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Aria Lliane.8693

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Posts posted by Aria Lliane.8693

  1. 2 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    Can't you just buy the skyscale food instead of crafting it with Quartz?

    It costs 1.6 gold to craft and sells for 3.5g, which is significant, but that's just really 25 gold as an impatience tax at max.

    If you count all the collections on the Skyscale, you easily spend more than 25G even without buying the quartz.

    • Confused 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, BadHealer.3608 said:

    So when you are finished all of the story in Base+LS2+HoT+LS3+PoF+LS4+IBS+EOD you want to be forced to get skyscale at some point? What about the people that do not like the grind? Wont be be able to finish Guild Wars only because they do not want to get that many materials?

    Exactly, that's what OP does NOT want.

    • Confused 1
  3. 2 hours ago, miraude.2107 said:

    So let's put that in perspective here. Skyscale takes 3 days + 8 hours. That not just numbers I'm pulling out of my behind either. That's from the wiki. That's it's current formula.

    You can only craft 1 charged quatz a day, and you need... 12? if I remember correctly.
    So how do you craft 12 of those.

    And lets not forget that is only 1 Collection out of 5 Collections of 1 Achievement out of 5 Achievements.....
    Well, maybe if I convert 4 days into 96 hours those 4 days actually make sense.

    Lets try to give a realistic example, given a casual working man, playing that 5 hours per week..... ok makes +\- 19 weeks. ok, makes sense, I agree with you....

    The problem is when someone has a few hours per day to play, the last thing you wanna be doing is farming collections. You wanna do something fun.

    • Confused 1
  4. I've only grinded it for like 1 or 2 months until I gave up.

    I actually quit on the part where you need to craft a quartz each day to make food.

    Doing the skyscle felt like I was playing farmvile, and I dont like that type of game. If anything, this quest only made me hate the skyscale.

    It has been 1 year since then and I never went back... I think that by now my baby Skyscale starved to death on that sunspear cave asking for food... RIP baby Skyscale.

    (just like how tomatoes rotten in farmvile if you dont water them, they could make an update where if you leave him more than a year without food you will only find his bones lol)

    If something feels like a chore, then you are not having fun.

    To the guy saying "only took me 3 weeks casually" or something like that, there was a time when my "casual" was playing all day. that was 12 years ago, in GW1, when I was in university. Now I have a job and playing 2 hours a day is Hard Core gaming.

    Casual gaming is playing on the weekends for a few hours or on the toilet on your mobile games.

    Ok, jokes aside, some day I might finish it....

    • Haha 1
  5. Dear Robert, I feel you, as a back-end Dev, and as current Team Leader on my project, I also migrated servers from on-premise to AWS. All in this year of remote working. Now I feel even more connected to GW2 than before. Thanks for sharing your story, that I relate so much.

    Also, nice to know what happened on those days, we will also not forget them xD

    • Like 2
  6. Quote

    @Crab Fear.1624 said:The insta cast properties of eles make good for macros

    I have so many questions in one line. Lets start by, the what? You mean when you cast a spell and nothing happens, like you miss clicked it or something?

    You: Click 4
    Game: .....
    You: hey game i clicked a button!
    Game: Oh you did, witch one?
    You: mother effer, 4!
    Game: oh, alright, just wait a sec.
    You: spam 4!!!
    Game: oh that 4! ok, let me cancel that cast now, you clicked 2 times right?
    You: forget it, to late, captain abort the ship, i will just dodge crap.
    Game: oh you moved! Let me cancel that skill too.

  7. The most helpful thing right now, is not actually a 'best class'.Find in-game someone or some guild willing to teach someone new a bit.In my guild I've helped dozens of people start in pvp, from game 1.Because lets face it, with 4 days, there is probably still so much to learn. Just the previous week i picked up someone like you from the pvp lobby and teached for like 5 games. The guy was supper grateful and added me as friend for future matches.Dont be afraid to ask, as long as people are polite, someone might help.So, any class you are playing or like to play, you can improve by knowing the game better. In a pvp match things go fast and people need to make decisions in an instant, and so its normal to make errors, where to go, when to rez or not, when to stall for time or even knowing the maps, of course the more experience you have the better you will become at making a fast decision. But everyone makes errors when under pressure.For now you should start with the basics.

