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Posts posted by Zeedus.5684

  1. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @"Zeedus.5684" said:Hey, think you could give me a go? My scrapper Engineer. I'd like something that makes him look a little more armored up, the build I'm running is a tanky one. Idk how this works, but here's a picture. X.x
    Others can correct me, but IMO there really isnt any "heavy" armor medium skin for Asura. There's breastplate sure but its skintight. Most medium armor is just small plates over portions of it, kneepads and the like. Bulkier armor is just... bulkier, not so much plate. If you want a better gemstore outfit, then the Dynamics Exo Suit is much more thematically fitting. The newer Mist Stranger outfit is also good if you want lots of shiny plate.

    I managed a little! Using the Asura Racial armor.http://prntscr.com/otucaa

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