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Posts posted by Draygorn.7012

  1. @Matt H.6142 said:As the title says. I’m finding it more engaging, and the right amount of challenging. Maybe because we are fighting a player race. I think the White Mantle offered a similar challenge.Pistol offloads, magnetic shields, protector shields, cc turrets. It’s a lot more to manage than usual, and again, it’s appreciated. The extra Elite mobs too giving a challenge while also not being CC immune all the time allows for some interrupt gameplay is great.I think this is the first Open world experience that’s made me rethink my builds. Like, smokescreen for thief felt like a must. And support builds are welcome in even the smallest of skirmishes. So kudos.Also, I’ll take this time to say I take back months-old comments about not having enough to do, I’ve had stuff to do every day since Forging Steel came out, including the metas for it and Whispers in the ice. 2020 has been a great year, in game at least.

    Now I gotta check that all my CDs are ready before charging into a group of veteran mobs :P It's refreshing to have open world enemies that keep you on your feet. But like you said, the fact that they're not all pumped with defiance bars is great and allows for some counter play when you're in a pinch. Unlike HoT mobs. Most of those buggers have defiance bars and random one shot skills that made them feel more broken than challenging. Drizzlewood's definitely gone in the right direction. :)

  2. @"deadteds.2659" said:i also ran into this bug. in Jahai Bluffs there are harpy eggs you can pick up and eat to restore health and initiative. can it be the game giving us initiative fills up the mesmer pips but since you're not a thief you cant spend the initiative??


    Now that you mention it I think I encountered the bug shortly after drinking a drake egg. Not sure if it gives the same effect. Perhaps there's something rotten about these eggs... That being said, Shorts did encounter this bug in PvP. Not sure if there's drinkable eggs there? (Haven't done sPvP in a while)

  3. @Kodama.6453 said:Working as intended.

    Clones are trying to copy their master and they finally realised that mesmer mains are all dead inside, because of the constant nerfs. So they try their best to copy that, but didn't quite figure it out yet.

    Can't argue with that logic xDD

  4. @pninak.1069 said:tbh cloneless mes elite spec might be a good idea. like changing all skills to add clone dmg back to caster and getting more control options to put the enemy in a tight position where they need to solve a tough decision. like back in gw1 where you had backfire, but if you didn't cast anyhing wastrel's would get ya.

    It could be very interesting indeed. Though they would have to find a way for the Illusions traitline to work properly without clones.

  5. @Taril.8619 said:Inb4 this isn't a bug but beta testing the next round of Mesmer nerfs.

    First, dodgeless Mirages.

    Then, Cloneless Mesmers.

    Finally, Mesmer characters become just NPC's standing at JP's providing portals to the end.


    Then they nerf portal, so we're replaced by thieves and scourges xD

  6. So I was doing some open world stuff on my Mirage for dailies, when I noticed something rather disturbing. My clone pips were full, even though I had no clones active. Whenever I used a clone generating ability (albeit weapon skill or despawning of phantasm) my clone would pop up dead.. Just laying dead on the ground, serving no purpose. I can't shatter it. It's dead xD.https://imgur.com/UTyCHOi

    I haven't seen how consistent this bug pops up, but also noticed a video on Youtube with a guy that seemed to have the same issue on his chronomancer. His video link:

    Anyone else having this problem? It's a pretty bad one.. Hope Anet fixes this soon.

  7. @"Gundahar.2765" said:Full armor set bundle with the ability to buy any armor part, instead of just having parts in the shop. Expand the gem store listing so we won't have to wait so much time for a specific rotation. Even tho having a said item on a rotation gives that item more prestige ingame, that prestige will fade once you obtained it. So the good part about my request is that having more items available at a time equals more money into the gem store.

    I am looking for the following skins for a while:

    I know its a small nieche, but me and others like me would be grateful if there would be more norn/viking related items to choose from.Thank you.

    I second this!

  8. @Draygorn.7012 said:

    @Cynder.2509 said:I just got an ingame mail with both of the items even though I didn't know I was eligibel for the mount license as I only logged in shortly on Monday to check some stuff and re-pickup login rewards and sell some stuff because I thought the rollback couldn't be fixed anymore.However in my honest opinion I think that EVERYONE should get noth items. Not just those who logged in during a specific time on Monday. I think everyone who was affected by the rollback deserves a license. It's just a little unfair what Anet decided here.I have to admit, I feel a little guilty and bad for myself and the others who didn't get anything.I hope the decision will be reconsidered. <3

    Haven't received anything yet, despite trying to log in when servers were down. No bonfire either.

    Nevermind. Just received the mount licence and bonfire. Feelsgoodman. Though I really wasn't affected by the rollback and downtime much as I didn't have much time to play over the weekend. So my condolences to those who were heavily affected and didn't get compensation thanks to weird login rules in order to qualify.

  9. @Cynder.2509 said:I just got an ingame mail with both of the items even though I didn't know I was eligibel for the mount license as I only logged in shortly on Monday to check some stuff and re-pickup login rewards and sell some stuff because I thought the rollback couldn't be fixed anymore.However in my honest opinion I think that EVERYONE should get noth items. Not just those who logged in during a specific time on Monday. I think everyone who was affected by the rollback deserves a license. It's just a little unfair what Anet decided here.I have to admit, I feel a little guilty and bad for myself and the others who didn't get anything.I hope the decision will be reconsidered. <3

    Haven't received anything yet, despite trying to log in when servers were down. No bonfire either.

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