  8. First I have a question:You do realize that, if everyone goes for the "class that u think is the best of best", everyone will be playing the same class right?

    Now to answer,That's actually what happens. That's why you have 1 revenant mandatory in all and any team, can easily find 2 necros in the same team, 2 rangers in the same Team.Just be a mindless\brainless gamer like all the others and go with the meta. Go to godsofpvp.net copy, paste a build, be a zombie.

    Or, as long as you can live with yourself, be stuck in silver\gold for the rest of your life.

  9. I've been carried. As long as the team is good enough, 1 player can make the difference.Also, as a constant initial target from the other teams, just to have the luck to survive the bursts and all the shit, again, if the team is good enough, we can make it.Luck in counter classes will have detrimental effect on who goes down first in team fights.For example, I can survive some 1v2, but even 2v1s with the correct classes, the '1' might win that fight.

  10. I must be getting old.Back in my day we had no LFG system.GW teached how important it was to make friends, teach them and help each other. Was all about try again and again until you make it. We created LFG systems in websites, we created wikis. A Guild was a family.GW2 bring to the table dynamic events, no more spending hours LFG in the map chat, so easy to share rewards and just help other people. And be helped!

    Because lets face it, you suck, I suck, everyone sucks.Well, but no, not me, because I'm better than everyone else, arcdps tells me so. Shut up. Give the example! Everyone's here to have fun.

    I have no idea what its like in the top, but when i first did my very first 2v2 match and had no idea what to expect, this dude told me "you should quit the game".Well, im just a noob casual, that works full time, therefore with no time to play nowadays anyway, and I know i suck, so it had 0 effect on me.Ye, miss that time i spend all day playing, fuck college, fuck grades.Anyway, I've been constantly Gold for awhile now and i probably dont have the same time per day to play as that dude.

    On the past few months I've heard so many complain in pvp lobby chat, and so I teach people in Map chat that just start complaining about all the saltiness, and I just go and play a couple of games with them, teach them the game, the maps, when to rez when not to rez, what to do when you are outnumbered, when to go for the 3rd node or not.... these kids just don't have the patience to teach. Be good or go homeBut if there was one thing that GW has teach me since 2006 is that we reap what we sow, and since the very first day I started playing GW I started making friends that enjoy the game as much as I do.

    One thing I know, no pvp game will ever have as much salt as LoL.

  11. @"Kuma.1503" said:I would gladly trade a good few nerfs to rev's damage/sustain in exchange for bug fixes and quality of life improvements.

    to list a few:

    Sword 3: Either make it instant cast like smoke assault, or increase the latch range so the skill doesn't fail to latch onto targets that move out of range. It will also fail if quickness is gained/lost mid channel.

    Sword 5: Can no longer be casted without a target

    Staff 5: Beaten to death, but keep the windup, remove the self root.

    Shortbow 4: Castable behind the rev

    All renegade spirits: Fix "no valid path" when trying to cast on uneven terrain. (more of a PvE issue).

    I'll take a weaker, but more fluid Rev than an overpowered clunky rev any day of the week.

    Weird for a Tempest to be sharing pain with a Revenant, but i really do, I know what you mean.We have skills that take less than a second to cast "reportedly", but then when we need them we need to stay still for a longer time "the cast takes 1000 ms in total", and if you move after the skill is cast but before the 1s mark it cancels and still counts the CD time. 8DIts like "hey here's your CC skill, it CCs people... but you shouldn't also move or do anything else, cause Eles should always suck balls"

  12. @"Leonidrex.5649" said:btw, how did he get hit by 13 enchanted daggers ? lol

    I shared the same doubt.As per the wiki:Siphon Damage: 1,028 (0.06)?Siphon Healing: 768 (0.2)?Initial Heal: 1,640 (0.25)?Number of Hits: 6Duration: 15 secondsInterval: ½ seconds

    Base is 3.59K dmg\s, full base dmg for this skill is 10 776‬.With 2 attackers, if the skill hits 12 times with intervals of 1/2 second, in 3 seconds would hit 12 times, accounting for 21.5k dmg (without stats/armor or crits into account).

    Can anyone clear what the "Duration" means here?

