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Posts posted by ShadowAlly.1087

  1. I think I echo so many of the other readers out there. We have heard for a long time about changes coming to WvW. But, then it all seemed to drop off. Many of us love this game inside and out. We look forward to having a great time with friends old and new. It is a good community for the most part. We do need some serious love and attention to WvW. Cheaters are out there and some of us just roll with the facts that very little is done to curb them. From guilds that allow some of their players to use Bots to builds that no one can touch. Then we have pairing that seems to be stacked by guild "Tanking" to drop tiers so they can bag farm. It does put a sour taste in many mouths, but we press on because we enjoy the game.I for one am excited about the up and coming balance patch and how it will change the gameplay for a short time. But this is not the way to breathe fresh life into this game mode. I think I speak for many when I ask for a road map to the future of this game mode. Even if there is no plan we would like to know.Thanks...

  2. Engineer - It is already broken from the last fix stop trying to fix it again. Just revert it back and micro change some of the problemsChemical Field: This skill is replaced by Detection Pulse (from the old Sneak Gyro elite toolbelt) as the toolbelt skill for Purge Gyro.Purge Gyro: Reduce the number of cleansing pulses from 5 to 3 in WvW.Sneak Gyro: Increase the cooldown of this ability from 45 to 75 seconds in WvW.

    Would your gameplay change as a result? YES, once again you are not solving problems but creatin new ones and ignoring the response that you received from the last patch. Reverting the changes made last time and adjusting the problems in Micro stages seeking feedback along the way would go far with the community.

    Do you feel these changes would improve or worsen the state of the game?The problem here is the state of the Engineer is already at a worse stage. The direct impact of the game has been a class that can hardly roam on its own. Which removed a tactic of the game. The extending of the Sneak Gyro will only make it harder for those who have had to adjust to try to be functional. The removal of the chemical field which is used by Healing Scrappers leaves them with really one more less wet noodle to hit with.

    Are you looking forward to these potential changes?NO, you are getting closer to the point where shelving the Scrapper is a possibility. Which then why did you even bring it into the game in the first place?

    What are your concerns with this set of changes?There is almost a very small chance that unless you have been playing the scrapper for a long time that roaming is only getting harder and that punishes new players to WvW. By making them only look at Core builds to avoid some of the crazy changes you made from the last patch. The F5 skill is so temperamental it is almost not worth using.

    What consequences do you expect would come from these changes?People not being willing to play the scrapper as it is useless. People like to say that before the change of the last balance patch there were too many. Please, one only needs to look at have many players use the Scourage and Carpet bombs.

    -------------------------------->>><<<--------------------------------Ranger, well lets hurt the damage they can do at a distance because people are complaining about a ranger doing damage.

    Would your gameplay change as a result?Well, think about it. Now instead of being able to scare scourage. We get to stand in their carpet bombs just like everyone else.

    Do you feel these changes would improve or worsen the state of the game?Worsen because who would think a ranger should do damager at a distance it is in their name RANGER.

    Are you looking forward to these potential changes?LOL yeah NO

    What are your concerns with this set of changes?Less damage for distance... RAY!!

    What consequences do you expect would come from these changes?Well, I did say about what is going to have to change.

    <----------------------------------------------------------------->IF IT IS NOT BROKEN DON"T FIX IT (but hey give us back the not broken scrapper) Because YOU broke that already.

  3. BUMP!, Holy cow ANET I have been spending hours with build editor crunching numbers and listening to People like Warrior Xrs.1672 who got me into Engineer in the first place. It was a wonderful class, now at best boring. I can't even enjoy it in PVE. This is just another in a string of poorly tested changes as of late. Please fix this class!

  4. While many might not fully agree with me I think "you done did ** up" - SLJ. You see the scrapper was a fine build with two paths that could create a balanced and playable character. The power side and the condi side both had their pluses and minuses. While not always being the strongest on the playing field. The support side allowed for just that a support class that worked very well with others. I must say the last patch is a little more than underwhelming. While I can understand your approach to keeping the game fresh taking a meat cleaver approach was really not the best for this class. While I am sure many would agree with me when I say you have almost fully killed off the Roaming style of this class. With the removal of the Medipacks, removing conditions we have been afflicted with becomes near impossible. The Purge Gyro just is not up to the job that the medipacks were able to do. I think that the barrier change in someways was a good thing it, but in saying that now hurts those who use the class as a medic. The Bullwalk Gyro does not address the problems that the patch has created.Let say we move away from the Gyro's and back to the Boon style of play, there are issues that lie in that as well. Stronger than the Gyros but at the same time does not really work as a support for other teammates as the class once did before the patch without pushing 10x the buttons and praying to God you don't miss one. Which is a turn off for new players and those who might not be able to type 40 words a minute.Then we need to look at the HUGE drop in the health pool. Come on guys really? With the Necro's doing their rings of death like they are going out of style and the Thieves doing the POP Surprise you're dead crap and last but not to be outdone the Mezzies doing which one are we. The engineer has lost a lot of its magic and playability. Was this patch really the wisest of choices? You have buffed the Necro so much it is almost game-breaking.Then to point out the big shocker that SNIFF does not find people underwater while you are hunting them underwater. Because you can't get on your mount to do so, they don't swim very well. This almost allows some classes to hide without being detectable. With the removal of the engineer classes ability to detect those who sniff are not able to find. That really does hurt the overall game.New players to the WvW might be turned off by the higher K/D ratio the new patch has created for this class. Don't get me wrong I fully understand the idea behind these patches and keeping things fresh. But it is not fresh when a class is ruined while beefing up two classes that are already hard to compete against. Frustration leads to a drop in players in the game which I am sure you are well aware of and at the same time you have ignored the 3k rule. It is far cheaper to keep a customer than it is to find a new one. I certainly hope that you take on board the voices of the players who are saying bring back what we had then do micro-adjustments. You could have adjusted the detection cool down or even the radius instead of removing the detection ability completely. You should have left 1 or the other when it came to the Health pool and the Barriers. You really do have a limited time to react to the voices of players before it hurts the game.Well, this is my two cents.

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