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Posts posted by Squig.8132

  1. I really appreciate you guys discussing your ideas / thoughts with us! One thing that I'm somewhat concerned about - gutting antitoxin + nerfing condi cleanse on scrapper / FB, along with making necessary boons (stab, as to a lesser extent aegis) harder to get is going to make corrupts a lot more impactful. One advantage that antitoxin brought to scrapper is that you could out cleanse corrupts, so purity of purpose didn't turn into a liability (by giving extra corruption fodder). This will also make boons harder to get, which will make corrupts even more potent. I wouldn't be surprised if you'd see a lot more groups that were FB+FB+Scrapper+Scourge+Scourge in every party, with bigger groups steam rolling over smaller groups that can't survive the corrupts.

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