    After carefully watching the vid he received the first hit at 10:30(or close to 11s) and he is downed at 12 (less than 1.5 secs later) dealing 2-3 hits while still up (that would make around 10k dmg for 2 revs) and then the remaining 3-4 hits when he is on the ground (the remaining 11k).All while receiving dmg from other skills too. And then he was 3 more secs downed.

    Yet number of hits is 13 not 12, and the dmg is only 12K not 21K is this because of armor? Still 6k dmg for 3 secs in 1 skill only is pretty sweet...But its almost as if only accounting for the damage of one of the revs.Those revs really unload all cargo in there, no one could survive that if not prepared in advance Rip.

    Btw, since now you posted this here, im pretty sure plays like this will start appearing in gold and silver ranks. ;(

  13. @Aihao.5824 said:just bring things they were before february patch

    that doesn't make sence.

    @memausz.7264 said:Nade kit specifically, to some extent flash bang, the sustain revenants, particularly mallyx revenants have, the amount of direct dmg thieves can pull off from stealth (I got 8.5Ked in 10 frames from stealth by a thief the other night), condi thief in general, Trapper Runes (DH should not have stealth and condi rangers get too much value from it), shock aura especially when shared (should be converted to a Daze), the double ports power revs can do that you don't see coming, flamethrower engis because the flamethrower isn't interactive, core necro only needing 10 seconds before popping full lazy shroud again (should be increased to 12 seconds), the 10+ stacks of burn guards can apply to you for 8+ seconds), and ranger's pulsing immobilizations. That's what I find to be broken and unhealthy for the game.

    90% agree with this. For the remaining 10%, why put Eles even weaker? The class almost got deleted since December, its only clinging to some niche technicalities, any new players prefers to play other classes for a reason. Most Eles already switched to Guardians, Rangers or Necros anyway, just leave the remaining alone.

    @Shiyo.3578 said:

    @"Aria Lliane.8693" said:
    1. Dragonhunters - will just cc the balls out of you, has good sustain and decent amounts of damage, and on top of that is not so squishy as a squishy Ele - what was the flaw again?

    Press the dodge button to avoid traps, walk out of symbols.

    Just to get pulled and pushed back again. What is the point? Just better to leave him be and go some other node really.

    @ZDragon.3046 said:imo

    1 Elementalist (specifically the elites and Lightning Rod)tl;dr Tempest needs nerfs ever since the overall nerf patch dropped and 2v2 revealed just how strong they were.

    For years less and less people are playing Elementalist for all the consecutive nerfs.Last December patch was the most impactfull.The February 2v2 patch made even more people leave the class. Right now no one enjoys playing the class, there's only a few left.I don't get your point. I would prefer my team to have 2 revenants, 2 guardians, 2 necros, 2 mesmers or 2 rangers any day to any 2 ele combo.If you are here because some Tempest kicked ya but in pvp, then give him a medal, hats off to him\her.

    I would really love to see a chart of the amount of players playing each class every day in pvp, and the % of games won per class.

  14. As a Tempest, and as the squishy-est class in the game, my top struggles are:Rangers (any and all types, but specially if they use a bow, should include deadeyes here [hell, even warriors or guardians with a bow could be here], can do so much dmg while easily keeping the distance, almost seems unfair) - Revenants (so much cc, and so much dmg, an all round strong class) - Dragonhunters (master of CCs and sustain) - Warriors (spellbreakers, they just need to strip you of your buffs and kill you in 2 hits, that easy) - Mesmers (shatter-tons-of-dmg-master-of-1hit-kills-with-5k-condis) - Deadeyes (hit and run, you can't hit what you can't see ºinsert john cena u cant see me emoteº) - Weaver (can never kill a weaver... just wth)

    What i feel comfortable fighting against (guess this would be in a 1v1).... any other Tempest, its squeeshy as hell, so easy to cc and kill.

    As of general OPness top list, that can basically solo any\most role(s) in a Team fight without major issue or would just be so OP if you had 2 or 3 of them:

    1. Revenants - a class without a con or a flaw is just op right? (just today in a match 1 rev kept far for our team.... lol I totally felt bad for the other Team)
    2. Dragonhunters - will just cc the balls out of you, has good sustain and decent amounts of damage, and on top of that is not so squishy as a squishy Ele - what was the flaw again?
    3. Any Ranger class... but specially Soulbeast - and i still don't know how the hell a Ranger(also mesmers) times their interrupts for my skills when pvp has so much delay between skill-click\cast
    4. The white background of gw2 forums - this shyt burns my eyes, should be grey or at least have a "night mode" saved on profile.

