I guess isn't surprising when you consider how poorly Quiznos is doing these days.

    ANet, please get us a list of participating locations.

    EDIT: I kept calling around and finally found a single location that has it. I wonder if I can get more than one code so I can share with my friends who don't have a Quiznos near them, not sure I want to make the drive just for one code.

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