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Posts posted by MiniMe.1960

  1. I'm thinking about deleting my asura to make a sylvari or a human character. Will the upgrades i have purchased, like bag slots, build template expansion, equipment template expansion be lost or still on the character slot?

    thx in advance and have a nice day

    edit: just realized, that this character has 2 crafting professions on max. So a delete is not gonna happen :)

  2. @Tuna Bandit.3786 said:Remove stealth equals Remove Thief.Wow the hatred towards a class is extreme.

    The perma stealth power thief comes with a trade-off. Remove stealth... Sure, if we get massive sustain increase without loosing power. Anyone? Likely not.

    Thieves aren't the issue in WvW. Haters that Exaturate ANY thief they encounter and feel the TOXIC need to Whisper hatred after killing one.THAT is the TRUE problem with WvW.

    I am not your best player (will never be, due to handicaps)I play a Deadeye in WvW. I think escape vs getting killed is 50/50 ish...But ow my GOSH to the SHEER AMOUNT OF HATRED IN WHISPER!!!THAT is the TRUE burdon of playing thief in WvW. THE SHEER TOXICITY!!

    And look and behold on the forums: EXACTLY the same.


    my experience is different ... most of the rage whispers i get are from thief's. Also i die the least by far with my thief.

    PS. you don't get hate but tears aka salt

  3. @Galmac.4680 said:But ... have you ever tried to use your moa skills? You don't need to run like a chicken, you surely can attack a little bit

    I made 2 kills as 'THE MOA'. But, in all fairness, i had already prepared the opponent well before i gave the final peck :)

  4. U Can't Touch ThisU Can't Touch ThisU Can't Touch ThisU Can't Touch ThisMy, my, my, my super class!!!Nothing triggers more rage-whispers than the thief. If you are bored you should try it sometimes.

    PS. did u duel with a 25 stack on the sigil? if so double-cream shame on u

  5. @TDC.1627 said:Looking at the increase of hackers in both PvP and WvW is it time to ban FTP accounts in competitive modes?

    If Anet actually did something about hackers and banned the accounts there is nothing stopping a hacker from starting a new FTP account. Or we have established players hacking on FTP accounts to protect their main accounts.

    What are the thoughts on removing access to PvP and WvW on FTP accounts? If you want to play in these modes you need a paid account.

    Anet just needs to perma ban them. Just a few days ago i saw the same warrior flying around, very obvious, through EB. Nothing changed in years. Another F for Anet. I would rate them worse but F is the bottom already.

  6. @"Bruticus Fatalfury.3486" said:Rangers are the other class that need a nerf. Seriously how many times are you going to let a ranger immobile someone in a fight and then attempt to burst them down. I got in a small scale fight the other day and managed to clear immobile 3 times(as I run 3 condi clears) immediately followed by longbow 2 (ya i know it's longbow 2 by the damage output,the graphics, and the fact I played a ranger in wvw for 2 years) and still got immobilized 3 more times. I countered the longbow damage with a reflect but six immobilizes in 1 fight..ridiculous! ANET while you may have made some improvements to other classes, to balance the damage, how did these 2 classes simply go untouched? This game has been out now for 7 years and yet it still lacks balance and counter play like so many other MMOs have. Dear ANET..."C'MON MAN!" get it right already. Instead of worrying about developing a new expansion why don't you fix the things that are broken already first?

    6 Immobilizes? Are you dishonest or were you both running some bunker build and the fight went over 3minutes +?

  7. @Atticus.7194 said:I love it in PvE but lets be real in PvP and especially WvW it's almost hilariously overpowered. I was goofing around as a support chrono in wvw and I pulled a poor unlucky soul from the edge of the stairs up to the wall at mendons all the way over easily. Felt like trash doing it, I honestly was hoping to just pull him off his AC not do all that, really REALLY feel like this needs like a 50% reduction in competitive modes.

    You're trolling right? On the contrary, the skill needs a buff!!!

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