    Just wanted to comment on the discussion you guys had about Druids, its true you don't see many in pvp, but at least in raids the preferred support classes are Guardian and Druid. The top reason is Alacrity or Aegis and Stability. I also think Guardian is more preferred in pvp than for example tempest.

  15. I play Ele since 2006 (gw1)Since Tempest came out I've been playing tempest.I don't recommend anyone to play Tempest.

    @Arheundel.6451 said:Yes...there will be always the try hard using some sort of offensive ele but....why put so much effort in a stupid videogame when you here to relax/have fun? Just play a guardian, a ranger or necro or engi.....

    I've seen many people ditch Ele for other classes. I don't blame them. I feel the same way, I'm just too stubborn.

    Don't play Ele.Unless you have some sort of obsession with the class like the Tempests you see in gold+Yes I'm one of them.

    Currently the only positive about Eles is some CC and revive, you will see that any build has tornado ulti and glyph of revival, but yet again... kind of useless in the end if you are a 2 trick class.

    As a weaver, and per the current state of the game, you will be able to make your foes float for a long time, that is your main trick.

  16. Anyone that made any kind of progress during the time it was rolled back was affected. Anyone that could not login during 11-May was affected. Anyone that was again hit by the issue on 12-May was affected (yes no one is talking about it, but on 12th there was also issues).

    Does all these people deserve an amazing skin? No.Are any of these people entitled to free stuff? No.Are we all mad? Yes.Will this stop many of these people from using the store for the next weeks, months? Yes.Are people afraid to do progress and\or use the store and lose stuff? Yes.

    It all comes down to one thing; Is Anet concerned?

  17. @LetoII.3782 said:Yeah I'm totally buying the idea that WvW is a charity project that brings in no bacon

    Players enjoy the game because There Are Different Types of Game Modes. Since gw factions, big scale pvp was always an attraction, even if only once a month, players go back to it. It adds up to the overall player happiness with the game.Keeps your players happy, and they will spend a couple bucks once in awhile in the store.

  18. I'm so disappointed to see GW surrender to Unreal Engine. As a gamer that tried many Unreal Engine games and as a Software Programmer that experimented using UE.I'm very sorry to see this happen.Most games I tried from Unreal Engine have even worst performance than GW, just look at some of the most played games in 2019 from UE and see how crap they are (Pubg, Paladins, Dauntless, Fortnite), or even old games like Ark, still have crap performance.At least gw2 can run in a 2010 Core 2 Duo. Go do that on any of those games.I myself started experimenting with UE, and man performance is not their thing, just make an empty game with nothing on it, and its automatically heavier than GW.I was really hopping they would follow good examples, like Path of Exile that after investigating decided to use use Maya with some custom tools, or maybe the mighty Bungie with Destiny 2, but no, ANet always making the weird decisions that no one understands.I really hope they don't regret this.I myself (as a no-one and belonging to no company) will stay with Godot.

  19. @"Infusion.7149" said:^ Trying to overload without stability is a recipe for disaster ; support tempest is team player so it really isn't good on its own

    It's 392 + 0.1 Healing power rather than 0.1 healing power per pulse with 3220 + 0.75* healing power at the end , I'm not sure if that helps you but keep that in mind.

    If you say I cant use it without a specific trait, that for me is the confirmation that something is wrong.

