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Posts posted by Fisheye.9147

  1. EdVHK8Z.png

    How anyone let alone Anet can look at this picture and think "Oh yeah this human really likes pvp aye" when what most players see is "Oh yeah another bot that can bot ranked pvp without repurcussions"

    If pvp is so dead in this game Anet have to resort to having their own bots so people will get queue faster or that they let others bots pass they should let us know. I know this probably is not the case but having seen so many bots continue for so long i wouldnt be surprised. Not saying anything and having to see the same bots play every day even if you report them even with video evidence doesnt look very good for the game.

    Seeing bots and teleport hackers reign free even in high plat games is discouraging and doesnt entice me to buy gems to support this game.

    My suggestion is for anet to automatically flag accounts that reach 500 matches every season, then they can go and look at those accounts how they behave in match and if they are botting ban them. If a player can see if an account runs a bot program surely Anet has to have the tools to see this aswell.

    I have played other games where bots are treated more harshly but in this game they seem to get a free pass or atleast free pass until "ban waves" happen which are not frequently enough.Other games dont handle bots with kid gloves, if they are botting they are banned.

    Banning people in waves does not cut it, bans need to be handed out faster for bots, in my experience i have reported bots on monday with video evidence and still see them the next week. Anet needs to be faster handling these reports.

    In a official forumpost not long ago Anet talk about reviewing every report, but this feels like empty words when the same bots spam 1k+ games every ranked season.

    My idea is people would enjoy Guildwars 2 pvp more if bots reports are handled faster after reading others forumposts on this forum and on reddit.

  2. @Swagger.1459 said:

    @Trump.6983 said:Multiboxing in pvp had been a problem prior to this change, teams with multiple accounts would team up for tournaments and just afk. This would give them participation rewards such as gold coin. This is of course not healthy for the game and everyone praised this change.

    How is this different than semi afking multiple accounts for pip ticks in wvw? The approach is nearly the same, except that pvp tournaments are 4 times per day and WvW ticks around the clock.

    @Trump.6983 said:While prohibiting multiboxing in pvp makes sense, multiboxing in world vs world was also forbidden. This is unfortunate and should have not been implemented the way it was. There are legitimate ways of multiboxing in world vs world that does not ruin the experience for other players or makes you absolutely useless to your teammates, like in pvp.

    True, but sometimes it is easier to flat out disallow something then have to monitor it and let's face it: what you are suggesting would require dedicated monitoring of behavior.

    Also multi-boxing directly affects slot availability on a wvw map. Can you guarantee that a multi-boxer leaves map when the map turns full? Again, this requires monitoring.

    The question is not if multi-boxing
    be implemented. The question is
    it be implemented, and unfortunately the answer here is very likely: no.

    There are simmilarities but the reward track pips requires participation which only lasts for so long. You have to actively play to keep your participation up.

    Thats a fair point, but rules are meant for people who abide to them. People who already breach the policies now will continue to breach them. This update would allow people who actually wants to PLAY with multiple accounts legitimately to do so. People who grieve the opposing servers will continue to do so no matter what policies ANet have. Multiboxers would be easier to monitor because there are so few of us.

    The question is should it be implemented, and unfortunately the answer here is very likely: no. >Based on the lack of developer activity on threads like this i am afraid you are right.

    The devs read the forums, this section included.

    There is no need for players to have multiple accounts unless it's to collect more rewards... And it's easy to do. Anet will not green light players being able to take up limited map population space for players who want to bot/multi-box. And you are sorely mistaken if you don't think a ton of ppl have multiple machines to bot stuff and take up player spaces on maps. It would also be easy to abuse against other servers in a coordinated fashion.

    With all that said... You are not getting the devs to let players bot with multiple accounts. No valid or necessary reason to.

    Botting is prohibited across all gamemodes.

    Yes border maps has limited spots but not all servers have queues throughout the day, mostly during peak hours and not on all servers. While a valid point i think this is an non-issue and would not negatively impact the state of wvw.

    If people bot or actively grieve others they risk the chance of being sanctioned. Changing the rules wont make it easier for botters or grievers to do it because they already are, it just gives legitimate players a chance to play the gamemode without being completely locked off to do so.

    Unlike pve, in wvw you have to actively play to keep your reward participation up, yes shared participation exists but for that you need to be in a squad with enough members, and that commander have to give you that participation.

  3. Can you explain why Desolation loses their link and WSR keep theirs, this is what the current war score is https://prnt.sc/ro24t9 and looks like in most matchups WSR plays, why do they get to have a link when they clearly have the most experienced fighting players. Not only do they have a linked server that people can bandwagon to but their server does not even have full status like desolation does. People are leaving Desolation in droves and because its got full status people can leave but not join.

    Maybe you should care more about balanced matchups rather then artifically push unbalanced matchups to promote bandwagoning so you can make $$$.

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