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Posts posted by Lolaspot.4382

  1. A while ago I started playing PVP and only got up to rank 22 before stopping (I never played a ranked match). During that time I played one game on Power Chrono (failed miserably), one on P/P Thief (went very bad), one on Longbow DH (also fail), and the rest of the games on Scourge (these builds were either found on Metabattle or youtube videos). I was okay at Scourge, but that's really because I would just hit all my skills in a panic during fights, and that would win me some. Sometimes I could remember the traits and what my skills did, but it's difficult for me.

    I would like some suggestions for easy classes to play and survive with. I'm not good at playing the piano (aka pressing all my skills in an amazing order like the top players do), and sometimes I even skill click (I'm sorry!)

    I'm not looking to be the best or even rank very high in PVP. Honestly, I want to play it for the rewards (reward tracks and ranked PVP rewards). Also, please tell me if the rewards are not as good as I think they are (reward track progression and for winning ranked matches transmutation charges and gold?).

    I know this question has been asked before, but I know there was a recent balance patch, so I wanted to know if things changed any.

    Thanks! o/

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