    That's why I think it's not an option. Having Stab trait instead of regen on auras is for me a huge loss on overall healing, even with Overload Water becoming more of an option.If you can measure your amount of healing done (you + mate). (Used arcdps -self skills- for measure) A very much lot of the healing done is via Regen boons granted (for a healing support) so, having Regen boons on aura is a lot more synergy with an healing build, at least compared to water overload heal, Regen is 0.125hp + any Concentration you have in your build. As a Tempest you can be spamming auras every 3-5 seconds, so adding that Regen to the Healing from Elemental Bastion (522 + 0.55hp). Is much more important than having Water Overload available when it heals most of 5.5K having to spend 4secs of your fight to do it in the process (and a very sqweeshy high healing build), a very occasional heal because even with Stab, you will have a lot of fight time loss so you need to be extra careful not to "abandon" your mate for 4 seconds.Having perma-regen makes a huge difference, and its on aura apply, so it's insta-cast.I easily ignore WaterOverload, even when I have Water Trait always. In a 2v2 match is very rare for me to think "and here i can spent 4 secs of my fight trying to heal for 5.5K." That only happens when the foe is downed.Cant see that happen. Needs a more efficient way.

    Ive been interrupted a lot, mainly because of overload Air, but not because of water, they don't even bother. It heals balls. They save their interrupts for air.

  20. I understand and relate with most of the arguments here. But some i don't.

    [silver PVP Tempest point of view]I will try to apply my reason to all Eles. (except Weavers, op Weavers <.<)

    I can agree warhorn is dead.I do not agree Staff is dead. Most of the matches I use D/D, depending on the opposing team, at the start of the game you can choose what weapons you bring.If I'm going against 2 ranged classes i take Staff.Staff is a support tool, from the core age of D&D where the Magicians would stay back cast powerful spells from afar.You are in a 2v2, you will not be afar, you will be punched in the face and like it, and you will not have a team supporting you, no tank, no healer.But some matches I still use staff, it give the most uptime of Magnetic Aura, which is a must when against Rangers and Deadeyes.And yes, you can win with that staff, on that situation only.

    I do not agree that the Balance was bad.Back in 2018 and early 2019 I was Silver ranked. After the patch from November\December i went down, by winter holiday i could not get to Silver, i got bronze -.-Now after the balance I'm at silver again. I think this proves something, and in 2v2 on top of everything.

    Our class was (also) nerfed, but the nerf on all classes was a good thing, and most of the things i was still complaining about 2 weeks ago, got addressed on the last minor patch. I feel good playing Ranked as a Tempest now and I'm proud to say it, because I don't think it's easy compared to other classes...

    Also, I recommend watching a streamer playing pvp Tempest called GirlWars, she many times is playing gw1 or doing other stuff, but when she's playing gw2 pvp Tempest, i love it.

    Cheers, Aria.

    Edit:Forgot to say something. Relating to core ele being competitive... it's a very sensitive subject.My way of thinking is, the base game and core Professions are now free to play.Normally if you want to be competitive you should "buy the game", because it means you like the game enough to make you want to be competitive and want to get into the competitive scene.From a business point of view it makes sense to be demo\payed versions.In my case I bought all versions of Guild Wars. Guild Wars Prophecies, GW Factions, GW Nightfall, GW EotN, GW2, GW2 HoT, GW2 PoF, and will most probably buy the next Cantha expansion. (yey Cantha! makes anoying fan-girl noises)There was a time when i thought (hey! i paid for gw2, i don't need to have HoT to be competitive), but i can understand it. (yes later I bought also gw2 expansions).

  21. @Butterfly Kingdom.8349 said:Overload Water: Reduced pulse heal coefficient from 0.2 to 0.1. Reduced maximum number of targets from 10 to 5.

    After weeks of using this.Overload Water just makes the user Cannon fodder. You are made to stay in a casting status for 4 seconds, very easy to interrupt, and now you heal nothing.Tempest's Overloads are the supposed to be the most important feature of the class. This one can now be safely ignored. It does more arm to the user than good, except in very safe situations. Overload Water should be the life saver, not your doom.

    Lets go to math.A full on healing equipment, Mender Amulet + Rune of Dwayna = max 1,175 Healing Power.what is 0.1 of that? 118 HP

    So, even forsaking all of the Power Meta, and going full on Healing, you get 118 HP, always.

    Please make Overload Water Relevant and not a pain in the arse for who casts it.

    Before this patch it was bad for Support Tempests.Now that most classes do less damage is better, overall I liked the changes across classes (also with the latest minor changes, yes I noticed, Thank you).But we also lost this very important skill.Id really like to see a Tempest get to higher pvp ranks. Make Tempest more competitive please.FireBrand needs competition.

    Have a good day. Thank you.

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