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Posts posted by SwiftWing.8192

  1. Xen,Where do you think the population imbalance comes from? As stated in my first post, I believe it's due to transfers. And why do players transfer? Again, from my first post, it is to manipulate matches. If we can stop players from manipulating matches, that will in itself deter transfers. Just so we are clear, I'm not saying it will eliminate transfers.

  2. With guilds trying to game the system by hopping servers and creating chaos among host servers, why are we still sticking with tiers? As I understand it, tiers was used at the beginning to basically rank servers. However with huge players transferring from one server to another, that was basically thrown out the window.So I suggest that we get rid of tiers completely and move to a pool type system. For NA, there are currently 12 hosts servers. I don't know how many there are in EU. So for NA, create two pools with 6 servers each. For eight weeks, each servers play other servers in round-robin type matches. Since there are only two pools and more servers in each pool, it will be harder to manipulate. This should deter the huge transfers that are currently going on.

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