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Posts posted by Arsybald.6548

  1. Hello Arenanet!

    Because for many players, fashion wars is very important, how about giving us the opportunity to create a figure of our own character?

    What inspired this idea are the figures on this link https://www.heroforge.com/

    Hopefully I'm not breaking any rules by posting the link as I don't want to advertise them. I simply think it would be great if GW2 had its own similar figure creation editor and ability to obtain collector or unique character figures.

    I think it would make a lot od players happy.

  2. Hello everyone,I'd like to ask whether anyone has files for a 3D print of a choya figure? There's lots of quaggan ones to be found online but I haven't seen any choya and would very much want one.If anyone could share theirs, I would be very happy and grateful! Choya forever!

    P. S. the Green one with the red flower on top of the head would be best

  3. Hello everyone,I'd like to ask whether anyone has files for a 3D print of a choya figure? There's lots of quaggan ones to be found online but I haven't seen any choya and would very much want one.If anyone could share theirs, I would be very happy and grateful! Choya forever!

    P. S. the Green one with the red flower on top of the head would be best

  4. Hello to the Arenanet team, especially the devs,

    I am really enjoying playing GW2 and all the playable content.Of course, one cannot stay online and play all the time. So, an idea struck me, why not be connected with Guild Wars even when we don’t sit in front of a PC. We could simply go have a drink with fiends, with family on a trip, or just simply go for a walk for our health’s sake. And all the while we would know we are in a way still connected to our favourite game. A mobile app would count how many steps we‘ve walked in a 24-hour period, and would then convert the count to a currency usable in the Guild Wars 2 game. The result would be a good feeling about ourselves as well as from the earned rewards. Why not give the players a new dimension to their game and satisfaction even when not sitting at the desk playing it? Nevertheless, it would be the first time a game rewards players for an active time spent outside of the fame, which would in return create the incentive to come back to it, and the first time would be yours.

    I hope my idea will catch your attention and will be worth your time.

    Best regards,Arsybald.6548

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